Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 575: Expelled from Anbu

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After hesitating for a long time, Fenghuo didn't make a move in the end.

It is really that the future Didara is too good. With the detonating clay, Didara can easily control the sea, land and air, and is powerful.

There is no reason to single out Ninja Village alone.

Therefore, instead of killing Didala directly here, it is better to wait for Fenghuo to **** Shisui's kaleidoscope from Danzo, and then use other gods to change Didara!

Well, it's such a happy decision!

In order to prevent Didara from escaping, Fenghuo put various seals on him.

Didara's complexion was a little ugly. Although he had been obsessed with the art of explosions for a long time, his vision was still there.

Gossip seal?

Four Symbols Seal?

Five elements seal?


Also let people live.

Didara stared at Fenghuo, and said angrily: "If you want to kill, kill it, what are you doing like this!"

"It's a pet." Feng Huo said with a smile, "Where do I go in the future, where do you go, or I will beat your **** to bloom!"

Deidara became furious: "Asshole, I will definitely blow you up, eh!"

"Let's go, come back to Konoha with me." Feng Huo pushed him.

"Chakra has been sealed, so I can't walk." Didara lay on the ground alone.

Without saying a word, Feng Huo channeled the second chakra roulette, jumped onto its back, and let it grab Didara with its claws.

"Asshole! Uchiha seals the fire, I'm not finished with you!"

After a very unpleasant flight in the air, Deidara became much more honest.

A few days later, the two arrived outside Muye Yin Village smoothly.

"Remember not to talk nonsense after entering, or you will be arrested and tortured by Anbu, so don't blame me for not going to save you." Feng Huo said with a smile, "You grew up in Yanyin Village, so you should know Anbu's methods."

Didara said disdainfully: "Isn't it just a few tricks to go back and forth."

"Yo Yo Yo, you have backbone!" Feng Huo gave a thumbs up, "Then I'll just wait and see."

Didara followed behind him, rolling his eyes around, thinking about how to get out.

If Konoha's Anbe notices him...

Forget it, let's follow Uchiha Fenghuo first.

Entering the entrance of the village, Fenghuo had just completed the registration, and the news of his return spread to the Huoying Building.

The one who came back was an eleven-year-old named Didara besides Fenghuo, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi's calm face went berserk in an instant.

Where is my white?

Where is my Ice Escape Blood Inheriting Boundary?

Uchiha seal fire you bastard!

Feng Huo took Didara back to the mansion at home, and found that all the restrictions he had arranged in the mansion had been broken.

He used the chakra perception technique to sense it, and found that there were several dark surveillance around him, and of course, it might be a root ninja.

Feng Huo didn't take it seriously, and directly separated dozens of shadow clones and asked them to rearrange the restrictions.

Then he said to Didara: "Just find a room to stay in."

"Hmph!" Didara snorted coldly, and went to find a room.

After a while, Anbu came with Sarutobi Hiruzen's order.

"Master Feng Huo, Master Hokage is here to invite you."

"Oh, I see."

Feng Huo nodded, seeing that the restrictions at home were almost done, he disbanded the redundant shadow clones, leaving only forty-five shadow clones to practice, and then followed that Anbu to the Hokage Building.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was gloomy, and when he saw Feng Huo coming in, his eyes even flickered with thunder.

He waved Anbu back, and then said coldly, "Bai!"

"He didn't want to stay in the village, so I sent him away." Feng Huo said.

"Shiro is Konoha's ninja, what right do you have to send him away!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi suppressed his anger.

"Three generations think I'm not qualified?" Feng Huo chuckled, "Did the third generation forget who brought Bai to Konoha?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Since you have brought Shiro to Konoha, and even let him enter the ninja school, then he will naturally become Konoha's ninja. Even you can't easily decide whether he will stay or not!"

"Three generations, I have already said that I have not decided whether he will stay or not." Feng Huo shrugged, "Bai himself wanted to leave."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious: "You are making sophistry, Bai is so talented, this must be what you mean!"

"No, no, that's not what I mean, it's really Shiro's own decision." Feng Huo said, "Three generations, you also know Shiro's life experience, let him live in the shadow of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan. very unhappy."

"Now Shiro has left, you can say whatever you want." Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at him firmly.

Feng Huo sighed, and said again: "Three generations, the will of fire is to use ninjas as tools, right?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression changed: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"If not, then why can't Bai decide whether to stay or not? He has his own thoughts and dreams, shouldn't we support him?" Feng Huo asked.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought this was true, but when he thought about it deeply, he was just messing around. If he argued with him, he might not be able to come up with it for a few days and nights, so he asked straightforwardly, "Where is Bai now?"

"Look, you are using Bai as a tool, and you are still the most pitiful reproductive tool. Using Bai to cultivate a Minazuki clan is too inhuman." Looking at Hiruzen Sarutobi with the expression that I am very disappointed in you.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so angry that his veins were exposed, he suppressed the anger in his chest: "I'm not joking with you, Uchiha seals the fire!"

Feng Huo showed a sneer, and said lightly: "The Tail Beast riot, Danzo colluded with Yunyin Village, causing Yunyin Village to attack the Kingdom of Fire, and a large number of ninjas died on the battlefield. As the leader of Konoha Ninja, you have to endure it.

In order to seize the position of Hokage, Danzo blatantly sent someone to assassinate you. As Konoha's Hokage, you have to endure it.

Danzang stole the fourth generation, as well as the first and second generations of cell research and reincarnated in the dirty soil. As the master of the fourth generation~www.wuxiamtl.com~The disciple of the first and second generation, you have to bear it again.

Heh, tell me now that you can't bear me sending Bai out of the village, Sandai, are you really kidding me? "

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was a little pale, and he became angry from embarrassment, and hummed: "As Hokage, all the decisions I make are based on the overall situation, for..."

"It's for the good of the village, I know, so I send Bai away for the same purpose, it's all for the good of the village." Feng Huo said with a faint smile, "Otherwise, why would Brother Lu Jiu, who has the highest IQ in the village? Will you choose to help me?"

"Lu Jiu..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth, he really knew about Bai's Blood Successor Boundary.

However, although Shikajiu has a high IQ, first of all he is a member of the Nara family. If Shiro grows up and reproduces a wealthy Minazuki clan, it will definitely affect the status of all the families in the village. Even if the Nara family is an exception, the pig deer What about the other two of Butterfly?

What about the other families who are close friends with the Nara family?

Therefore, if Nara Shikahisa's decision was not mixed with selfishness, Sarutobi Hiruza would not believe it.

But since Fenghuo has pulled Nara Shikaku out, if Sarutobi Hiruzen goes deeper into it, it may affect his relationship with Nara Shikaku, which is not worth the candle.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was silent for a while, and then said word by word: "Uchiha Fuhuo, I want to relieve you from the position of the captain of the monitoring force, do you have any objection?"

"Not really." Fenghuo said.

"Then, let Yamato take over your work, let's hand over the work!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with his head down.

"No problem." Feng Huo turned and left.

"Also, Naruto, I will send another person to take care of him."

"Hehe, as long as you are happy."

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