Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 528: actor

Taking the scroll from Anbu Ninja, he quickly opened it and took out the data files inside. After reading it, he finally understood what life is like a play, and it all depends on acting skills.

Mizuki's data file is simply a history of an excellent actor's self-cultivation.




What are you kidding, the information presented in these files is clearly a Konoha good ninja who has no talent, but is diligent, hard-working, and has been working for more than ten years!

'No wonder I can enter the ninja school as a teacher. If I were Hokage, I would also like such ninjas. '

Of course, this is only on the surface.

However, since Mizuki can pretend so well, he will need more time and more manpower if he wants to dig out the other party's black material. However, his supervision department is not manned enough. If he divides it out to deal with a small Mizuki is an overkill.

How about killing him directly?

After thinking about it, Feng Huo shook his head.

His current feeling is that he knows that there is a mouse dropping in a bowl of soup, but if he wants to remove the mouse dropping, he needs you to scoop it out with a small spoon. Break up a piece of mouse droppings, and then the taste will have to be fully integrated into the soup.

Feng Huo struggled with it for a long time, and suddenly came back to his senses, trying to understand one thing: this bowl of soup that fell into a rat droppings was not his.

"That's right, it's not my soup, why should I be in a hurry? I'm not the Virgin Mary."

This is really the emperor not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

Hiruza Sarutobi, who regards the ninja school as a taboo, sits there peacefully, what kind of cheap is he doing?

Howling when seeing injustice?

Do justice for the sky?


Besides, the biggest rat droppings in the village are still in good condition, so the way to seal the fire is to deal with this big rat droppings.

As the saying goes, the **** determines the attitude. With Feng Huo's current status, how can he have the mood to deal with a salted fish chunin who has no talent and no future?

Like a high-ranking deputy minister playing tricks on an elementary school physical education teacher?

The answer is: yes.

Fenghuo immediately summoned a shadow clone, and then ordered him to hand over Mizuki's information to Hatake Sakumo, saying that there were pests in the ninja school and let him take care of them.

The shadow clone looked at Fenghuo warily, for fear that he would blow himself up with a punch.

"Hurry up." Feng Huo said angrily, if he didn't have a piece of information for him to send, he would have been blown away with one punch!

Who made these shadow clones look graceful and suave, and seeing them, Feng Huo couldn't help but think of his good looks. He is a low-key person, and what he wants to forget most is his good looks. The avatar is too much of a hindrance, dangling in front of his eyes every day, irritating!

Two hours later, Xiao Li was successfully trained to become a dog by sealing the fire. He was sweating and lying on the ground exhausted, with more air intake and less air output.

"Xiao Li, do you still remember what I told you? After training, no matter how tired or difficult you are, you must not lie still! Stand up for me, take two steps, you take two steps for me!" Feng Huo shouted sharply.

At this time, Xiao Li was struggling to get up, but the weight on his body was like countless iron chains connected to the ground, tightly bound him to the ground.

Feng Huo sighed, and could only use his trump card: he took out a large bowl of chicken legs that he had prepared, and looked at him with a smile.

The chicken drumstick exudes a strong meaty fragrance, which is simply a delicacy in the world for Xiao Li at this time, and he cannot resist it at all!

I saw him twisting and twisting his shoulders on the ground and struggling to climb towards Fenghuo, he looked like an earthworm, and his eyes glowed green: "I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry..."

Feng Huo lightly jumped back, onto a tree behind him.

Xiao Li swam under the tree and bumped his head against the trunk, the pain made his eyes water down.

Feng Huo said it was amazing, and secretly said that the human body is really amazing. Xiao Li's body is obviously close to the limit, but under the temptation of delicious food, he can still climb so far by relying on his body's instincts.

Feng Huo jumped to another tree, and Xiao Li chased him with his shoulders twisting and turning, so hungry that his saliva drools.

It was funny, er, no, the training was almost done, and after turning off the fire, Xiao Li was lifted up, and then the bowl full of chicken legs was stuffed into it.

Xiao Li directly caught the bowl with his mouth, raised his head, and stuffed the four chicken legs into his mouth. His sharp teeth clicked and swallowed all the meat and bones into his stomach.

"good to eat!"

The green light in Xiao Li's eyes finally dissipated slowly.

Sealing the fire took out a large piece of beef from the sealing scroll.

Xiao Li snatched it from Fenghuo's hands almost instantly, stuffed it into his mouth and ate it wildly.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: Xiao Li's speed just now was very good, about the level of a ninja in the middle ninjutsu!

Sure enough, the limit of the human body is to be broken!

After letting Xiao Li rest for half an hour, Fenghuo continued to practice Xiao Li.

Although it was already dark at this time, it did not hinder Xiao Li's training!

bang bang bang!

At this time, Xiao Li was practicing side kicks, raising his right foot to shoulder height again and again, and then fiercely kicked towards the wooden post.

After a while, the bandage on his right foot was bleeding.

Feng Huo didn't call to stop, and Xiao Li didn't cry out for pain, as if the bleeding leg wasn't his, he just kicked his right foot again and again.

"Okay, switch to the left foot!" Feng Huo said.


Xiao Li gritted his teeth in response, then used his bleeding right foot as a support point, raised his left foot to shoulder height, and then kicked towards the wooden post.

"Uh..." Xiao Li snorted, sweating from the pain.

The blood from his right foot flowed even more joyfully.

But Fenghuo didn't call to stop, he didn't dare to stop.

'Hold on, hold on...I can do it, I can definitely do it! Can't give up, I absolutely can't give up! '

Xiao Li's face became paler and paler, but the light in his eyes became more and more dazzling, like a bright moon in the starry sky above his head!


At some point, Fenghuo had already lit a bonfire next to him, and sat there comfortably to roast the rabbit meat. After a while, a layer of golden fat overflowed from the rabbit meat, and Fenghuo took out cumin and chili Powder and other spices were sprinkled on, and the fragrance was diffused more than ten times immediately, rushing towards Xiao Li like substance.


Obviously he just ate chicken drumsticks, but Xiao Li felt that he was hungry again.

This feeling relieved the pain of his right foot a bit~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He looked to the side pitifully, but saw that Fenghuo had already removed the rabbit meat from the bonfire, and bit it happily He took a bite, and then grinned from the heat, making Xiao Li swallow his saliva wildly.

Xiao Li kicked sideways while watching, and after a while, his left foot also kicked and bled.

After Feng Huo finished eating the rabbit, he burped in satisfaction, and then said, "Xiao Li, let's rest first."

But Xiao Li refused to stop: "Uncle Feng Huo, I can still persist!"

Feng Huo said: "Although the way of practice requires perseverance, there must be a degree of relaxation. Excessive practice will overdraw your body."

Although Fenghuo set him up for extreme training, this limit is not something that he can break through every few days. He approaches the limit again and again, and then waits for enough accumulation to break through again. If he tries to break through the limit every time, I'm afraid that Xiao Li's body can't hold it. Still troubled by the latest chapters you can't find? Amway one or search hot/degree/network/article "Remember to remove "/" when searching or you won't be able to find it", here is a young lady to help you find books and chat with you!

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