After Chiba left, everyone started busy with their work.

Only Senju Hashirama was standing there like a fool, looking confused.

He looked at the breeding equipment in front of him and scratched his head.

"What did the boss just say?"

"How do you assemble this thing?"

Senju Hashirama held his head in his hands, looking like he was in pain and contemplation.

Recalling the scene when his boss explained the installation of equipment before, he only felt that his eyes were blurred and his brain was sleepy.

For a moment, he secretly regretted it.

If he hadn't been so brave, Explain to your boss how to assemble the breeding equipment and you won’t be confused now!

"No, it definitely won’t work if this continues!"

"If everyone else has assembled the breeding equipment and I haven’t even assembled one, wouldn’t I be laughed at?"

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama's body trembled.

Now he has thought of the contemptuous looks in other people

's eyes. Especially the scene where Uchiha Madara despised himself, which he didn't want to see.

He was extremely anxious about this.

The brain is like a super powerful machine, thinking crazily about how to resolve its embarrassing situation!

"Are you going to the office to ask your boss for advice?"

"No, no, I just told the boss that I can assemble the machine, and then I went to ask the boss for advice."

"This will only earn you the contempt of your boss!"

When the first plan came to mind, Rente Hashirama immediately considered that it was not feasible.

Then, he discarded the idea without hesitation.

Then, he rubbed his chin and thought about it again

"Do I need to find Tobirama to teach me?"

As soon as this idea came to mind, Senju Hashirama discarded it again.

Because he felt that if he went to Tobirama for advice, he would definitely be despised by his younger brother.

In that case - wouldn't it make Tobirama's heart full of hatred for him? The status of his elder brother has been continuously lowered?

This is unbearable for him.

"Looking for Izuna?"

Senju Hashirama didn't even think about it, and just threw away this idea.

If he wants to go to Uchiha Izuna, then he will be despised by Uchiha Madara!

As for going to Haku and Zabuza?

He felt - he still Don't bother with that young couple.

There's only one left now,

Minato Namikaze!


Senju Hashirama narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, but finally he shook his head.

"forget it."

After all, as the first Hokage, I would really lose face if I went to ask my juniors for advice.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure anything out.

Senju Hashirama let out a long sigh.

"Alas, how can this be fixed?!"

However, just as he finished sighing, he happened to catch a glimpse of Madara Uchiha who was working seriously from the corner of his eye. For a moment, an idea suddenly appeared in Senju Hashirama's mind.

"Eh? Got an idea!!"

He stared at Uchiha Madara and laughed.

Without much hesitation, he walked directly in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

At the same time,

Uchiha Madara was assembling the"automatic feeding equipment". He put the food The slot was placed on the ground, and he was thinking about the assembly procedure taught by his boss.

But at this moment,

Uchiha Madara, who was thinking about it, suddenly felt a chill down his spine. , he already knew who appeared behind him. He saw Uchiha Madara yelling, his face as black as the bottom of a pot. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hasi hot mom! How many times have I warned you not to stand behind me!"

As he spoke, he directly rolled up his sleeves, intending to hit someone.

Upon seeing this, Senju Hashirama hurriedly took a few steps back, grinned and said:"Aban, I just wanted to test it. After the New Year, you Has this problem been corrected yet?"

While he was speaking, his eyes were looking at the breeding equipment assembled by Uchiha Madara.

The intention was obvious, he wanted to learn secretly.

Can't he still learn by following the gourd?

At this time, Uchiha Madara twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely after listening to the other party's words.

"Dazhu, I've said before that this problem can't be corrected, but you came here to test it. Are you just looking for trouble?"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became.

He always felt that the Senju Hashirama at the moment was weird.

However, at this moment, the Senju Hashirama was secretly looking at the breeding equipment assembled by Uchiha Madara.

He did not hear the other party's previous question at all.

When Uchiha Madara saw Senju Hashirama's stunned look, his nose was almost crooked with anger, he put his hands on his hips and said unhappily:"Hashirama, are you here to deliberately cause trouble?"

Senju Hashirama, who was studying secretly, felt the unkind gaze of the other party and immediately looked towards Uchiha Madara

"`Uh......Ah, what did you say?"

"......"Uchiha Madara was speechless.

After talking for a long time, everything he said was ignored by Senju Hashirama?!

"that......I think if you haven't corrected your problem, I won't bother you."When Senju Hashirama saw the other party's face getting darker and darker, he bared his teeth and ran away quickly.

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama's retreating back and rolled his eyes.

"Is your brain showing off?"

After complaining, he continued to work.

At the same time,

Senju Hashirama came to his work area, and then recalled that he had just peeked at the automatic feeding equipment assembled by Uchiha Madara.

After thinking for a while, he followed the secret Take a look at the steps to assemble it step by step.

Senju Hashirama moved the food trough to the ground and calibrated the position. The purpose was to facilitate the next step of assembly.

"There should be no problem in checking this position for the trough."

After Senju Hashirama repeatedly confirmed the location of the food trough, he continued to the next step of installation.

He grabbed the two arms of the equipment with both hands and exerted slight force.

Hundreds of kilograms of equipment were directly lifted by him Then

, Senju Hashirama pointed the feeding pipe of the feeding equipment at the trough.

When he heard the"click" sound, Senju Hashirama understood that the feeding pipe was already aligned with the trough.

After completing these two steps, Senju Hashirama looked in the direction of Uchiha Madara, grinning almost to the base of his ears.

"Good job stealing, keep up the good work!"

Before, stealing lessons was just a small test, and he didn't look too carefully at the installation steps of the automatic feeding equipment.

Now that the first sneak lesson was very successful, he needs to steal lessons more the second time, or else he keeps looking for Uchiha. After Madara secretly learned the installation steps, he would be discovered sooner or later.

After making up his mind, he walked in the direction of Uchiha Madara:

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