
A sound of breaking through the sand wall sounded.

Look carefully.

It was Uchiha Sasuke who used the Thunder Release Chidori to stab straight into the sand ball that wrapped Gaara!

The Thunder Release has powerful penetrating power, and the Chidori It also focused the attacks on one point. When the two were combined, Gaara's sand ball would definitely not be able to stop the powerful penetrating power.

When Chidori penetrated the sand ball, Uchiha Sasuke immediately noticed the penetration of his right hand. In Gaara's body

"Tick tock! Tick tock!"

The warm blood flowed from Gaara's chest until it fell to Uchiha Sasuke's right arm.

Uchiha Sasuke felt the warmth coming from his right arm, and he understood in his heart.

What he gave to the other person The damage was definitely not low, but it was not fatal.

After hitting the target, Uchiha Sasuke did not hesitate, let alone taunt the opponent. He jumped up and quickly retreated.

More than ten meters away to prevent sudden changes.

"Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!"

After retreating to the side, Uchiha Sasuke gasped for air.

He had released the Gohuo Qianqu and the Thunder Release Chidori before, and there was not much chakra left in his body.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed. He stared at the sand hole as thick as his wrist made by Chidori. At the same time, the villagers in the audience looked at the wonderful battle that had just happened. Everyone was excited, wishing that the person fighting was like themselves - especially when they saw the blood on Uchiha Sasuke's right arm, many people screamed.

"What a wonderful experience!!"

"yes! Sasuke's performance just now was so cool!"

"Yes, yes, I want to go up and fight Gaara myself!"

"just you? Are you worthy? If you go up there, you will be beaten severely!"


For a moment, the villagers in the audience started talking, and the entire arena seemed extremely noisy!

The other side.

Uchiha Madara looked at his junior, with satisfaction in his eyes.

Sasuke did well, very well!

But at this moment, a violent force emitted from the sand ball.

At that moment, the corners of his mouth curled up

"Dazhu, do you feel it?"

"Um. Hearing this, Senju Hashirama nodded and said,"That violent power belongs to Ichibi Shukaku. It seems that the blow Sasuke gave Gaara did bring a lot of stimulation.""

At this point, he stared at the maracas in the arena with a malicious look in his eyes.

"If Shukaku knows better, just stay in the seal for me."

"if it disobeys......"

Before he finished speaking, he clenched his hands into fists and made a sound of bones rubbing together.

Although he and Uchiha Madara had mentioned how Uchiha Sasuke would deal with the tailed beast if Shukaku went berserk.

But when the time came for the tailed beast to go berserk, as the first Hokage, of course he didn't want to see the tailed beast attack the Leaf Village.

Take action when it's time to take action!

Shukaku must be beaten! same time.

On the playing field.

Among the sand balls.

Gaara felt the sharp pain coming from his shoulder, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He never expected that the absolute defense he was so proud of would be pierced by his opponent with his own eyes, and even hurt his body.

Thinking of this, Gaara's eyes were full of violence, and his murderous intent was completely undisguised!

"Hurry up!"

"Give me strength quickly!"

"Give me strength!"

"I'm going to kill Sasuke!"

He lowered his head and muttered to himself, constantly muttering. As soon as he finished speaking - a majestic and violent force rushed into his body.

Feeling the full power in his body, Gaara's face showed excitement. Sex, looking like enjoying it

"Yes, yes, that’s it!"

"Come on, give me all your power, I'm going to kill Sasuke!!"

Feeling the violent power in his body, Gaara was about to lose his mind.

It can be seen that the damage Uchiha Sasuke had just caused to him was indeed very exciting.

But just when he was enjoying the violent power. ( To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, the violent power that was originally filled in Gaara's body shrank rapidly.

In just a few seconds,

Gaara's body became dry.

Facing the sudden scene, Gaara was completely stunned. This was the first time he encountered this situation!

"what happened?"

There was no response to his chanting.

At this moment, Gaara was really confused.

However, in the sealed space inside his body, a fat tanuki was hiding in a dark corner and shivering!

Originally, it saw Gaara showed signs of going berserk, so he wanted to see if he could break through the seal.

So - he passed the chakra in his body to Gaara to see if he could bewitch him, so he could take the opportunity to break the seal and escape..

Who would have thought!

His perfect plan was disrupted by an unkind look. When he felt the unkind gaze, Shukaku's pupils shrank and he was shocked.


"Senju Hashirama!!"

Especially from that terrifying gaze, it clearly felt that this was definitely Senju Hashirama, and there was no way it could be faked!

Then - it thought of the almost perverted strength of the first Hokage, and it was even more worried in its heart. It cast a big shadow.

Just now, it understood clearly from the other party's unkind gaze that it would be beaten if it didn't. What else could it do? After all, it really couldn't bear the anger from the Ninja God Senju Hashirama!

Gaara naturally didn't know what Shukaku was thinking.

After he recovered from his confusion, he continued. Shouting in my heart

"`Hurry, hurry, hurry! Come on, give me strength!!"

"I'm going to kill Sasuke!!"

"kill him!!"

Shukaku, who was hiding in the corner and shivering, twitched violently when he heard the jinchuriki's shouts.

Is there a serious illness in this kid's head?!

Didn't you see that I was shivering?

He secretly complained a few words in his heart. After that, it just collapsed on the ground, pretending not to hear, and ignored Gaara.

After Gaara screamed for chakra in his heart to no avail, he fell into the awkward state again.

This was the first time he encountered it. (It's such an embarrassing situation.

On another high platform,

Orochimaru was disguised as Kazekage, looking at Gaara in the competition field.

When he felt the violent aura in the opponent's body, he was ready to witness it with his own eyes. Jinchuuriki.

The next second , he suddenly felt that the violent aura in Gaara's body suddenly disappeared.

He was confused for a long time, and his eyes kept changing. Now the one-tailed jinchuriki has not yet gone wild, and Konoha's collapse plan is imminent. After thinking about this, he finally made his decision and slowly raised his head towards the back row of the auditorium. The bespectacled ninja looked at it, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear!

"The Konoha Collapse Plan has officially begun!"

Yakushi Kabuto immediately understood the meaning in Orochimaru's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately released the news to the ninjas of Sunagakure Village!

"Konoha's plan to collapse, take action!!"......

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