Forest of Death, interior.

This time, a mobile food truck led the way, followed by four electric vehicles.

Food truck.

Zabuza was driving the car in the main cab.

There were two people sitting in the co-pilot.

Chiba, Mitarashi red beans.

Originally, there was only one person sitting in the passenger compartment.

It must be quite crowded now that two people sit in one seat.

Because the roads in the Death Forest are not very smooth, there are potholes everywhere.

So much so that

Chiba would touch Mitarashi Anko's body from time to time.

For a moment, Mitarashi Anko's face turned red with embarrassment.

Chiba looked at the other person's blushing look and secretly smacked his tongue.

On the surface, Mitarai Anko looks carefree.

Even - sometimes, she would act seductively.

But when something really happened, she was like a good girl, blushing pretty and very well-behaved.

"Now, there is a"777" sales point specially set up for you not far ahead, which is the only way for all candidates participating in the competition."

Mitarai Anko blushed with embarrassment and pointed to the road outside the car window with her little finger.

"Um."Qianye nodded.

Then, he thought about it and asked:"Hongdou, have all the candidates participating in the competition entered the forest of death?"

Hearing this, Mitarashi Anko scratched her head and replied:"At this point in time, you should have entered the forest of death."

Actually - she was the one who originally organized the candidates to enter the Death Forest.

But halfway through, the Third Hokage issued an order for her to receive Boss Chiba.

Therefore, she could only find other teachers to direct the candidates to enter the Death Forest, while she Specializing in receiving boss Renye.

After hearing the other party's answer, Chiba nodded.

Since the candidates have entered the forest of death, they must prepare quickly.

Thinking of this, Chiba said to the employees beside him. :"Zabuza, please increase the speed, let's move quickly."

"Come on!"Zabuza received the boss's order and immediately nodded in reply.

The next moment, he stepped on the accelerator.

"Boom! Boom!"

As the speed of the car increased, the accelerator kept roaring.

The already bumpy road became even more bumpy as the speed of the car increased.

And Mitarashi Anko was squeezing back and forth with Chiba.

For a moment, Mitarashi Anko's little His face was as red as a ripe apple.

Ten minutes later, a two-story building appeared in front of him.

"That's where the sales point is."

Mitarashi Anko said quickly after seeing the two-story small building.

"Um."Chiba nodded.

Not long after,

Zabuza drove the car to the small building.

Mitarai Anko quickly opened the car door and got out of the car.

It can be said that the blush on her face did not disappear along the way. She was so embarrassed. Now that we have arrived, we can finally get out of the car.

Chiba naturally saw through the other party's thoughts and just shrugged.

"Unexpectedly, the third generation was very well prepared."

Qianye looked at the two-story building in front of him, smashed it, and expressed that he was very satisfied.

This death forest assessment lasted for seven days.

In other words, they had to stay in the forest for seven days to sell.

Now they have a two-story building. , the housing problem was solved.

Immediately, Chiba turned to look at all the employees and said loudly:"Everyone is ready, we will start working soon."

"Understood."Senju Hashirama was the first to say hello.

Others also responded one after another and began to get busy.

Mitarashi Anko looked at the busy people in front of her and sighed in her heart.

These are so strong in execution and they cooperate very well!

Just as she was sighing , two ninjas wearing ANBU masks came quickly from the front.

Facing the sudden appearance of the two people, they instantly attracted everyone's attention (for Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Especially the sensitive ones. Senju Tobirama immediately noticed something was wrong, but he didn't say anything.

After all, he was just an employee of his boss.

Soon, the two ANBU ninjas quickly came to Mitarai Anko.

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Mitarashi Anko asked with a frown as she looked at the person coming.

She knew it in her heart.

These two people are direct subordinates of the Hokage. Without special circumstances, the Third Hokage will not use them.

Once the ANBU is used, what will Konoha discover? It's a big problem.

When the two ANBU ninjas heard this, they looked towards Chiba and his group.

It was obvious that what they wanted to say could not be disclosed to others.

At this time, one of the ANBU ninjas came to Mitarai Anko. , whispered:"Lord Hongdou, we found a faceless corpse, and after further analysis, it should be a ninja from Kusayak Village."

Mitarashi Anko's face changed when she heard the report.

She couldn't help clenching her fists.

"hateful! This is the right time to publish a book!"

Clenching her teeth, she finally waved her hand

"Come on, take me to see what's going on!"

After that, she left without looking back.

Chiba looked at the direction in which Mitarashi Anko left and thought for a while.

Although the ANBU ninja spoke in a very low voice, Chiba heard it very clearly.

Her own voice. After all, his strength is at the level of Senju Hashirama.

It would be a shame if he couldn't detect even the smallest sound...

"Faceless Corpse, Hidden Grass Village"

"It seems that Orochimaru has already taken action."

At this time, Senju Hashirama and others came to Chiba.

They could hear clearly what the ANBU said in a low voice just now.

Moreover, they also heard Chiba muttering in a low voice.

"Sure enough, I knew those two people would be up to no good when they came here!" Qianshou Feijian said slowly with a serious look on his face.

"Who was Orochimaru the boss was talking about just now?"Senju Hashirama asked with a confused look on his face.

Namikaze Minato on the side intervened and explained:"Sir, Orochimaru is the apprentice of the Third Hokage and is also your granddaughter's companion."

"Tsunade's companion?"Senju Hashirama was surprised.

Then he looked at Chiba and asked:"Boss, you just said that Orochimaru has started to act. What do you mean? Could it be that the faceless corpse had something to do with him?"

Chiba looked at Senju Hashirama's curious look, nodded, and said,"Yes, Orochimaru is secretly carrying out an organized and premeditated plan specifically targeting Konoha!"

"Needle......Targeting Konoha?!"Senju Hashirama was stunned at first, but when he came to his senses, his face darkened,"Is this Orochimaru really brave? Actually want to target Konoha? Let me beat him to death!"

While speaking, he directly rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was about to fight.

Uchiha Madara on the side saw this and gloated.

"Hahaha! This Orochimaru did a great job!"

"I've wanted to do that for a long time. If the big pillar hadn't blocked me, I would have destroyed Konoha!"

After he finished speaking, three eyes came over him in an instant.

These three eyes were none other than Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Namikaze Minato.

"0.5 Ah Ban, you better show mercy!"Senju Hashirama said with a dark face.

"Hey, I don't."Uchiha Madara raised his head very arrogantly and refused.

Seeing this, Senju Hashirama twitched the corner of his mouth.

Just when he was about to speak angrily, Chiba waved his hand and said,"Okay, okay. , please stop for a moment."

"If you want to meet Orochimaru, you will have a chance in the future."

Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up.


"Of course. Chiba nodded and smiled mysteriously,"Besides, the scene where you and Orochimaru meet will be very exciting, and Orochimaru will be very confused at that time, right?""

Speaking of this, Qianye's eyes revealed a look of expectation.

Everyone was confused when they heard the boss's mysterious words.

Qianye looked at everyone and waved his hand.

"Keep working and put your job first!"

Everyone nodded and continued working!......

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