Seven days have passed since Orochimaru invaded Konoha.

During this week, Orochimaru was unable to extricate himself from the ocean of knowledge.

Of course.

He also didn’t forget his duty as a veterinarian!

The fact that the little piggy is sick is a piece of cake for him.

Just do some research on medical skills and you will know how to treat it.

At the same time, Orochimaru was excited.

There was a lot of knowledge in the mechanical encyclopedia that Qianye gave him, and every piece of knowledge was something he had never heard of or seen before!

Agricultural products sales office.

Chiba stood in front of all the employees and said with a smile:"Do you remember what I told you before the Chunin Exam?" When everyone heard this, except Orochimaru who looked confused, everyone else nodded.

Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up and he grinned:"I know, the boss said that after the Chuunin exam is over, he will take us to a hot spring."

"good."Qianye nodded,"Everyone has worked hard these days. Let's go to the hot springs and enjoy it."

"Wuhu! Finally I can go to the hot springs."Senju Hashirama looked very excited.

Chiba looked at the happy look of the employees, 02 waved his hand and said:"Let's go to the country of Yu!"

The Kingdom of Rain.

The base of the Akatsuki organization.

In a cave.

A man with orange hair and a black stick of different lengths on his face.

This man is the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Tiandao Payne!

In front of him is There are eight members standing.

Konan, Akasaka no Scorpion, Hidan, Kakuzu, Uchiha Itachi, Black Zetsu, and Inigaki Kisame are worth mentioning

, except for Kakuzu and Hidan. Except for Dan, everyone else is in the physical state.

As for Kakuzu and Hidan, they use the magic lantern body technique!

No matter where the caster is, they can transform into virtual beings in the designated place. Projection.

Not only that.

The virtual projection created by the caster can also hear sounds and communicate with people.

It can be said that this technique is quite high-tech!

At this time, Tiandao Payne looked around. Everyone has no expression on their faces, their tone is indifferent, and no emotion can be heard.

"In recent days, everyone has heard various sounds coming from Konoha, right?"

The other members of the Akatsuki organization nodded when they heard the leader's words.

At this moment, a man with light blue hair and a light blue paper flower on the right side of his hair said:"According to the information I know, A week ago, Orochimaru teamed up with Sunagakure Village to attack Konoha, but for unknown reasons, Orochimaru suddenly stopped fighting and instead went to work in a store selling agricultural products in Konoha Village."

Tiandao Payne nodded and said in a deep voice:"Although we don't know the specific details, now that Orochimaru's whereabouts are known, we must kill the traitor who betrayed the Akatsuki organization!"

"Do you want to kill Orochimaru?"Among the members of the Akatsuki organization, Xie heard the leader's words, and the murderous intent was obvious in his eyes, and he said coldly:"Leader, let me kill the traitors in the organization!"

Hearing this, Tiandao Payne took a deep look at Xia.

It could be seen that Xia hated Orochimaru.

Moreover, he also knew.

In the past, when Orochimaru was still working for the Akatsuki organization, these two people formed a team together. , they were very at odds at that time.

Now that Orochimaru's whereabouts have been found, Scorpion certainly cannot miss the opportunity to kill his former teammates!

After thinking about it, Tiandao Payne nodded and said,"Okay, then you can." Just kill Orochimaru, and remember to take his body back to the organization after killing him."

Hearing this, Xie nodded, with a cruel look on his face, and replied: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There is no problem in bringing the organization back, but I want to make his body into a puppet and make him a beautiful work of art!"

"Moreover, I have heard him say before that to achieve eternal life"

"Just in time, when I make him into a puppet, let him realize true eternity in the form of art!"

"......"Tiandao Payne was a little speechless, but he didn't say much else.

But at this moment, as another artist in the Akatsuki organization, Deidara strongly disagreed with Scorpion's point of view.

He curled his lips and said disdainfully:"Tsk, eternal art has long been outdated, real art should be explosion! Hmm!"

"explode? Does explosion deserve to be called art?"Listening to the other party's sarcasm, the corner of Xie's mouth twitched fiercely, and he retorted unhappily, and then praised himself:"Art must be long-lasting and beautiful, and only eternal beauty can be called art!" And the puppets I made are the greatest works!"

After Deidara was despised, his nose was almost crooked with anger. He put his hands on his hips and sneered and retorted:

"No, no, no, the art of eternal beauty is already obsolete, and my explosive art is the greatest art!"

"You know, the moment of beauty produced by the explosion will be a beautiful work of art. Perfect art should be sublimated in the explosion!"

"Art is an explosion! Um!"

When he mentioned his explosive art, his face showed unprecedented pride.

"Eternal art is actually said to be worthless by you......Deidara! It seems like you want to die, right?!"Xiao stared at his teammates coldly and said in a deep voice.

"how? Am I not afraid of you? Um!" Deidara was completely unafraid of the other party's threat and retorted verbally.

"you......"Scorpio's angry eyes were red and bloodshot, as if Deidara was going to be brutally killed in the next second!

When Tiandao Payne saw the members being angry with each other, his face looked very ugly. He waved his hand and said,"That's enough, you two, stop arguing!""

"snort! Xie snorted coldly and said unhappily:"Deidara, sooner or later I will make you into a puppet and make you my work of art!""

"Tsk, sooner or later I will use explosive art to blow you and the puppet to pieces! Um!"Deidara said with bared teeth.

Just when the two of them started arguing again, they were broken by a voice.

"Scorpion, Deidara, you 637s, please stop making noise."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned towards the person who spoke.

And the person who spoke was none other than Hidan who used the magic lantern body technique!

At this time, Hidan looked at the two people arguing in front of him and shrugged. Said:"I think you should stop thinking about killing Orochimaru, the traitor."

"What do you mean? Xie frowned and asked.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just think I should kill Orochimaru. Hidan replied bluntly.

"no! Orochimaru has a big problem with me. I must kill him and make him into the most outstanding work of art!"Xiao directly shook his head and refused.

Good guy, isn't this guy Hidan here to compete with him?!

How can he accept it?!

Hearing the other party's rejection, Hidan directly looked at Tendo Payne, clicked his tongue and said :"Chief, Kakuzu and I are exchanging silver at the gold exchange, and we are relatively close to Konoha Village. Let us leave the matter of killing Orochimaru to us."

Hearing this, Tiandao Payne thought for a while, then nodded and said:"That's okay."

Then, he looked at Scorpion and Deidara

"You two should stop killing Orochimaru. Kakuzu and Hidan are close to Konoha. Let them handle this matter."

"......"The corner of Xie's mouth twitched fiercely, but he finally nodded,"I understand."

Deidara shrugged helplessly and sighed:"Then......Oh well......"

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