Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Summer Star, Firefly Mars

"Yo, no problem, this matter is on me!"

A certain man in a dark green tight-fitting combat uniform patted his strong pectoralis major, with a look of righteousness on his face, "Feng Huo, you can go at ease, I have everything!"


Feng Huo is aggrieved, so you can go at ease, I will go to your uncle!

But in the entire village, this guy is the only one who is qualified to train Xiao Li and can make Fenghuo feel at ease.

"Beforehand, Xiao Li is someone I value, so don't put your suit on him!" Feng Huo sternly warned.

Kai raised his head slightly, and proudly said: "Fenghuo, I am Konoha's noble blue beast, not everyone is qualified to wear my battle uniform!"

"I'll take it as if you agreed." Feng Huo sneered, "If you come back and let me know what shameful little tricks you did, I'll see if I won't punch all your **** out!"

When Kai heard this, he was not angry but happy: "That's the deal! Fenghuo, we will have a **** battle when you come back! This time you can't go back on what you say!"

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched: Nima, this guy is really invulnerable, and he can penetrate everywhere.

I can't help you.

It's gone, it's gone.

After Feng Huo explained everything clearly, he set off.

On the second day after he left the village, Danzo's roots came out of the ground and crawled towards Naruto.

As the saying goes, one learns one's wisdom, and with the lessons learned from last time, Danzo will not be careless enough to go out in person.

It was night, and an elite ninja who had seen Kyuubi sneaked into Yuhihong's house, checked Naruto's seal, and confirmed that there was only half of Kyuubi in his body!

After getting the specific information, Danzo's face turned black and blue, and he cursed Namakaze Minato and Kushina in his heart. His conscience was eaten by the **** Uchiha Hienho, and he even feigned death and lurked in the dark With your ass, you know that they must be doing something!

Danzo was so irritable that he left the village overnight to discuss with his good friend Orochimaru.

At the same time, Fenghuo is also on his way. Xingren Village is located in the country of bears. Not to mention the remoteness, it is far away. Fenghuo was only when he and Namikaze Minato and others escorted a caravan to the country of snow. Passing by this country, at that time he didn't know that the Ninja Village in this country was the Star Ninja Village, otherwise... hehehe.

Feng Huo looked at the map. From his location to the Land of Bears, he would need to cross half of the Land of Fire, then the Land of Rain, and then the Land of Birds. Based on his current footsteps, it would take about half an hour. about a month.

However, the task was entrusted to Muye Village, which he visited last month. After going back and forth, Fenghuo was really afraid that the meteorite would have been sealed when he arrived at Xingren Village. Is the seal open?

So he could only channel the second form of the chakra round dance, starting from the air.

The second form of the Chaolun Dance seems to have grown a bit, the wingspan is nearly fifteen meters long, and the pair of claws are even taller than him. If they are opened, they can easily catch two or three people!


Chao Rondo II yelled in disgust, the mild weather in the Land of Fire made it very uncomfortable, and it could only dissipate heat by flying at high speed, otherwise it would be overheated to death.

Hoo hoo...

Super Rondo II quickly shuttled through the clouds, and even dragged out a cloud behind him, which was extremely spectacular.

Fenghuo sits on its back, with chakra covering the whole body, resisting the oncoming gust of wind, only feeling that the sky is high and the sea is wide, and it is uncomfortable to open its mouth to pour you a strong wind.


Chaolun Dance II screamed while flying, frightened. The eagles and birds I met along the way lost a few feathers in fright when they heard the scream, and fled.

With the two-style transportation of Chaolunwu, it took only five days to seal the fire and came to the country of bears!

Then according to the map, he quickly found the location of Star Ninja Village.

The terrain near Xing Ninja Village is quite steep, and there are even cliffs blocking it, but all of these are all decorations under the wings of the second chaotic dance.

The giant eagle with a wingspan of 15 meters fell from the sky, which immediately attracted the attention of the ninjas of Xingnin Village. The village's elite ninja couple, Xia Rixing and Yingxing Huxing, gathered together.

Feng Huo jumped off the back of Chao Rondo II, just in time to fall into their siege.

"Who are you?"

"Is it a ninja?"

"Isn't it for...?"

"No, look at his forehead, he is Konoha's ninja."

Hearing these Hoshinin's comments, Feng Huo calmly used the Chakra Perception Technique, and then looked at the red-haired Xia Rixing and the black short-haired Yingxing with a smile.

The Chakra fluctuations in these two people are the most powerful among these people, and what is particularly peculiar is that the two of them, including the Chakras of all the star ninjas present, are all very special, and there seems to be some strange energy mixed in them !

"Are you a ninja from Konoha?" Xia Rixing stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Her prestige in Star Ninja Village is still great. Once she opened her mouth, the other Star Ninjas tacitly stopped talking.

"Yes, this is the task entrusted by your three generations of Xingying."

Feng Huo took out the mission entrustment from his arms and threw it to Xia Rixing.

Xia Rixing took it and checked it, his eyes showed surprise, and said: "It is indeed Master Xingying's handwriting."

But, why did Hoshikage-sama invite a ninja from Konoha to seal the star?

Ying Huxing walked to her side, and after reading the mission entrustment, she was stunned, and said in a low voice: "So that's the case, no wonder Master Xingying has been dragging about the matter of sealing Xing, so it turns out that he is waiting for Konoha's ninja."

Xia Rixing shook his head slightly, then smiled and said to Fenghuo: "I am Xia Rixing, and this is my husband Yingxing, welcome to Xingren Village, Konoha's ninja."

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "It's called Feng Huo."

"Fenghuo? Strange name." Ying Huxing muttered, then turned around to disperse the onlookers.

"Please follow me." Xia Rixing said, "I think Master Xingying has been waiting for you for a long time."

Fenghuo smiled.

Enter Xingren Village~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Fenghuo looks around, this village is not rich, the population is not large, and many people's faces are sickly pale.

Fenghuo guessed that they had absorbed the energy of the meteor.

Soon, they came to the residence of the third generation Xingying, and unfortunately, the third generation Xingying had already fallen asleep at this time.

This third-generation star shadow is almost a hundred years old this year. When people get older, they don't sleep well, so for Hoshino, as long as it is not a major event, he will not disturb the third-generation star shadow's rest time.

"Sorry, because Master Xingying is old, so..."

Seeing the apologetic expression on Xia Rixing's face, Feng Huo didn't take it seriously, and said: "It's okay, then please arrange a place for me to rest, I happen to be a little tired."

During the five days of rushing, Feng Huo has been on the back of Chao Lunwu Ershi, and basically didn't sleep much. Although he can still persist, it would be better if he can sleep.

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