In Hei Jue's anxious waiting, Obito slowly spit out, something he had expected but did not dare to believe: "There is more than one enemy who opens the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!"

"What exactly happened that day?" Why did you even have your eyes snatched away? In whose hands did your eyes go? Hei Jue questioned three times.

However, Obito did not answer him right away, although the Rin he met was disguised by Uchiha Taki, but Hakafeng Shuimen's performance at that time was definitely not fake.

Resurrection techniques other than the eye of reincarnation are real!

He's going to resurrect Rin! This is the only thought after taking the soil to clarify the thought!

"Tell me first, what's going on lately." Obito did not intend to talk to Hei Jue about the rebirth of the soil, but was ready to understand the current situation first.

If he said to Kuro, then he would definitely not choose to resurrect Nohara Rin, but turn his head to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

For Obito's careful thoughts, Hei, who was not present, certainly didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

So without much thought, he recounted to Obito what had happened in the recent period, and without Kamui, Obito was greatly reduced in his eyes.

However, it is also true that as Hei Jue thought, if the current Obito wants to do something, it definitely needs Hei Bai Jue's help.

"The water stop actually opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?!" Among the news brought by Hei Jue, this one is undoubtedly the most surprising to Obito: "It is worthy of being the first day of Uchiha."

"So he took your eyes?" Hei Jue asked the question he cared about the most again.

Obito muttered, "No, he should be a kaleidoscope of illusion types, when I competed with him with the Nine Tails, I felt that his eyes were more than twice as strong as mine, and I could control the Nine Tails or rely on the means of Madara." "

Trouble." Hei Jue felt that his head was big, and he originally thought that he had found the real murderer, but found that there was just one more powerful enemy, and the real murderer was hiding in a deeper place.

"Then do you know who stole your eyes?"

"I don't know, but he should know me well."

Obito didn't lie this time, except for hiding the "Great Snake Pill" and the rebirth of the soil, he told Hei Jue about other things.

"So what now?" After explaining what happened that day, Obito asked.

"To the Land of Water!" Hei Jue said firmly.

"Land of Water?"

"That's right!"

"Not going to Nagato them?"

At this time, Nagato had begun to initially rebuild the Xiao Organization, and had begun to let the Xiao Organization develop according to the villain organization in the original work.

Obito thought that if they wanted to deal with the Land of Fire and Konoha, it would be a good choice to go to Nagato, and they also happened to have a deep hatred with Konoha's Danzo. (Although Danzo is dead, Konoha has not yet announced it.)

His question caused Kuro to fall silent, but after a while, he decided to go to the Land of Water.

Hei Jue explained: "You don't have divine power now, once Nagato wants to control you and me, then it will be difficult for us to escape with you, go to the Land of Water first to mess up the status quo." "

Now the interior of the Fire Nation is so engaged, it is directly caught in wartime alert, even if Black and White absolutely want to go in to probe intelligence, the difficulty is very high.

So they want to start a war again, let the wave wind water gate, stop the water, three generations of these guys, all go to the front.

It's even possible that Kuro hopes that hidden kaleidoscope can also follow the troops to the front.

Only by plunging Konoha's interior into emptiness would they have a chance to profit from it.

Otherwise, with the high-intensity patrols of the white eyes and dark parts, those guys at the roots, even Bai Jue would not have much way to spy on intelligence.

Of course, it is impossible to give up on stopping the water black, although he knows that he is not the guy who snatched the dirt eyes, but it does not prevent him from throwing this pot to him and letting him carry the black pot for that guy.

As long as the water stop successfully carries the black pot, the black dissociation meter is successful, and the water stop will find another kaleidoscope hidden in the shadows for him.

Even if it doesn't work, it muddies the water and sticks a thorn between the water and the Konoha.

Obito on the other side did not object, and after knowing that Nohara Rin might be resurrected, he fell into an unprecedented calm.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he lost his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and cleared his swollen brain a little, in short, he has become very secure now.


The territory of the Land of Fire, but a place far away from Konoha, is shrouded in huge trees, and the entire forest is larger than hundreds of Konoha combined.

Uchiha Taki's new base is hidden among these giant trees, where he is preparing to fuse the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

After a period of study, he finally got a little grasp.

I saw Uchiha Taki's hands quickly sealed, sealing the surrounding environment with a wooden dun, and then opening dozens of small holes that could not be reached with his fingers for ventilation.

Finally, light a candle and let the shadow doppelganger begin to perform the operation.

Although Uchiha Taki didn't know whether it was Kamui or his own abilities that eventually fused, he was sure that this fusion could not be performed on himself.

If it is on himself, Uchiha Taki can be 100% sure that it must be his own ability that comes out in the end.

So if you don't consider the ontology, what creature, or what person is best suited to use to fuse the eternal kaleidoscope?

The answer is simple, of course, other members of the Uchiha clan, it is better to still have no ability to resist, and the brain is still broken.

For example... Takeshi Uchiha!

So after he knew the answer, he returned to Konoha, knocked out the relatives who took care of Uchiha Gotake, and brought him here.

At this time, Uchiha Take, who was anesthetized by anesthetics, was lying next to Uchiha Taki.

But what Uchiha Taki didn't expect was that after the shadow avatar took out the eyes of the body, the miracle also plunged you into darkness.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? The shadow avatar immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"I can't see it, and I can't see it through miracles." Unlike Takeshi Take, Uchiha Taki only had local anesthesia, so he can still hear and speak.

"It's a bit difficult now, I'll transplant his eyes to you first, right?" The shadow avatar asked, then quickened the movement at hand while praying that others would not find out about it.

"Yes." The ontology thought for a moment and agreed.

Although no vision does not affect the Doom Protection Body, but without being visible, there is no way to command the miracle to protect Uchiha Gotake.

If someone in Konoha found out about this place and took Uchiha Takeshi away, it would be a failure.

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