Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 568: rock mantis

In the southern coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire, on a lonely island hanging off the coastline, Kakashi lay on the fine sand, with his hands behind his head, and yawned lazily. The sea breeze blew in, and his long silver hair slightly rippling.

"Captain, I have already searched, but there is no trace of Master Fenghuo. Anbu suddenly appeared beside him, knelt down on one knee and reported respectfully.

"Ah, I see." Kakashi squinted his eyes and dozed off comfortably.

"Captain?" Anbu tilted his head and asked, "Then shall we continue to the next island?"

"No, not every island has such a great beach, let's take a rest." Kakashi said.

"But the order of the third generation..."

"Fenghuo's psychic beast is Ninja Eagle, which can come and go freely in the sky. Even my ninja dog can't track him, so don't waste your energy." Kakashi laughed, "Let the brothers stay here Rest on an island, treat it as a vacation."

"This is."

land of earth.

Chao Rondo II shrieked and frantically shuttled through the rain of rocks, but its body was too huge, no matter how nimbly it dodged, countless raindrops mixed with fine rocks crazily fell on it.

"Captain, let's find a place to repair it." Uchiha Shisui touched the eagle feathers of the second chakra dance, which was already soaked in rainwater, plus the sky full of fine rocks, and then flew down like this, chakra dance The physical strength of the second form will be doubled.

"Hey!" Chao Lunwu II screamed excitedly, raising his wings in agreement.

Before Fenghuo agreed, it had already flown downward.

Bai huddled up in a raincoat, but his eyes were still shining, curiously looking at the fine rocks that kept falling from the sky.

It was his first time to visit the Land of Earth, and it was also the first time he had seen the country's unique rock rain.

"It's amazing, how did these rocks fall from the sky?" Bai asked with blinking eyes.

Occasionally, if fine rocks fall towards him, an ice mirror will appear to block these rocks.

Seeing this scene, Feng Huo nodded in relief. It can be seen that Bai's training is still very hard.

"It's because there are many rock walls in the land of the earth. The strong wind from the north blows the fine rocks on the rock walls into the air, forming a unique rock rain." Uchiha Shisui explained beside him, and at the same time pointed to a piece of rock below. Bi, "There seems to be a cave there, let's go and avoid it."

With Baiyan's excellent eyesight, even in the rain of rocks, he can clearly see the scene several miles away.


The second chakra dance style flapped its wings and flew towards the position pointed by Uchiha Shisui.

It's kind of fed up with the country and just wants to get out.

Hoo hoo...

Chao Lun Wu Form 2 slowly slid down the steep rock wall, sealed the fire and looked around, and found that there were huge cracks everywhere on this huge rock wall, and green vines drilled out of the cracks. The gray vicissitudes of rock walls have brought a trace of vitality.

Suddenly, a huge rock python suddenly emerged from a crack, and the thick body of the snake curled up and down in the air, and in an instant it wrapped around one wing of the Chaolun Dance II, and then tightened.

Bai was so frightened that his heart jumped out. The body of this rock python was on his left side. The palm-sized ferocious snake scales were clearly visible. With the stirring of the rock python, the muscles under the scales trembled faintly. Obvious breath.


The wings of Chaolun Dance II were entangled, and I was angry at that time.

It flapped its wings violently, and a trace of hurricane gathered under its wings, turning into wind blades, and then cutting the body of the rock python wantonly.

But this rock python has lived in this rock wall since childhood, the snake's body rubbed against the rock wall, and the snake scales have been rubbed very tough, and the wind blade of the Chaolun Wu style could not cut its snake scales for a while.


With the churning of the rock python, Chao Lunwu II felt a life-and-death crisis, and immediately became angry from embarrassment, turned his head and ruthlessly pecked at the snake's body of the rock python.

With a puff, the sharp eagle's beak pecked into the snake's scale without any hindrance, and bit off a piece of snake meat fiercely.


The rock python suffered from pain and became fierce, and the snake's body exerted even more force.

"Captain, aren't we going to help?" Uchiha Shisui looked at the rock python who was close at hand, his expression calm.

Feng Huo snorted, "If you can't even handle a rock python, I'll tie it to the grill tonight!"

When Chao Rondo II heard this, he seemed to recall the scene when he was young, that **** who would seal the fire was going to roast them and eat them, the shadow of childhood expanded instantly, and then turned into a monstrous anger.


The second form of the super round dance screamed, and the hurricane surrounding it became fierce in an instant, and then fell on the rock python, spinning and cutting crazily.

In just a few breaths, this huge rock python was cut to pieces by the wind blade. The broken snake scales and rotten flesh fell along the rock wall in the rock rain.


Chao Lunwu Ershi screamed triumphantly, then looked back at Fenghuo with a bit of trepidation in his eyes, as if to say 'I'm not who I was back then'.

Feng Huo laughed and shook his head, then slapped it on the back, chakra poured in, and used medical ninjutsu to heal the wound on its wing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Bai was still in shock, since he was a child, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing 'Hideous and terrifying' battle.

Snow Eagle landed, Bai jumped off its back, his legs were still trembling slightly, unable to stand.

"Bai, it's your first time facing such a scene, you are really outstanding." Uchiha Shisui boasted.

"Really?" His white eyes lit up.

Uchiha Shisui nodded with a smile, but was interrupted by Fenghuo just as he was about to speak.

"Hey, if you praise him so much, he will be proud."

"Children will grow up better if they boast more!" Uchiha Shisui said.

Feng Huo was taken aback, somehow feeling that these words sounded familiar.

Did you say that before?

"Brother Zhishui, that, I am no longer a child, I am now a ninja!" Bai said firmly.

"Well, it's great!" Uchiha Shisui gave a thumbs up.

Bai shyly scratched his head and giggled.

The more Feng Huo looked at it, the more he felt familiar. This Uchiha Shisui is simply a personal trafficker!

Feng Huo snorted angrily, and then took the lead to walk back.


Seeing that no one paid any attention to it, Chaolun Dance II flapped its wings, and then disappeared with a bang.

"Captain, that hole is here!"

The excellent white eyes make Uchiha Shisui's eyesight extremely abnormal, especially compared with Fenghuo, who has glasses with high numbers, and the lenses have been soaked by rain, it is not in the same dimension.

After finding the cave under the rock wall, the three entered in a single file.

Fenghuo used the Chakra perception technique to confirm that there was no Chakra fluctuation in the hole, and then let Bai light the fire with confidence, while he ran to the side and wiped the lens silently.

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