"Even if you can win, I promise it will be an absolute victory, and it may not be certain that you will still have the ability to deal with the other three ninja villages by then." Ai retorted to Jiu Xinnai's words.

"You can try it." Jiu Xinnai's body erupted with strong chakra fluctuations again, obviously unhappy with Ai's arrogance.

In this negotiation, Bofeng Shuimen never said much, he was both a friend of Inuga Butterfly and a shadow of Konoha, whether it was choosing interests or friendship, it made him feel uncomfortable.

However, at this time, the appearance of a Konoha ninja broke the current situation.

When Yun Shinobu's side saw it, they immediately became nervous, if more people in Konoha came to support, then they would undoubtedly become a joke with both defeats.

The Konoha ninja did not rush closer when he appeared, but gestured with a code sign indicating that he had something important to report.

"Jiu Xinnai." Bo Feng Shui Men called his wife, and Jiu Xinnai immediately understood the meaning of Bo Feng Shui Men and came directly to his side.

Their actions startled Yugi and Kirabi, but after seeing that Jiu Shinna only helped Watergate form a shadow avatar, the two pressed the uneasiness in their hearts and did not take matters into their hands.

Here is a little explanation, because the wave feng shui gate controls the earthen platform, there is no way to seal the seal, so you can only let Jiu Xinnai help, similar to the original Chinese medicine master helping the big snake pill use psychic techniques.

The shadow doppelganger of the Wave Wind Water Gate came to the Konoha ninja and looked at the intelligence scroll he handed over.

It records that the news of his departure from the village was spread by "spies", and the actions between Mist and Iwain after receiving these news.

As mentioned before, the change of normality between them against Uchiha and Hinata is a heavy punch.

In the case that Shisui did not use the other heavenly gods, and Fugaku did not expose the kaleidoscope, Konoha's side was directly beaten and did not fight back.

On Yanyin's side, their blitzkrieg plan failed, because before the wave feng shui gate set off, he asked Zilaiya to take care of Yanyin's side.

So when they made a move, Jirai also came out in time to stop Iwa Shinobu.

However, Onoki obviously didn't want to give up this opportunity to take advantage, and he also knew that he couldn't really let Konoha break Kumo Shinobu.

Therefore, Lao Zi, Han, and Loess were directly sent to the front, which immediately made the situation that was still relatively relaxed become tense.

After reading this information, Bo Fengshuimen's face did not change, but he burned the scroll with fire, and then disbanded the shadow doppelganger. But at this time, his heart had already made a decision.

"Ai, leave Tsuchidai here, I'll let you go back, but Yunyin needs to pay for Konoha's troop dispatch this time, as well as all the mission share of Yu no Kuni." After Bofeng Shuimen lifted the shadow doppelganger, he directly put forward his own conditions.

Then, without waiting for Ai to speak, Bofeng Shuimen continued: "I forgot to tell you, those ninjas on the front line have basically been solved by my shadow doppelganger, and they are also counted in the list of prisoners." "

Before Jiu Xinnai set off, she was stuffed with a bunch of swords of forbearance by the wave feng shui gate, and asked her to mark along the way.

In this way, in the event of danger, the wave feng shui gate can move directly along the route prepared by Jiu Xinnai, without the need to work hard to throw Ku Wu.

Therefore, before rushing to support Jiu Shinnai, Bofeng Shuimen first arrived at the front line where Konoha's troops were stationed.

After solving part of Yunnin, who asked where Kushina went, Wave Feng Shuimen left a shadow doppelganger on the front line to help the Konoha ninja resist the enemy, so now there are still a bunch of Yunyin's captives on the front line.

Bo Feng Shuimen's words shocked Ai's heart, and it was impossible for him to lie to people in this situation.

Because if it is a lie, then Ai can find that there is a problem when he goes back and looks at it, and then he will regret it.

Although Tsuchidai is valuable, at most it is worth the cost of Konoha's troops, which still tries to make him as high as possible.

And the share of Yu no Kuni's task is the bulk of this transaction, and Tsuchidai is not worth the price at all.

If there was only Tutai, then Ai would definitely choose to pretend to agree, and then regret it when he was safe.

However, after adding those who were captured on the Yunyin front, it became completely different.

Once they are gone, Ai Zaiyin will completely lose the people's heart, and the people's heart is priceless.


After Hei Jue succeeded in bringing soil, he kept rushing to the north with the blind soil.

Uchiha Taki, who followed them, had an uncertain answer in his heart about why they chose the north, and Madara was based before his death might be in the north of Konoha!

With this conjecture in mind, Uchiha Taki did not dig them out with Susa after they were far away from Konoha, but chose to continue to follow them to see if he guessed correctly.

"You said it was Obito?!"

On Ning Tai's side, one of the members of the Guard Department who listened to Ning Tai recount what had just happened suddenly exclaimed.

"If that's Obito, then why didn't he use his space-time pupil technique?"

"That's right, and you said that Obito's eye was blinded after casting that special illusion on you, how is it possible, he blinded his own eye in order to rob you?"

The sound of doubts made Ning Tai, who was already in an extremely bad mood, even more uncomfortable, and he revealed his kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes to scan the people who questioned him in the past.

When they all stopped talking, he slowly spoke: "Do you think your eyes are better than mine, or do you think that the wooden creature inside is a decoration?" Mrs

. Ning's attitude and the cold Chakra on her body made everyone feel a little uncomfortable, but they all thought that Mrs. Ning was too sad and didn't care too much.

And what Ning Tai said does make sense, if the face with soil may be a clever transformation technique, then the remnants of Mu Dun in Ning Tai's room are solid evidence, almost every time Ning Tai goes out, this Mu Dun creature will basically follow.

"Didn't Obito protect his eyes last time, but was snatched away by the big snake pill?"

"If what Ning Tai said is true, then it is very likely."

"Then what to do, we can't deal with the big snake pill or Obito."

"I can only go and inform Naruto-sama."

Everyone in the Dark Department and the Guard Department said a word, and quickly determined the matter.

It's just that Ning Tai is still a little uncomfortable with this, these people completely ignore him, and do not regard him as a member of the combat power at all.

But Ning Tai did not take the initiative to ask to pursue Obito now, if he did not figure out how Obito broke free from his illusion.

And Obito's powerful illusion that blinded him in one eye, and then he will only lose worse.

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