"Forget it, Meng Ye has long been promoted to middle patience, and it is a little inappropriate to participate now."

For such a thing as the Chūnin exam, Uchiha Taki's first reaction was to feel troublesome, in case Tsunade's clue appeared at this time, wouldn't it be delayed.

"It's not a big problem, even if you don't team up with your previous teammates, you can easily get together three people in the clan, but there are many people in the clan who are ready to participate." Shuishui persuaded again.

Last time Yunyin caused such a big thing in Konoha, although the Uchiha clan was forcibly pressed back by Shisui and Fugaku, their anger towards Yunyin was not suppressed at all.

Now that there is such a legitimate opportunity as the Zhongnin Exam, the Uchiha clan almost directly released the words, wanting to let all the contestants of Yunyin go back sideways.

For this news, the Konoha high-level did not choose to suppress it, but let them go with the flow.

This can see the difference between Bofeng Shuimen and the three generations, if it is the third generation, it may forcibly suppress this rumor for the sake of so-called peace, and then warn the Uchiha family that they can no longer say it.

In the end, it can only lead to the relationship between the three generations and Uchiha getting worse and worse, after all, the martial arts faction in the Uchiha family is the mainstream, and being led by the three generations of people from the heart is naturally uncomfortable everywhere.

Even Shisui was also satisfied with Konoha's high-level handling plan this time, although he had stopped those clansmen before, but it was his reason that told him that he could not do anything to the envoys, if it was changed to his heart, he would not like Yunyin's gang to die.

The current Zhongnin Exam, that is the opportunity to deal with Yunyin justifiably, as long as Uchiha does not make a move against Yunyin's leading team, then he will only support unconditionally.

"I'd better think about it again." Uchiha Taki was a little moved, if he didn't need to find a new teammate by himself, he still wanted to see the Shinobi exam.

Seeing his thoughts, Shuishui said with a smile: "It's up to you, but you may have underestimated your popularity."

Uchiha Taki was about to draw a question mark when he saw two people running towards him in the distance.

"Taki, have you decided on a teammate to take the Chūnin exam?" The two stopped and immediately asked.

"If you don't decide, why don't you join us." Another person immediately added.

"I haven't planned to take the exam yet." Uchiha Taki said a little confused.

"Why don't you participate, with us here, you will definitely be guaranteed to win."

"I'll think about it again, don't worry."


Perfunctory to the two people who came to him, Uchiha Taki looked at Shisui, just now the two of them completely treated Shisui as air, as if he didn't exist.

Shisui smiled bitterly and didn't say anything, since he used Susanoo to stop those clansmen who were looking for trouble with Yunyin, now most clansmen treated him as air.

Even some shops in the tribal land did not sell him anything, forcing him to buy it outside the tribal land.

After being silent for a while, Shishui cheered up and said with a smile: "Can you feel how popular you are, in order to avoid people coming to you every day, you'd better find a good teammate as soon as possible."

Uchiha Taki nodded, "Well, I see. "

If nothing else, they should have targeted their identity as medical ninjas.

These guys who have experienced war understand how much advantage having a good medical ninja can give them.

Therefore, Uchiha Taki, the only medical ninja of the Uchiha family, is naturally particularly popular among the Uchiha clan. (Itachi can't take the exam yet.) )


Looking back at Yunyin Village, Uchiha Taki had learned the name of the Kami Shinobi who was speaking in the ring through the conversations of others, his name was Ben, and he was in charge of this selection of Shimo Shinobi.

If nothing else, he will stay here until the contestants are selected.

This is unacceptable to Uchiha Taki, he came to get information from him, and it is not okay to be dragged here all the time, so Uchiha Taki is ready to surprise him.

He sends you an intangible miracle to Ben's side, touches the cup he uses to drink, and pours bad luck into it.

It didn't take long for Uchiha Taki to wait, and doom was quickly triggered.

The two Shinobi who were fighting in the ring threw a kunai at each other, and the kunai collided briefly in the air, splashing imperceptible sparks, and then fell around.

This scene has been played out countless times in the thousands of years of history of the ninja world, and every ninja has become accustomed to it, believing that this is the most basic way to fight and will not cause damage to powerful ninjas.

It wasn't until this kunai pierced Ben's back deeply, and blood sprayed into the faces of the others, that they realized something was wrong.

"Lord Ben!"

This sudden situation suddenly made the people around them dumbfounded, and the two people in the ring also stopped fighting, but stood still in place.

Even Ben himself was a little confused, he just turned his back a little and chatted with his friends, and he could actually be injured by mistake?

But after all, it is Yunyin's upper patience, this tendon flesh is not practiced in vain, plus there are not many bad lucks imposed on you by miracles, so he has not suffered a very serious injury.

Ben endured the pain and commanded: "You guys continue to play, I'll go to the hospital for treatment."

Uchiha Taki followed behind him unhurriedly with divine power, and after coming to the hospital, he also observed Yunyin's hospital by the way.

He had also worried that after those rich merchants fell ill, they would not go to Konoha to post tasks, but chose to publish tasks in their own ninja village, causing him to miss Tsunade's clues.

However, after coming to Yunyin, he found that his worries were completely superfluous, and from the professional perspective of Uchiha Taki, Yunyin's medical level was just one word, pull! Pull until you can't pull anymore!

Unlike the major ninja villages, which occupy a part of tasks such as battle escort, Konoha is a unique existence in terms of medical treatment.

With the huge accumulation of information left by Senjukuma and Tsunade, there is no need to worry about this task being snatched up by other ninja villages.

One of the few ninja villages that can still achieve success in medical treatment, Uchiha Taki is estimated to be Kusanagi Village and Sunahide Village.

However, Kusanagi Village was treated by directly biting the incense and her mother, so it would not go public.

Although Sunahide has Chiyo's teachings, it is barely okay, but Suna's property is too pulled, and the medicine is everywhere clamped by several other countries, so there is no spare power to go outside.

Ben's wound treatment is very fast, basically simple hemostasis, suturing, medicine, and then bandaging is over, even simple medical ninjutsu is useless.

When Ben was well healed and ready to go back to continue the selection of contestants, Uchiha Taki took advantage of the fact that there was no one around and quietly controlled him with illusion.

And this time no one disappointed him, he successfully knew the specific location of the two snatched guys.

It's just that what Uchiha didn't expect was that the child from Hinata's family had actually left Yunyin and was personally escorted to Turtle Island by Kirabi.

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