Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 523: frustration

In a training field in the corner of the Ninja School playground, the students of Inoshita Nakama's class had already formed a circle, each with their eyes glowing, staring at the two protagonists in the field without blinking.

"Come on, Neji, beat Li Rock!"

"Let this guy who walked through the back door know how powerful he is!"

Thanks to Nakama Nakazawa, the cheering voice of the students who had accumulated grievances for a long time was almost one-sided towards Ningji Hinata, which made Xiao Li even more stressed.

"Come on." Xiao Li put on a posture, raised his fists in front of him, as if I would blow you up with my fists.

When everyone saw it, they were immediately happy.

"No way, Rock Lee, you don't think this is a children's fight, do you?"

"This is a battle between ninjas."

"Didn't Master Zhongzhen teach you ninjutsu?"

"In terms of physical skills, how could you be Neji's opponent? He is from the Hyuga family, and his soft fist is famous in the ninja world!"

Listening to the chaotic voices of the crowd, Xiao Li's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Goodness behold, although he has been treated dozens of times by Inoshita Nakama, the gains from each time are very small, and he can even clearly feel the attitude of Inoshita Nakama's teacher towards him, from the high expectations at the beginning to the anticipation , to hesitation, to doubt, I believe that after a while, it will turn into despair... right?

"Locke Li, you should act first, lest others say that I bullied a commoner!" Ningji Hyuga said disdainfully.


Xiao Li is also a person who wants to save face. He provoked him several times, and the anger in his heart mixed with aggrieved anger and rushed straight to his forehead.


He roared and rushed towards Neiji Hyuga, raised his small fist and hammered Neiji Hyuga's chest fiercely.

Ningji Hinata has been practicing soft boxing since she was a child. Whether it is the nerve response or the timing of the shot, it is far superior to children of the same age.

At this time, Xiao Li rushed up like a bull. He instinctively evaded slightly to the left, and then stretched out his right foot.



Xiao Li was knocked down to the ground and ate a mouthful of mud.

"You only have this level!"

Ningji Hyuga stood there, looking down at Xiao Li, as if a high-ranking **** was questioning ordinary people, with an unattainable temperament and majesty.

The cheering cheers from the onlookers had died down at some point, but Neji Hinata was still talking there.

"Sure enough, it's impossible for civilians to defeat me." Ningji Hyuga crossed her arms, "However, you didn't even make me roll my eyes. I'm so disappointed!"

"Damn it, I haven't lost yet!"

Xiao Li got up from the ground, wiped his face and mouth with both hands indiscriminately, and rushed to Hinata Ningji again with his face covered in mud.

"Hmph! Stupid!"

Neji Hinata had already seen the depth of Xiao Li, this time he didn't dodge or avoid, he directly slapped him, and then hit a acupuncture point on Xiao Li's chest first.


When Xiao Li was hit on the acupuncture point, his head was sweating profusely in pain, and he knelt on the ground and couldn't straighten up.

"If it wasn't for Uchiha Fenghuo who valued you, why would the teacher give you a special treatment?" Hinata Neji's eyes gradually turned cold, and he said disdainfully, "But a commoner is a commoner, and it will never be possible to defeat me who has a noble blood. , Uchiha Fenghuo missed it!"

With that said, he turned around and was about to leave.

But Xiao Li gritted his teeth and straightened his back, suppressing the pain and shouting loudly: "I haven't surrendered yet!!"

Then he took a staggering step, but in the next moment, Hyuga Neji had turned around and slapped a sharp palm!


Xiao Li's right cheek was on the ground, and the left half of his face was photographed by Ningji Hinata with five clear red fingerprints, which was too horrible to look at!

"The weak should have the consciousness of being a weak person, Li Luoke, obediently looking up at me from the position at the end of the crane, this is the only thing you can do!" Ningji Hyuga said proudly.

"Uh..." Although Xiao Li was photographed in a mess, his tenacious will allowed his body to half-support again, "I, I haven't lost yet."

Hyuga Ningji's eyes were slightly cold.

At the same time, the students next to him have completely changed their positions.

In the beginning, they supported Neji Hyuga because Mrs. Inoshita Nakama had been giving Xiaoli a little trouble, which made them simple children envious and jealous. But now, after hearing what Neji Hyuga said, they looked Xiao Li's tenacious will immediately 'rebelled'.

"Come on, Xiao Li, we are optimistic about you!"

"Down with Ningji Hinata, I have long disliked this guy."

"He's a commoner all day long, what's so great about him!"

"Little Li, come on!"

It's a pity that Xiao Li's tinnitus has already been photographed at this meeting, and he can't hear their words at all.

"You don't deserve to be my opponent at all, wasting my time!" Ningji Hyuga snorted coldly and walked away.

Xiao Li took two steps forward, but finally couldn't hold on anymore, and half knelt on the ground covering his ears.

"Xiao Li, are you okay?"

"Next time you will definitely be able to defeat Neji Hinata."

"That guy is really annoying, the Hinata family is amazing."

The classmates next to him gathered around to ask their relatives.

Seeing that something was wrong with his condition every day, he proposed to take him to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, the head teacher Nakama Inoshita suddenly appeared and asked a group of students to go back to the classroom, while he took Xiao Li away.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Zhongzhen, I've let you down." Xiao Li said weakly, lying on Jingxia Zhongzhen's shoulder.

Inoshita Nakama sighed, and said: "Xiao Li, I'm actually to blame for all this. I misunderstood what Master Uchiha Fenghuo meant, and thought you were a genius, so I treated you... oh, I'm sorry."

At this moment, he finally understood that Feng Huo asked him to take care of Xiao Li, which was purely literal. It didn't involve any genius or talent at all. He was thinking too much.

"Uchiha Fenghuo-sama? Nakama-sensei, why would such an important person know me." Although Xiao Li was young, he also knew the two best ninjas that emerged in the village during the Third Ninja World War~www .wuxiamtl.com~One is the Fourth Hokage Kaze Minato, and the other is Uchiha Sealing Fire.

"I don't know either." Inoxia Nakama shook his head and said with a smile, "Maybe he knows your parents."

"Really?" Xiao Li's eyes lit up.

"The next time I see Mr. Fenghuo, I will ask you for you." Jing Xiazhongzhen laughed, and then said, "As for the future, Xiao Li, you have to be mentally prepared."

Xiao Li gritted his teeth: "Teacher Zhongzhen, no matter what, I must become an excellent ninja!"

"But your talent is really bad, Xiao Li, I don't mean to belittle you, but you must recognize the reality." Inoka Nakama sighed.

Xiao Li was silent, clenched his hands firmly into fists.

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