The arrival of Kusanagi Village seemed to send some signal, and in the next two days, people from other villages arrived one after another, but they were all small ninja villages, and none of the five major ninja village levels had arrived.

Originally, those grass ninja villages ran over to watch as soon as they arrived, but at this time, they also lost that fresh energy, and the small ninja village came, and they could no longer let them specifically "investigate".

It wasn't until all the small ninja villages arrived that the other four ninja villages were late.

The reason why they came late, in addition to the fact that their village was indeed far from Konoha, was more the reason for putting up shelves.

Although I promised you Konoha to take the Chu Shinobi Exam, but I arrived a long time in advance, which is somewhat of a bit of a joke about Konoha's smelly feet.

Therefore, only when those small ninja villages arrive, the four big ninja villages will become a normal rushing speed.

As for the little ninja village, will it be late too? That's okay, but the next thing that greeted them was to be abolished by the four big ninja villages in the Zhongnin exam.

Among the four great ninja villages, the first to arrive in Konoha is Suna, and like the original, it is still led by Maki.

Their arrival once again triggered a collective onlooker from Konoha, but the guys were quickly driven away by Nara Shikahisa, who was in charge of greeting Sunahi.

The small ninja village is also concerned, and the big ninja village is still engaged in these, doesn't it seem that Konoha has no knowledge.

However, this does not prevent Miracle from prying into your eyes, and under Miracle Detective's detection, Suna's information is quickly exposed to Uchiha Taki's mind.

But Uchiha Taki didn't let the miracle stay with you for long, because Sunahide has no detective value at all, just a school of trash fish that has no name in the original book.

Although it is not like Kusanagi Village to completely give up the game, but at most it is the level of bullying and bullying Xiaonincun, and it is a complete dream to compare with the others.

According to the level of the group of competitors that Uchiha Taki saw in Yunyin, not to mention crushing, at least 73 kai, Yunyin 7, and Shayin 3.

Of course, this is also because Yunyin knows that it will be dangerous to come to Konoha, so he specially strengthens it.

Although there is no way to deal with Yunyin in an upright manner, after all, people are invited.

But just like the Uchiha clan said that they would hunt Yunyin in the Zhongnin Exam, as long as they signed a life and death certificate in actual combat, then they could kill people in an upright manner.

Even if Yunyin's leader Shinobu watched, there was no way to stop it, because these were all in the rules.

Not long after, Nara Shikahisa and Markey were chatting and walking, and they arrived at the hotel arranged for them by Konoha.

"This is the hotel exclusive to your Shayin, and apart from the staff of the hotel, there are only your Shayin people." Nara Shikaku said politely.

"Yes, then thank Konoha for the hospitality." Markey also immediately understood what Nara Shikaku meant.

The whole hotel belongs to you, but again, don't make trouble for us anywhere else.

However, this time, there was no Konoha collapse plan planned by Orochimaru, and Markey naturally answered it honestly.

A group of Shinobi who were training at the Uchiha Clan's training ground were discussing the matter of Sunahide while doing their own training.

"Shizuku-sama, Taki, what do you think of Shinobu?" Uchiha Shigeru asked while exchanging with Uchiha Shizuku.

"What do you think, our goal is Yun Shinobu, what does it have to do with Sand Shinobu, you might as well train seriously if you have this mind." Uchiha Shizuku said as he strengthened the strength in his hand.

"He should be worried that the four Shinobi Villages will unite against us." Uchiha Taki added.

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Shizuku hurriedly asked.

"Have you forgotten the statement jointly issued by the four of them some time ago?" Uchiha Taki reminded.

Hearing Uchiha Taki's speculation, the Shimo-Shinobi who were training around also began to gradually stop their movements and watch the Kami Shinobi sent by the Uchiha clan to teach them.

"It's up to me to train well, you can all know this kind of thing, the patriarch and Naruto-sama will they not know?"

But after a few seconds, the Shangnin said again: "If they really join forces in the exam, then don't think about hunting Yunyin, revenge is very important, but you are more important." "

After being awakened that the four great ninja villages may join forces, the training ground seems to be shrouded in a layer of gloom.

"You guys train well, I'll leave first." Uchiha came to guide them and left the training ground without leaving a word.

If Uchiha Taki wasn't mistaken, he should have gone to Fugaku or the other Konoha high-ranking officials to inquire and ask for an answer that would allow these Shinobi to train with peace of mind.

However, Uchiha Taki and a few people on the training ground were not too worried, just like that Kami-Shinobu said, the high-level of Konoha was not a fool or blind, how could he not do anything.

The clouds of gloom on the training ground did not dissipate until the afternoon, when Iwahi's ninja finally arrived in Konoha.

"Taki, won't you go over and take a look?" Uchiha Shizuku asked as he watched the people in the training ground leave one after another.

"Sister Shizuku, if you want to go yourself, go there, I have something to do next, I won't participate in the afternoon training, by the way, be careful to be driven back by Lord Shikaku." Uchiha Taki replied.

It's not that he is perfunctory, but he really has something, although all kinds of things have been arranged there, he definitely has to keep an eye on it to prevent accidents.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow, Lord Shikaku don't worry, my strength can't be fake."

Uchiha Shizuku did not force it, her heart had already drifted to Iwa Shinobu at the entrance of the village, and the two guys who had retired from Shinobu like her had already gone to investigate the intelligence.

But what intelligence to really collect, she has to be Uchiha Shizuku.

She is the only one of the three retired "lower ninjas" who has opened the three gou jade and her real strength has reached the special level of upper ninja.

Uchiha Taki estimates that among all the participants, except for himself, Uchiha Shizuku's strength can at least rank in the top three, and even compete for the first place.

But the next day, when Uchiha returned to Konoha and continued to train with them, he saw Uchiha Shizuku's expression a little solemn.

"Sister Shizuku, do you have anything on your mind, I feel that you were absent-minded when you trained today." Uchiha Taki asked as he found a chance that no one else was around.

"Oh, you weren't there yesterday, so you don't know, there is a troublesome guy over there in Yanyin."

"Troublesome guy?"

"Yes, disciple of Tokage Onoki, Akato."

Hearing Uchiha Shizuku say this, Uchiha Taki immediately understood why she had this expression.

Although Terracotta does not have many scenes in the original work, it is like a background board, but in the real world of Hokage, this guy's resume is scary enough.

Like Deidara and Kurotsuchi, they are both disciples of Onoki and have served as the earth shadow guardian of Onoki and Kurotsuchi in a row, and this resume is very strong in any ninja village.

Even if he is still young, it is enough to attract the attention of others.

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