Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 616: powerful way of heaven

The land of fire has a vast territory and many mountains and forests. Therefore, there are bandits in many areas, who make a living by robbing passing merchants. Some bandit gangs are even more daring because of the existence of samurai and even ninjas, dare to break into villages and towns to rob , lawless.

Especially in the border areas, because they are far away from Konoha Hidden Village and the capital of the Fire Country, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, bandits are even more rampant, and they know the essence of guerrilla warfare. They fled into the mountains and forests in pieces, and even went into other countries to hide, not slippery.

When Konoha Ninja left, they started to rob again happily.

It’s not that Konoha Ninja can’t do it. It’s really a task like clearing bandits. The commission is very small, and most of them are assigned as C-level, or even D-level. For tasks of this level, the best is Chunin. The vast majority of such tasks are completed by the Ninja.

This also gave the bandits a chance to escape.

With bandits rampant, those big businessmen who traded between countries had to hire ninjas to accompany them for protection.

"Master Jiaodu, this time is really thanks to you." The big businessman Tian Xia greeted Jiaodu respectfully.

He brought a caravan to the Land of Fire this time. He originally planned to hire two ordinary Chunin in the black market. Unexpectedly, Kakudo volunteered, saying that he was worth two, and took two commissions to accept the employment task forcefully. .

Although Kadotsu is a traitor of Taki Ninja Village and extremely greedy for money, his reputation in the black market is very good, so Tian Xia did not object.

After entering the Land of Fire, I met a few bandits, but these bandits were ordinary people, and they frightened them away by showing their hands casually.

In the face of Tianxia's compliment, Jiaodu appeared extremely indifferent.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just making money." Kakudo said straightforwardly.

"Anyway, I..."

Before Tian Xia finished speaking, more than a dozen bandits rushed out from the side, and judging from their uniform attire, it was obvious that they were not a mob.

Jiaodu was overjoyed, and said: "You guys go first, I will leave this place to me."

Tianxia knew that Jiaodu was powerful, and if he attacked, his caravan would probably suffer, so he hurriedly yelled at his servants to drive the carriage and leave by another road.

Just as those bandits were about to chase after them, Jiaodu had already been smashed by a fire escape.


The flames all over the sky burst among the trees, and soon caused a raging fire, spreading towards the surroundings.

"No, the other party is a Jonin, everyone run!"

The power of Kakuto's fire escape is too perverted, ordinary ninjas can't spit out such a powerful fire escape at all, these bandits are all mature people, how dare they stay?

"Want to run?" Jiao Du sneered, and quickly formed seals with both hands, "Feng Dun-Big Breakthrough!"

The hurricane rolled up flames all over the sky, and blasted these bandits head-on. In just a short breath, these bandits were all brought down.

When Jiaodu saw it, his face immediately turned down: "Hmph, only this level of strength can't be exchanged for much money!"

But having said that, Jiaodu still **** these bandits very diligently, intending to drive them to the black market to 'sell their heads'.

Suddenly, Jiaodu's heart skipped a beat, as if he sensed someone peeping in the dark.

He immediately jumped up, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked around in all directions.

When he landed on the trunk of a big tree, he saw a young man with yellow hair walking indifferently from a distance. He was wearing a red cloud windbreaker with a black background, and his strange circle eyes showed no emotion. !

"Who are you?"

Kakudo stared at the ninja forehead protector on the forehead of the yellow-haired young man, and whispered, "Is it the traitor of Yuren Village?"

Tiandao Payne walked slowly in front of Kakuzu, and said to himself: "Undead ninja, Kakuzu, I'm here to welcome you to become a member of Akatsuki."

"Xiao? What is it?" Kakudo asked.

"It's a great organization that exists to achieve real peace!" Tiandao Payne said slowly.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in this kind of thing. The only thing that attracts me now is money." Jiaodu said frankly.

Tiandao Payne said lightly: "Whether you are interested or not, you have to join Xiao today."

"Your tone is so loud." Jiaodu squinted his eyes, his dark green pupils filled with a faint murderous intent, "Although you don't look like you can change much, your tone really makes me angry."

Along with the rising killing intent, the earth resentment in Jiaodu's body was also about to move, gushing out from his limbs like a tentacle monster, and baring its teeth and claws at Tiandao Payne in the air.

"Look at you... do you want to challenge me?" Tiandao Payne showed a rare disdainful smile, "Well, this is convenient. If you win, you have to go back with me."

"You **** is really ignorant!"

He was the undead ninja who had assassinated the God of Ninja Senjujuma, but he was provoked by a mere rebel from Urenin Village?

Can't bear it!

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

As soon as Jiaodu came up, it was a mixed ninjutsu. The wind and fire collided and rubbed rapidly in the air, forming a huge fire tornado with a radius of more than ten meters. .wuxiamtl.com~ Tiandao Payne did not dodge or dodge, and slowly stretched out his hand: "Shenluo Tianzheng!"


The world suddenly fell into a strange silence, and the fiery tornado that was spinning violently in the sky also stagnated in the air for an instant, and in the next instant, the huge fire tornado rewinded back at a faster speed, before Jiaodu could react. It was thrown head-on in his face before!


The flames and the hurricane were destroying Jiaodu's body recklessly. If it was someone else, they would have been charred by the flames at this moment, but what about Jiaodu's grievances?

A large number of black tentacles gushed out of his body frantically, turning into a huge black cocoon to surround him, firmly resisting the violent power of the fire tornado.

At the same time, Jiaodu was also preparing for the next round of offensive in the black cocoon.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Thunder Tunnel - Pseudo-Darkness!"

When the effect of Shenluo Tianzheng disappeared, a huge water whip that was thick as a waist and exuded the power of thunder and lightning was thrown out of the black cocoon in an instant, meandering in the air, and rolled towards Tiandao Payne in an instant.

Tiandao Payne narrowed his eyes slightly: "You still don't understand."

He tapped his toes, his figure had already disappeared in place, and the next instant he appeared directly in front of Kakuzu.

"So fast!" Jiao Du hurriedly rolled back the lightning and water whip.

But at this moment, a palm had already landed on his face, "What?"

Jiaodu's heart trembled, thinking of the weirdness before, he hurriedly dodged away.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


Jiaodu suffocated as he dodged in mid-air, and then involuntarily put his face under Tiandao Payne's palm.

"Damn, what kind of ninjutsu is this?!"

"Before God, you are doomed to have nowhere to escape!" Tiandao Payne said slowly, "Shenluo Tianzheng!"


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