On Uchiha Taki's side, there is Gangwu as a container, and the two pairs of eyes fuse very smoothly.

After all, Uchiha Taki's own eyes were forcibly opened by miracles in your ability, and there was no name, and when it was placed in a third party's body to fuse, it was natural that it could not compete with the Kamui of Obito.

But at this time, Uchiha Taki became more and more cautious, although Gotake's has become a fool, but a fool represents unpredictable actions, and Gohanu's Chakra is completely enough to support the use of a kaleidoscope.

What if he wakes up and runs somewhere else with his eyes.

Therefore, Uchiha Taki's shadow avatar was not idle, and during this time, he put several sets of spells on Gangwu, some positioned, some attacked, and some controlled.

However, these were all redundant, and until the successful fusion, Uchiha Taketake did not show any movement.

This also made Uchiha Taki relax a little, and continued to inject anesthesia into Taketake, and then began the transplant operation.

The first is to remove the two three-hook jade chakra eyes on the body, but Uchiha Taki has no intention of returning these two eyes to Takeshi.

Having two eyes preserved means that he can use Izanagi twice under certain circumstances, and if necessary, he can also install chakra eyes on his body like Danzo.

About half an hour later, the shadow avatar completed the transplant of surgery, and Uchiha Taki felt the majestic energy in his eyes and sighed: "It's really a good power." "

But compared to the good things that happened here in Uchiha Taki, something strange happened in the Konoha Hospital in the distance.

Ape Flying Bow Willow, an ordinary clan member of the Ape Flying Clan, he has also been bothered by the targeting of the Uchiha clan recently.

But today, he fell into an extraordinary excitement, because his wife brought a new family member to their family today, and he was going to be a father!

While he was waiting outside the delivery room excitedly and anxiously, the medical ninja came out with a look of embarrassment and inexplicability.

"Doctor, there's nothing wrong with my wife." Sarutobi Willow saw that the medical ninja's expression was wrong, and asked cautiously, for fear of getting some bad news.

"There's nothing wrong with your wife, but..." the medical ninja didn't know how to answer.

"Just what?" Ape Flying Bow Willow asked.

After struggling for a while, the medical ninja gave up the struggle: "It's just that your child is a little strange, I have never seen that kind of situation, and part of his body seems to be made of stone." "

Made of stone?" Ape Flying Bow Willow was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, and anxiously asked: "Will that have any impact on his health." The

medical ninja shook his head: "This is also the first time we have seen this, so I don't know what the situation is, at best, it may be a new blood succession limit."

But thinking about the consequences at worst, the medical ninja didn't say much, just said to Sarutobi Willow: "Go in and see your wife and children." "

Sarutobi Willow is not polite, and of course he, as an adult, can hear the meaning of the medical ninja's words.

Entering the factory, the first thing he saw was his weak wife, and when the two looked at each other, Ape Flying Bow Willow knew that his wife already knew about the child.

"I'll go see the child first." After greeting his wife, Sarutobi Yanagi followed the medical ninja's guidance to his child's side.

Looking down, his newborn child who didn't even have hair grow, his entire right hand and right leg turned into stone, and the whole person was dying, and even his crying seemed so weak.

He couldn't help it, he touched the child with his hand, but the feedback came back feeling completely like a human being.

Cold, rough, hard, these are not words used at all to describe a child's skin, but they appear in his child.

"This... It may be the Blood Succession Limit, right? Ape Flying Bow Willow asked expectantly, hoping to receive an affirmative answer.

However, he was destined to get only an ambiguous answer: "It is indeed possible, and even the blood elimination is not impossible." "

The medical staff in the delivery room, when they saw this strange scene, they didn't need to be asked by the ape flying bow willow, they had already let people test.

As the eldest patriarch of the Ape Flying family, as well as the patients who also lived in the hospital, Ape Fei Richo also quickly learned these things about the people below.

"How long will it take for the test results to come out?" Miyo asked to the medical ninja who came to report.

He was not as pessimistic as the ape flying bow willow, but full of expectations for the newborn child, and he hoped that a strong blood inheritance would appear among his offspring.

As long as this child's blood inheritance is not as chicken as the Moonlight family's penetration, then he will attach more importance to this child than Asma!

"It probably won't come out until tomorrow." The medical ninja estimated.

After hearing this, the third generation said: "Then let me go and meet that child first, is it convenient?" The

medical ninja smiled and said politely: "If the three generations of adults want to meet, it must be convenient." The

third generation also responded comfortably when he heard this: "Hahaha, since that's the case, let's go and see it." On

the other hand, Uchiha Taki was testing his new Susano's power at this time, and although his eyes were now Kamui, his Susa was still white.

Uchiha Taki's speculation is that Susanoo should be the power that exists in him, as well as in each Uchiha clan.

But only by awakening the kaleidoscope chakra eye can you realize the existence of this force, so the color of Susa does not change with the kaleidoscope.

It's as if Jotaro didn't realize that he could fly before he saw Dio, but the ability to fly has always existed in himself.

Speaking of flying, Uchiha Taki suddenly remembered that Susanoo who is completely complete can also fly.

He looked around, and although there were huge trees here, in front of the 100-meter-tall behemoth of Susa, these giant trees seemed to be low green trees on the sidewalk.

Once Susanoo flew, the trees couldn't stop it at all.

Uchiha Taki thought for a moment, put everything that he brought out this time, including Takeshi Take, into the Kamui space, and then rushed towards the south through Kamui himself.

Although it is even more unconcealed in the endless sea, there are few people there, and even if someone sees it in those fishing villages in the distance, it is estimated that Susa will be regarded as a mirage.

After all, the kaleidoscope chakra eye itself is very rare, and the complete Susanoo is even rarer, how can these people recognize it.

However, Uchiha Taki may have forgotten for too long, and this flag cannot be set up casually, especially now that he has just lost the lucky blessing of his original right eye.

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