
"Cars, this kind of technology is really powerful, it is a complete means of transportation!"

Orochimaru stuck his head out of the window, raised his hands high and praised repeatedly.

Because the speed of the car was too fast, his whole body was messy in the wind.

Twenty minutes ago.

He just got in the car and chatted with Chiba for a while in the car.

I learned a lot about technology, especially when I heard the word"car", the excitement on my face was not concealed at all. Orochimaru even said excitedly that he wanted to change the name of the car. The parts were disassembled and he had to study them carefully.

However, his idea was directly rejected by Chiba.

The reason was very simple.

Orochimaru was not his own employee, so he had no right to dismantle it. Car.

For a moment, Orochimaru sighed helplessly.

After all

, these mysterious technologies in front of him had never been seen before....

I guess I couldn’t sleep for three days and three nights!

But if you want to dismantle cars, you must become an employee of Chiba Boss.

This was hard for him to accept for a while.

After driving on the road for five minutes, the vehicle finally arrived at its destination.

Agricultural products sales center!

After a while, everyone got off the car.

Although Orochimaru felt a little reluctant and wanted to stay in the car, when he felt everyone's eyes on him, he sighed helplessly and reluctantly got out of the car.

"Come on, let's walk to the breeding farm."

Qianye said with a smile to everyone.

"walk?"Senju Hashirama scratched his head and said,"Boss, don't we have a car? It would be so fast to just drive there.

Hearing the employees' doubts, Chiba shook his head and said,"No, we can just walk there.""

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama became even more puzzled.

Confused, he still nodded.

After that, everyone walked towards the breeding farm.

As Orochimaru walked, he also communicated with Chiba while walking.

Chatting. He gained a lot of confidence.

This large area of land belonged to Boss Chiba.

But when they had not walked a few steps, a tractor came into view. Especially when Orochimaru saw the tractor, his eyes lit up.

He pointed at the tractor parked on the side of the road and asked curiously:"Boss Chiba, what is this?""

"walking tractor." Chiba replied

"walking tractor? What a strange name. Orochimaru muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, another car parked on the side of the road attracted his attention.

"Boss, is this black iron lump also a car?"

"Well, this is a van."Qianye nodded.

"A van? bread?"Orochimaru was stunned and muttered again.

Along the way, Orochimaru saw a lot of mechanized agricultural tools.

Multi-functional harvesters, integrated tractors for land reclamation and sowing.

These mechanical equipment that had never been seen in the ninja world were really impressive. Orochimaru couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

Especially when he looked at Chiba, his eyes changed.

At this moment, he finally understood why Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and others were willing. Become an employee of Boss Chiba.

The technological equipment displayed by the other party is something he has never heard of or seen.

The most important thing is that if he can work in front of Boss Chiba.

Being able to access more incredible technological equipment.

After thinking about this, Orochimaru secretly wrote down his thoughts.

Looking at the other party's changing expressions, he felt very satisfied.

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) In fact, the most important reason why he chose to walk was to shock Orochimaru with all kinds of mechanical equipment along the way.

Only in this way can Orochimaru come to work for him.

Only in this way can Orochimaru be completely trapped in the ocean of technology and unable to extricate himself!

Chiba just wants the other party to understand that as long as he follows him, his vision of technology will become wider and wider after everyone walks a certain distance!

, and soon arrived at the gate of the breeding farm

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

Chiba said casually and walked into the breeding farm first.

The others followed closely.

Orochimaru looked at the open door of the breeding farm and walked directly in without hesitation.

When he stepped inside the breeding farm Finally, for a moment, everyone was stunned. What they saw were mechanized equipment that they had never seen before. Automatic feeding machines, automatic feces treatment machines, and automatic sewage purifiers.......

At this moment -

Orochimaru thought he had seen enough big scenes.

Didn't expect......

The various complex machines and equipment in front of him directly opened a new door to science and technology for him!

Now, he was as stunned as a clay sculpture.

Now he has been shocked by all kinds of mechanical equipment!!


Orochimaru took a deep breath, looked back at Chiba, and said:" This......What technologies are these? I've never seen it before!"

"This is a little tricky to explain."Qianye took out a book from his arms and said,"This book is a comprehensive collection of information on various mechanical equipment. There are records of the mechanical equipment in my farm."

"Come on, come on, show me!"Orochimaru looked excited and looked impatient.

"This is not okay."Qianye shook his head and said in a difficult tone:"After all, you are not my employee. This book can only be circulated internally, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from viewing it."

As soon as these words came out!

Orochimaru, who was originally looking excited, suddenly woke up.

He finally understood.

He had been tricked by Boss Chiba.

The other party aroused his strong desire for knowledge about technology, and the purpose He wanted to become a veterinarian in the breeding farm.

When he thought about this, he was secretly surprised.

But when he thought about the mechanical collection in his hand, he wanted to know more about what was going on in the breeding farm. The principle of machine operation.

However, Orochimaru understood that he had to become a Chiba employee, which was a bit difficult for him to accept.

At the same time,

Chiba looked at Orochimaru's painful appearance and deliberately used his hands. He patted the book cover, clicked his tongue and said,"Are you still hesitating? Don't you want to know what's in this book?"

After saying that, Qianye saw that the other party was struggling more and more painfully, and continued:

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you"

"This is the only book in the entire ninja world!"

"The opportunity is right in front of you now. Whether you can seize it or not is up to you!".

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