Next to a towering giant tree, the figure of Ye Cang appeared, she carried the prepared Uchiha clan people with one hand, and looked at the big snake pill and them.

"How did you get so fast?" Orochimaru did not let down his guard and asked cautiously.

The scorpion was also on guard along with the big snake pill.

The fifteen minutes they originally set was the limit, but Ye Cang abruptly shortened this time by nearly half, which is no wonder that they dare not let their guard down.

"Don't be so nervous, I'll release the burning escape for you to see."

Ye Cang didn't come closer, she knew what the big snake pill was worried about, so she also only used a little to release the burning chakra this time.

When they saw Ye Cang release the scorching retreat, both the big snake pill and the scorpion breathed a sigh of relief, although they had not completely let down their guard, but they were much better than at the beginning.

In this world, appearances can be camouflaged and intelligence can be leaked, but this kind of power from bloodlines is still difficult to replicate.

As for Ye Cang's betrayal of the Xiao Organization and defecting to Konoha, they really haven't thought much about it, if they turn to Konoha, they can already do it, so why wait until now.

"Why can you start so quickly, wouldn't it be in advance?" Although Orochimaru lowered his guard a little, he still asked suspiciously.

The reason why he arranged such an extreme time was so that Konoha would not have time to react.

If Ye Cang had started in advance, then his arrangement would have been meaningless.

"I didn't start in advance, and the doppelganger was also arranged there, I can only say that I was lucky and didn't encounter the patrolling guard department and the dark department." Ye Cang replied half-truthfully.

"Okay then, let's hide first." Although the big snake pill did not believe everything, he saw that Ye Cang did not attract anyone, or make any movement, so he first pressed down the words.

Scorpion and Ye Cang followed the big snake pill and went to a place to hide, which was once used by the root, and after the root was banned, this place became the territory of the dark part.

However, the Bofeng Shui Gate did not transform it, so the secrecy from the roots was still retained, and now it has become the hiding place of several people in the big snake pill.

"Are you sure there is no problem with the doppelganger?" After hiding, Orochimaru asked again.

The entity avatar is also a very important part of Orochimaru's plan this time, and Ye Cang needs to let the entity avatar disguise himself as that person using the transformation technique after kidnapping the person.

Although it can't be disguised for a long time, it's enough to make Konoha confuse their true purpose at first.

"It's definitely no problem, you might as well worry about your own body, without the technique of robbing other people's faces, can you still disguise."

Being questioned continuously made Ye Cang's tone have some thorns, but the big snake pill was not angry because of this, and Ye Cang's attitude could make him feel at ease.

"Then don't worry about you, since I dare to let the body stay here, it means that I am not afraid of being discovered." Orochimaru replied.

This time, without the restraint of experimental equipment, he can directly let Longdi Cave reverse himself.

If it weren't for the fact that Longdi Cave couldn't take people casually, I was afraid that these two guys who were going to make a difference would be eaten by the immortals in Longdi Cave, and the big snake pill wanted to take them away directly with reverse psychic.

"Calculate the time, the horn should be almost there." The scorpion did not join the two in secretly fighting, but calculated the time and said.

As soon as Orochimaru wanted to answer, he saw a flame rising up not far away, followed by a deafening explosion.

"Is that Kakuto?" Ye Cang saw a black figure with a child trying to approach the predetermined alternate target location.

"Ye Cang, you and the scorpion's body take the people first, follow this tunnel all the way, and then climb up and leave at the sixth lighting torch." The big snake pill quickly opened the secret door of the secret passage at the root and commanded Ye Cang and the scorpion.

"Damn, that waste has really been discovered, if he can't make up for my loss after he goes back, then he will die!" The scorpion murderously separated a doppelganger, and then took several scrolls with puppets from the body.

This is his mission this time, once someone is discovered, then he will use a puppet to help.

Although the scorpion that controls the puppet can use the doppelganger, the puppet cannot be used, so it was said before that if he was discovered, his loss would be great.

And the moment Ye Cang opened the secret door, he galloped with the Uchiha clan, and without using the time-space type of reverse psychic technique, Ye Cang, who had a strong physical skill, was the fastest in the gang.

On the other side, Kakuto's luck can be said to be really bad, originally he was fine when he and the big snake pill acted together.

But when he left with the child of the Hyuga family, he happened to run into a sleepless sleep, so he rushed to the water stop for the shift in advance.

A tall man, with a thin child, is a bit problematic to look at.

Not to mention that although Kakuto said that he was bringing his own children home, who brought his children home was carried with one hand.

And when the water stopped and let the child say a word, the child who was drugged by the big snake pill couldn't say a word.

So after a few seconds of awkward silence, the two quickly broke out into a fierce war.

Don't look at Kadoto was chased around by Jiraiya before, and in the original book, it was also killed by Naruto, Kakashi, who has not fully grown up.

But before he found out the secret of his heart, even Zi Lai suffered a lot of losses, not to mention the water stop that was much worse than Zi Lai.

When facing the sudden outbreak of Kakuto, he was forced out of Susanoo in a matter of seconds.

Kakuto, as an old man who has experienced the era of Uchiha's version, although his response to the Sharingan is not as strong as that of Kai in the later period, but it is much stronger than most people.

After seeing that the water was suppressed by himself, he immediately separated thunder, fire, and wind, these three extremely powerful attribute doppelgangers, and he ran towards the spare place with the water and earth two hearts that were biased towards life and defense.

Seeing Kakuto's body leaving, Uchiha Taki, who was secretly observing, was slightly relieved.

Horns can die, but they must not die at the hands of Konoha or anyone else, and don't forget, he still has a tongue in his mouth.

Once it falls into the hands of others, even if it triggers the tongue bane seal, there will still be black ink marks on the tongue.

If this information leaks out, it is very likely that Ye Cang will be exposed.

So just now, if the horns are controlled by illusion, Uchiha Taki will let the miracle turn into an entity for you to save him, and it is not impossible to even dispatch his own body.

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