
For Senju Hashirama.

His purpose had been exposed, and he was despised by Uchiha Madara.

There is nothing to hide now.

If you don't mess it up now, when will you wait?!

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama who was sitting on the ground, looking like he was posing as a salted fish, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"Big pillar, if you want to destroy it, please stay away from me!"

"Don't hinder my work"

"That won't work."Senju Hashirama didn't even think about it, just shook his head and refused.

I've been despised by you. If I can't get any benefits from you, wouldn't it be despised in vain?

Seeing the way the other party shook his head and waved his hands, the big Uchiha spotted head Ru Niu, although he wanted to go up and punch the other person, he felt very conflicted about this.


Seeing the other person's speechless look, Senju Hashirama grinned.

"Ah Ban, you should obey me, right?"

"Now teach me how to follow the breeding equipment, otherwise I will keep pestering you!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara rolled his Sharingan and sighed helplessly.

"Sigh, I really can’t stand you, that’s okay."

Senju Hashirama looked at the other party and nodded, with a look of joy on his face.

"Hehe, I knew you were the best to me"

"All right, just tell the truth. Uchiha Madara curled his lips and raised his head arrogantly,"Come on, follow me and learn something.""

"okay."Senju Hashirama stood up from the ground and dusted off his buttocks.

After that - in the following days, everyone was installing breeding equipment.

Since there are dozens of pieces of equipment, and there are many large Equipment.

For this reason, it was very time-consuming for everyone to install it.

In the end, it took a total of twelve days to install all the breeding equipment!

Similarly, there are still three days left before the final selection of the Chunin Examination.. Inside the breeding farm.

Senju Hashirama came to Chiba, pointed at the surrounding breeding equipment, and said excitedly:"Boss, what do you think of the installation? Are there any flaws?"

Qianye looked at the various equipment in front of him and nodded with great satisfaction.

"Not bad."

When all the employees heard the boss's satisfied words, they all had smiles on their faces.

At the same time,

Uchiha Madara glanced at Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama felt the other's gaze and understood it. He nodded.

Then he rubbed his hands and smiled.

"Boss, look at how hard we all work, do you want to arrange a reward for us?"

Uchiha Madara on the side nodded in agreement.

"That makes sense!"

Qianye saw the two singing in harmony and nodded with a smile.

"Don’t worry, there is only one last step left for the farm to be put into operation. I will personally cook and prepare a sumptuous dinner for you, and enjoy the drinks at that time."

When everyone heard this, they all cheered.

Senju Hashirama looked excited and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Boss, I want to drink the so-called water of life, ninety-six degrees, vodka!

Uchiha Madara on the side nodded quickly and said:"I want to drink too."

Seeing the two people eager to drink vodka, Chiba grinned, nodded and said,"That's okay.""

"Oh yeah!"When Senju Hashirama saw his boss nodding, he almost jumped up with excitement.

Uchiha Madara also seemed very excited.

In fact, the two of them had already started planning to drink vodka.

After all, the last time they drank vodka, it brought them trouble. It feels like flying.

The powerful impact is really addictive!

They have been thinking about it. Now they have finally seized the opportunity to build a new project.

Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he planned to drink vodka!

After everyone cheered, Senju Hashirama asked:"By the way, the boss just said that there is still one last step?"

"yes."Chiba nodded, and then said to Uchiha Madara:"You can go to the financial warehouse to get some silver later, and then drive the tractor to the piglet wholesale market to buy some piglets."

While speaking, he took out a piece of paper from his arms and took it out.

"This is the address of the wholesale market. I have already said hello to the boss there. Someone will be there to greet you when you get there."

Uchiha Madara took the paper, looked at the address on it, and nodded.

"OK, I'll go right away."

0 Asking for flowers. Just after he finished speaking, Senju Hashirama on the side said quickly:"Boss, I want to go too."

"Are you going too? What are you going to do?"Uchiha Madara frowned slightly.

"I just want to go and have a look. Why don’t I accompany you? I’m afraid you’ll be lonely on the road alone." Senju Hashirama grinned and answered.

"stay with me......lonely......"Uchiha Madara's mouth twitched sharply.

However, he felt warm in his heart.

Chiba looked at Senju Hashirama, then at Uchiha Madara, and then, there was a strange look in his eyes.

Has the relationship between these two guys progressed to this point?

Thinking of this, Qianye shook his head in his heart.


If you knew the current relationship between Hashirama and Madara.

I'm afraid that the green grass on your head will soon grow green, right?

Thinking back on it, Chiba was too lazy to get involved in other people's affairs.

Then he nodded

"Okay, then go and get the piggy over."

Senju Hashirama was very excited when he saw his boss nodding in agreement.

"Ah Ban, let’s go."

After saying that, he directly took Uchiha Madara's hand and left here.

Chiba looked at the two people's leaving figures and secretly smacked his tongue.

Then, he looked at the other employees

"Everyone makes preparations first, and after the piglets are purchased, they will be driven to the breeding area."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

In the evening, with the roar of the tractor,

Madara Uchiha drove the tractor back and transported a load of piglets.

The employees who had been prepared for a long time took action immediately.

Everyone had their hands in their hands. With sticks and whips, they began to drive away the piglets. It was the first time for everyone to drive the piglets away, so it took a full fifteen minutes to drive the first batch of piglets into the breeding area.

After the piglets were processed, Uchiha Madara did not sit idle and continued to drive the tractor towards the wholesale market.

This time there were more pigs, and one truck would definitely not be able to pull them all.

In the next three days. Inside.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama went to the wholesale market to buy piglets, while the others were responsible for driving the piglets into the pig pen......begging..

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