And Itachi's next words also confirmed this: "Yes, because Brother Shuishui and my father's statements are different, so I want to ask you personally." "

Uchiha Taki didn't ask what your father said, although the Itachi at this time was already able to go into battle, some people still didn't understand much about the world.

I guessed it anyway, and there is no need to open his mouth to let him get off the stage.

In this way, one person did not want to speak, one person originally had little to say, plus the two people were not familiar with each other, and they went all the way to the room where Fugaku received guests.

Itachi: "You sit here and wait a little, my father should be almost there." The

sound of Fugaku's fast walking footsteps came, and soon appeared in Uchiha Taki's line of sight.

Fugaku: "Listen to Mikoto say that you have something to find me, let's talk."

Uchiha Taki glanced at Itachi and saw that he had no idea of leaving, and Fugaku was not going to let him leave.

So he didn't bother to care, and directly told him about the three generations who wanted him to join the roots.

Of course, he did not directly say the roots, but according to the three generations, he was the reserve team of the dark part.

But how could Fugaku not hear the difference inside, and the roots of the Tuanzang era did not dare to brazenly come to the Uchibola people.

Although your three generations are better than Tuan Zang, this is not the reason why you can cross me and come directly to my family to find people.

Fugaku didn't even think about it, so Uchiha Taki refused, and said, "If Miyo asks, you will say that I don't allow it, just push it on me."

"Understood, Patriarch, then I'll leave first." If you have achieved your goal, there is no need to stay here.

As for the subsequent clash of views between Fugaku and his son, he was not interested in mixing.

Not long after Uchiha Taki left, Itachi asked Fugaku, "Why don't you let him go to the Dark Division?" Isn't the dark part a place that all ninjas yearn for?

"It's not the dark part there, and you don't need to understand the rest." Fugaku didn't intend to explain.

Of course, he was very much in favor of the clan joining the dark department, and if it was the root of the three generations in charge, it was not unavoidable in his opinion.

After all, at this time, he still respected the three generations, otherwise he would not have named Sasuke for the child to be born next, which is also the name of the father of the third generation.

This is not a past life, Fugaku does not have the kind of secret poke to indicate that the third generation is your father, according to the culture here in the ninja world, it is simple respect.

But it was one thing for him to agree that the clansmen joined the roots, and it was quite another thing for three generations to secretly recruit the clansmen to join the roots.

You have directly stepped over me to recruit my people, what do you want? Installed in Uchiha as a spy? Then it is necessary for me to save face for you? This is what Fugaku is thinking now.

But Fugaku did this riddler, how could the young Itachi understand.

But he did not continue to ask questions, but after Fugaku left, he went out to find an answer to stop the water himself.

"Did the patriarch simply refuse?" Shui Shui said with a frown.

"Yes, Father, he seems to be angry about this, but why is that? Isn't the reserve team of the dark part considered the dark part? Itachi asked puzzled.

"I don't know this very well." Shuishui shook his head, at this time he had not heard of the existence of roots.

"Then do you want to go to Taki Senpai and ask him not to obey his father's orders, Brother Shisui, didn't you say that he is also a person with the will of fire?"

"No, absolutely not! Fugaku-sama had already refused, and if Taki joined in at this time, it would only make him more angry, and Taki would be upset at that time. Without thinking, Shisui rejected Itachi's suggestion.

"So what to do?" Itachi asked.

"I can only hope that the three generations of adults will not be angry, Itachi, when you grow up in the future, you must remember that the village is as important as the family, and do not put the interests of the family in front of the village!" Shuishui teaches the weasel who is still a child.

"Well, I see, Brother Shuishui." The ferret nodded seriously, and his small face put on a teachable look.

But Shuishui is clearly teaching both equally, and I don't know what stimuli this guy will be able to look like that in the future.


After leaving Fugaku's house, Uchiha stayed in Konoha for more than a month without incident.

One of the people from the root also came to him, but it seemed that he had just sent someone over casually, and it seemed that his conversation with Fugaku was known by the three generations, so he didn't expect anything.

As for how he knows, Uchiha Taki can know without thinking about it.

During this time on his own, in addition to observing the surrounding clansmen, he also went to Konoha Hospital to do two simple tasks, which can be said to be an idle batch.

And although he opened a bookstore, but after the baptism of the information age in the previous life, even if he read the books of the ninja world, it would not pass much time.

Not to mention that there are not many good books in the ninja world, otherwise why would Kakashi be that intimate heaven all day.

Fortunately, just when he was really idle and uncomfortable and wanted to find something to do, things came.

Because of the top of the Wave Feng Shuimen, the remaining three people of the former Konoha F4 have become more and more low-key, so it is a miracle that you have never found any trace of them.

I waited for more than a month before I got the place where Koharu lived.

So he immediately picked up his spirits, took out a stack of paper, and began to draw up the next plan on it.

The first is to get Mudun Ninjutsu, this needless to say, the priority is first.

The second is the life of Konoha, and among the high-level of Konoha, the most malicious to Uchiha is her.

It just so happens that now you can manipulate bad luck, and the miracle of materialization is also the image of the big snake pill to you, and you can completely throw the pot to the big snake pill.

If you don't take the opportunity to slaughter her, you will feel a loss no matter how you think about it.

What's more, although she is old, she is still tolerant, what if she lets her go and leaks her information?

So Uchiha Taki drew a red circle on the word life like Mu Duan.

Soon, many sheets of paper slightly smaller than A4 were filled with various plans by Uchiha Taki.

It was full of torture, assassinations, plans for cleaning up the scene, and escape routes, but most of them were crossed out.

"That's pretty much it." Uchiha Taki shook his somewhat sore hand.

Originally, he also wanted to let the big snake pill black pot back to the end, and give the scene some ninjutsu commonly used by the big snake pill.

But he found that those he would move too much, and he couldn't do the ninjutsu of the big snake flow of the big snake pill, so he could only choose to give up.

After making the plan, Uchiha Taki let the miracle for you to observe the situation around her, and then clean up the plans written on paper to clarify her thoughts, quietly waiting for the night to come.

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