Contrary to Kurojie's opinion, none of the four members of Konoha's organization felt that this mission was of the type that could not be completed.

The four of them are the top group of people in the ninja world, plus there is a group of Kumo hidden envoys in Konoha to help attract attention, and Orochimaru, an internal traitor, to provide intelligence, and there is Nagato Konan outside, no wonder they are full of confidence in this.

For this mission and to build the reputation of the Xiao Organization, the Xiao Organization can be said to be a rare collective mobilization.

Nara Shikahisa, who is in charge of receiving the delegation of Yunyin Village, has been feeling a headache recently.

Because the people of this group of envoys were so capable of making a fuss, they more than doubled the number of people who were originally responsible for monitoring them.

Either I went out to go to the toilet and couldn't find a toilet, or I planned to come to Konoha to see the local food.

Or maybe come to see the Hokage Rock in Konoha, as for why do you say that the direction I took is not the Hokage Rock side at all? Am I not from an outland, isn't it normal to get lost.

But to say that they came to spy on intelligence, it is not like it, because Yunyin's gang are completely disorderly and chaotic, and they can't find any laws at all.

In addition, they had told Konoha before they came, because there were a lot of prisoners to bring back, so they also had more people from the embassy this time.

Therefore, Konoha, who was originally a little nervous because of the guards and captives, had to squeeze out a bunch of people from it at this time to monitor the Yunyin envoys.

It had not been a day since this group of envoys arrived in Konoha, and they made so many troubles, which also made many Konoha villagers feel unhappy.

It is clear that they are all the defeated side, why can they still make such a fuss.

"What the hell do these Yun Ren want to do." A young ninja in charge of monitoring them took a bite.

"No matter what they want to do, it's always not wrong to strengthen their guard, I'll wait for the Uchiha clan to borrow some people, and if they want to talk, let them wait for a while." Nara Shikahisa instructed the subordinates around him, and then got up and left.

Yun Ren's abnormality made him raise his guard in his heart, so he planned to borrow someone.

However, Nara Shikaku may have trusted the strength of the Konoha Enchantment Class too much, or it may be the lack of intelligence, causing his gaze to always be locked on Yunyin's body, and he did not consider the existence of the Great Snake Pill at all.

At this time, in the small room where the big snake pill and they originally gathered, several small snakes quickly climbed in from the ventilation pipes, sewers, and window gaps, and then converged into the appearance of the big snake pill.

"You're too slow, I thought you were caught by Konoha." The scorpion in the room taunted at Orochimaru, the last one to arrive.

They had just taken advantage of the fact that the Yunyin Envoy had attracted most people's attention and went separately to Hinata and Uchiha's clan, as well as the Hokage Building to gather intelligence.

The most difficult of these is the intelligence of the Hokage Building, with the Dark Part and the Wave Feng Shui Gate, which is completely hellish.

Therefore, this task was rightfully handed over to the local of Konoha, Orochimaru, after all, this is where he is most familiar with the Hokage Building.

"Although I'm a little slower, but I promise to have enough information, then what about you, the Hinata family is not easy to mess with." Orochimaru asked rhetorically, his tone full of questioning.

The intelligence of the Hyuga family is that both the scorpion and the horn are responsible for collecting together, after all, the Hyuga family's detection ability is the first in the ninja world, so two people need to cooperate.

The scorpion snorted coldly and did not answer, and Jiaodu replied embarrassedly: "It's okay."

It's just that the confidence in his words is very inadequate.

Kakuto originally wanted to be in charge of the Uchiha clan, don't forget, he was also a member of the control of Uchiha Taki, so when he came to Konoha this time, he also wanted to ask Uchiha Taki for help at the first time.

As a result, he didn't expect to be preempted by Ye Cang in this matter, so after he answered the question of the big snake pill, he began to ask Ye Cang questioningly: "What about Ye Cang, since you took the initiative to be responsible for the Uchiha clan, then your gains should be very much."

Then Jiaodu stared at Ye Cang deadly, his idea was very simple, if Ye Cang couldn't come up with a lot of information, then he would find an excuse to change the task.

If it had been before, Ye Cang might not have known where Kakuto's thoughts and inexplicable hostility came from, but when he went to get information this time, Uchiha Taki knew that Kakuto was also here, so he specifically mentioned his relationship with Kakuto.

So now the idea of Jiaodu is completely transparent in Ye Cang's opinion.

Jiaodu, who was a little chilled by Ye Cang's stare, hurriedly urged: "Look what I do, do I have intelligence on my face?"

Ye Cang threw out the information given by Uchiha Taki: "It's all here, see for yourselves, where is your intelligence?" "

In addition to the intelligence of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Taki also gave the information of the dark department to Ye Cang.

However, the information of the dark department was obviously not taken out by Ye Cang, but let her compare the information obtained from the big snake pill to see what was the difference between the two, and then deal with it accordingly.

"Mine is here." Orochimaru also took out a scroll and handed it out.

And Scorpion and Horn were embarrassed and said: "We don't have much information, just tell you when we finish reading."

Ye Cang directly took the scroll handed out by the big snake pill and looked at it, I don't know if this was obtained by the big snake pill himself or provided by his spy, but I have to say that the information provided by the big snake pill is very sufficient.

Even compared with the information provided by Uchiha Taki, there is not much missing, and the difference between the two is not the same.

When Ye Cang handed the scroll back after reading it, she saw that Kakuto looked at her a little strangely, and as soon as her thought moved, she almost knew what Kakuto was thinking in her heart.

So she asked the other three, "I've finished reading it here, how are you watching?"

The big snake pill yin laughed twice: "Can't you see Ye Cang, you still have this hand, it's not worse than the intelligence I collected."

Scorpion thought of another possibility: "Can you contact the spy lurking in Konoha?"

Kakuto didn't speak, but his heart had already begun to turn over, and he immediately thought of the correct answer, Ye Cang and Uchiha Taki had a connection!

"Of course I have my own channels, don't you do the same?" Ye Cang asked rhetorically.

"Oh, that's true, too." Orochimaru echoed.

In terms of personal channels and means, he called the second in the organization, and no one dared to call the first.

"Scorpion, Kakuto, it's your turn." Ye Cang turned the topic to Kakuto and Scorpion, while thinking about how to take the time to go out and discuss Kakuto with Uchiha Taki.

Although she is not afraid of Kakuto, after all, this is also Uchiha Taki's person, and if she does something to him or cooperates without authorization, she may interrupt Uchiha Taki's plan.

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