Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 532: meteorite

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After a severe shock, Xia Rixing saluted again, with an even more respectful attitude.

Sandai Hokage said: "This time I entrusted Konoha with the idea of ​​giving it a try. I didn't expect Sandai Hokage to send Uchiha, who is famous in the ninja world, to seal the fire. I am really flattered."

Feng Huo quickly waved his hands and said, "I dare not say that."

You are so old, how dare I let you 'fertilize'.

sin sin.

Then Fenghuo brought up the business, and asked knowingly: "I don't know what is it that Master Xingying wants to seal?"

"It's a star." Third Generation Xingying sighed, "It's an ominous star."

Sealing the fire with a black thread: It’s the same as if you didn’t say it.

Seeing the expression on Fenghuo's face, Xia Rixing smiled wryly, and said, "Master Fenghuo, this star fell from the sky hundreds of years ago and brought many disasters to our village. Therefore, Master Xingying wants to seal it away." .”

Nowhere near itching.

Feng Huo crossed his arms, Xia Rixing's explanation was completely evasive, and he avoided all the important knowledge, which made him unhappy.

"Master Xingying, since this meteor is an ominous thing, why don't you let me bring it back to Konoha?" Feng Huo directly forced the palace.

"No!" Xia Rixing refused without thinking.

"Why not? Isn't it the Calamity Star? You invited me here because you want to seal it!" Feng Huo asked, "Master Xingying, Xia Rixing, I seriously doubt what you said before."

Three generations of Xingying lowered his head slightly, the Xingying bamboo hat on his head shrouded his face in the shadow, making it difficult to see his expression at the moment.

But Xia Rixing next to him said in a solemn tone: "Lord Fenghuo, Xing belongs to Xingren Village. We decided to seal it, but we will never allow others to take it away!"

Feng Huo laughed and said, "Why?"

"This, this..." Xia Rixing was not stupid, and soon realized that the other party was trying to trick her.

She looked at the third generation Xingying hesitantly.

"Well, since that's the case, Xia Rixing, tell him about Xing." Third Generation Xingying finally spoke.


Xia Rixing organized his language, and then told Fenghuo everything about Xing.

From the meteorite falling from the sky more than 200 years ago, to the ninjas in the Star Ninja Village absorbing the strange energy in the meteorite to practice a forbidden technique called peacock magic, to discovering the serious consequences of absorbing the energy of the meteorite, everything has been said.

"Now, you understand why I sealed it."

After Xia Rixing finished speaking, Third Generation Xingying spoke.

"That is to say, after you seal it, you don't plan to unseal it again, right?" Feng Huo asked with a smile.

Xia Rixing frowned, feeling unhappy.

The third generation of Hoshikage showed a thoughtful look, and said: "Uchiha seals the fire, so what if you take away the star? After absorbing the energy of the star, your body will suffer great pain. If the body cannot bear it, It will be crippled, even...death!"

Feng Huo smiled, but didn't bother him anymore, and said: "Master Xingying, the matter of sealing Xing shouldn't be in a hurry, I want to see Xing first, is it convenient if I don't know?"

"Of course, if you want." Third Generation Xingying did not refuse, and said to Xia Rixing, "Take him to have a look, remember not to get too close."

"Yes, Master Xingying!" Although Xia Rixing was a little unhappy, he did not disobey Xingying's order, and left Xingying building with Fenghuo after he agreed.

"If you have a way to solve the aftermath of absorbing the energy of the stars..." Third Generation Xingying closed his eyes, feeling entangled in his heart.

The opponent is Uchiha Fenghuo!

Can Star Ninja Village compete against the powerful Sharingan?

Leaving Xingying Building, Fenghuo followed Xia Rixing, feeling not bad.

He is not worried about the three generations of Xingying playing tricks, after all, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless!

Although the three generations of stars and shadows are more than one hundred, their strength... is embarrassing.

In the original book, it seems that this third-generation star shadow was assassinated by a ninja from Star Ninja Village. where to go.

On the contrary, Xia Ri Xing and Ying Huo Huo are worthy of vigilance, but that's all.

This time, Xia Rixing's attitude was not so friendly, and he was speechless throughout the whole process.

Feng Huo could understand her very well, so he quietly followed her all the way, making seven detours east and west, and the two soon came to a place similar to a temple.

The chakra perception technique of Fenghuo poured out silently, and found that there were more than a dozen star ninjas lurking nearby, heavily guarded.

At the same time, he also sensed an extremely strange aura fluctuation in the 'temple'!


Suddenly, in the sealed world inside Fenghuo, a huge tortoise covered with ferocious thorns broke out of the pool, with three tails baring its teeth and claws, "This breath, this breath..."

The spirit of Fenghuo manifested instantly on the pool.

"Isaac, it seems that you know something~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Feng Huo asked with a smile.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard, get out of here quickly, this place is too dangerous!" Isata growled.

"Dangerous?" Feng Huo rolled his eyelids, "You...recognize the energy in that meteor?"

Isota grimaced and said nothing.

Outside, Xia Rixing had already entered the 'temple', so Fenghuo naturally followed suit.

Sensing that he was getting closer to that breath, Isata silently sank into the pool, only showing half of his head, bubbling out of his mouth, his one-eyed wandering around restlessly.


Feng Huo stretched out the middle fingers of his left and right hands, and in an instant, the **** changed dramatically, one of them crackled and flashed with thunder, and the other **** was blazing and exuding high temperature.

When Isota saw it, his face turned blue!

Although its face is already green.

"Uchiha Fuhuo, you bastard, don't go too far!" Isota spat a mouthful of water at him.

Feng Huo walked over step by step, and the splashed water couldn't touch his spiritual body at all.

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Fenghuo sneered and went around to the back of Isata, but Isata refused, and moved silently with Fenghuo's movement, always keeping himself face to face with him, with a determined attitude that never hardened his anus.

While sealing the fire with his spiritual body to seal the world and the rocky **** in his body, he carefully stared at a black meteor in front of him!

Xia Rixing stared at Fenghuo vigilantly, looking like he was guarding against thieves.

Feng Huo felt that she was in the way, and said, "Don't worry, I won't rob you by force."

"Lord Fenghuo, I didn't mean that." Xia Rixing said lightly, but his eyes were still sharp.

Feng Huo didn't want to talk to her and rolled his eyes back at her, then turned around and continued to stare at Meteor.

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