On the border of the Land of Fire, the half-tailed beastly Kirabi quickly expanded in size after solving the Konoha ninja who came to delay him, and in an instant it was completely tailed beastly.

Akimichi Dingza gave Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka a look, and then after repelling Yugito, he rushed towards Kirabi.

After Akimichi Dingza helps attract attention, Yamanaka Haichi unexpectedly gives Yugito a mental distraction.

Although it did not succeed in inducing Nio to run away, it was enough for Yugito to not be able to interfere with Akimichi Dingza.

However, they still looked up to Akimichi Dingza, or the green spinach ball's improvement to him.

It is barely okay to deal with a person like Yugito, who is not mature enough, but compared with the perfect human pillar power, especially the opponent is still second only to the strength of the nine-tailed Yao, that is not an opponent at all.

After only a brief exchange, Akimichi Dingza was completely downwind. Whether it was strength or speed, it was completely suppressed by Yaoi.

And without Akimichi Dingza to resist the output of Nio, Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Haichi were also quickly injured by Yugito.

"That Yamanaka family, can you still come and disturb me now." Yugito taunted Yamanaka while storming Nara Shikahisa, apparently it was the secret technique of the Yamanaka family that made her uncomfortable before.

And now, Yamanaka Hai has one left hand, and his right hand was slapped into meat mud by Yugito in the battle just now, if it weren't for Nara Shikahisa's timely rescue, he might have to account here by now.

Without a hand, it can be said that more than 90% of the techniques in the ninja world, including his own secret arts, are unusable, and it is no wonder that Yugito makes a mockery.

Attracted by Yamanaka Haichi, plus the power of the green spinach pill is almost due, Akimichi Dingza is also ruthless, becoming the second Inoka butterfly to lose its combat power.

However, Kirabi did not know that Akimichi Dingza had taken the secret medicine, thinking that he was only briefly repelled, so he immediately aimed at Jiu Xinnai to condense the tailed beast jade, instead of choosing to personally solve Jiu Xinnai's shadow doppelganger in the past.

There was only one Nara Shikaku left, knowing that he was invincible, and after shouting that Kushina reminded her to pay attention, he took Yamanaka Haichi to find Akimichi Dingza.

Because he saw that Kirabi's tailed beast jade had condensed, Yugito did not choose to pursue, but took the earth platform to avoid the attack range of the tailed beast jade.

However, Kirabi's side realized that something was wrong as soon as he launched, and Jiu Xinnai dissolved the shadow doppelganger the moment he launched, and the four purple flame arrays also dissipated.

The tailed beast jade was not hindered in the slightest, and directly hit the battlefield of Jiu Xinnai and Ai, and after the sky-piercing fire, there was billowing smoke.

Although the two-dimensional world usually has a law of smoke and no injury, it is generally for the situation where a person is in thick smoke.

Although Ai's defense is strong, it is still a lot worse than his father's third generation of Thunder Shadow, plus he has been fighting with Jiu Xinnai for a long time before, and all aspects have almost been forced into a corner.

And Kirabi's tailed beast jade is the top output in the ninja world, which makes Kirabi can't help but panic, shouting loudly in the direction of the thick smoke: "Big brother! I

saw that the thick smoke slowly dissipated, gradually revealing the red hidden in the smoke, not the bright red of Jiu Xinnai's hair, but the orange-red of the nine tails!

Kirabi secretly said badly, trying to find a place to hide, but Jiu Xinnai, who had already completed the charge, moved faster than him.

It was also a tailed beast jade in return, and this time it actually hit Yao's body, and Kirabi was also the most seriously injured since entering the battle.

The whole person directly withdrew from the tail animalization, and the chest seemed to be burned by a soldering iron, making a noise.

"Than! Are you okay! "Tsuchidai and Yugi panicked instantly, if something happened to them Ai and Bidu, then don't say what benefits they get, God bless that Yunnin Village will not be destroyed.

"Thunder plough heat knife!" At this moment, Ai's roar resounded through the sky, and the serious injury of his brother made him burst out with unprecedented power.

A blue electric light rushed towards the Nine Tails, which was dozens of times larger than himself, or even nearly a hundred times, and with the blessing of anger and bonds, he overturned it with one blow, and his huge body smashed countless trees.

"Jiu Xinnai, you run first, we'll drag them down!" Nara Shikahisa's voice came from a distance.

Jiu Xinnai thought for a moment and knew what they wanted to do, and now if they said what other combat power they could burst out.

Then there is only one possibility, the red chili balls of the Akimichi family!

A secret medicine that is more explosive than green spinach pills, and this time the price is death!

"Stop it! Useless! I'll deal with them. When Jiu Xinnai knew what they wanted to do, he immediately stopped it.

Even if the red chili pill can burst out with extremely strong combat power, but holding on to death will just drag Chirabi and Yugito, and you can't get rid of Ai, and the final result is still the same.

And the main thing is that in her perception, a Chakra that she is most familiar with has appeared in this vicinity.

"It's up to you, Nine-Tails." Kirabi murderously emerges from the red tailed beast Chakra and walks towards the location where the pig deer butterfly is.

Although he was shot out by Jiu Shinnai, but because of his huge size, he did not fly too far, and Akimichi Dingza was not far from him, so he decided to solve the pig deer butterfly that had been destroyed by half first.

And although Nara Shikaku rushed over with Yamanaka Haichi, he didn't have time to take him away, and looking at the approaching Kirabi, he suddenly felt a little desperate.

"And what if you add me?" At this time, a voice that did not belong to everyone present came, causing everyone to fall into shock or joy.

On the back of the two-tailed cat, a dazzling yellow hair attracted everyone's attention, and in his hand, the sword of ninja with a cold light was resting on the neck of the earthen platform.


At the same time, a war also broke out in the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village.

The floor under Ning Tai's feet shattered, and his figure instantly disappeared in place, and five fingers pierced the chest of "Uncle Baishan" like a blade, and then he saw this Uncle Baishan slowly melt and turn into a white appearance.

Ning Tai, who knew that his brother was not killed by his parents' friend, did not calm down.

His brother is dead, even if it wasn't killed by his parents and friends? Can you bring him back to life?

Ning Tai followed the memories of the shadow doppelganger, and with a jump, he broke the floor and came to the second floor of his house, where his parents' bodies were located, and where Obito was.

"The Art of Mu Dun Cuttings!"

Obito saw Ning Tai coming up, and immediately used ninjutsu to face the battle, and opened the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye.

"Sharingan? Who are you, exactly? After Ning Tai saw it, he was also a little shocked, but under the anger, he didn't bother to ask so much: "Hide your head and tail, watch me remove your mask!" "

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