Outside the office.

Chiba and others all looked towards the door of the bedroom.

They all wanted to see what Bai looked like in a maid uniform.

There was a"click" sound.

Everyone present held their breath

"I'm coming!"

Senju Hashirama couldn't help but say something.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shiro walked out of the bedroom in a maid uniform.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw Shiro with a blushing face in front of them.

Shiro saw everyone looking at him He looked at Chiba with a flushed face and asked in a low voice:"Boss......How do I look in this outfit?

Hearing the question, Qianye clicked his tongue and said with a smile:"Bai, you look so cute in this dress!""

"yes......is that true?"Bai was surprised.

"of course it's true."Qianye nodded with a serious face.

Seeing the boss's affirmative look, Bai was very happy.

At the same time, he was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't look too bad. Otherwise, he would be ashamed to wear this clothes. Yes.

Chiba saw the other party's happy look and smiled on his face.

"Bai, from now on you should wear this dress to work."

Hearing this, Bai Bai nodded in agreement without even thinking about it.


02 Everyone was surprised when they heard that the other party agreed so simply.

Especially Senju Hashirama.

He looked at Chiba and thought of what the boss said before.

There are only zero and countless times of women's clothing!

Now Shiro answered like this Simply, he had already imagined the scene of the other party falling in love with women's clothing.

For a moment, Senju Hashirama secretly sighed in his heart.

He is indeed a boss!

After that, as Shiro put on the maid uniform, the sales volume reached. That ended.

Everyone continued to work.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The only thing that changed was that Bai changed into a maid uniform.

After Shiro put on the maid uniform, the traffic in the dessert shop increased a lot.

This made Chiba smile from ear to ear!

Sure enough, the temptation of the uniform is quite powerful at any time!

At the same time, a lot of things have happened in Konoha Village.

For example, the number of people in Konoha Village has increased a lot compared to before, and most of the new people are ninjas and other ninjas.

Ninjas in the village.

There are also some businessmen from other villages coming to Konoha Village.

At the same time, Konoha's high-level officials have sent ninjas everywhere to post notices.

There is a sudden influx of ninjas from Konoha.

Too panicked, because all these ninjas from other villages came to participate in the Chunin Examination held by Konoha Village.

As soon as this news came out, the panicked villagers seemed to have received reassurance, and they stopped making random guesses.

Got an important piece of news from the notice!

The Konoha Chunin Examination has arrived!

In the dessert shop, Chiba looked at the employees in front of him and said with a serious face:"Now that the Chunin Examination has arrived, the ninjas from the outer village will be here.

A large number of people are pouring into Konoha Village.

This is the busiest time.

We must not miss this opportunity to make money!

Be sure to take advantage of it!

" The employees listened to the boss's words and all nodded in agreement.

Chiba looked at the employees, pondered for a moment, and then said:"I thought about a lot of things yesterday night and have already formulated a plan to make money.


"What is the boss’s plan and what should we do?"At this time, Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up and he asked quickly

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."Qianye waved his hand to indicate.

When everyone saw that the boss was going to talk about a money-making plan, they immediately cheered up.

Qianye looked around the crowd, with a serious look on his face, and said slowly:"Actually, we don't should be constrained by limited space"

"We need to know how to adapt."

Everyone looked puzzled when they heard this.

They didn't understand what the boss meant.

Seeing the confused expressions of the employees, Chiba continued to explain:

"Although we can operate in the dessert area, the customer flow here is still far behind the busy areas."

"If we put the dessert shop at the place where the Chunin Examination is held, wouldn't we have more customers?"

"Of course, this method is only applicable during the Chunin Examination period."

"Once the Chuunin Exams are over, all the ninjas from other villages will leave, and we have to return here to continue our business."

"However, now it is enough to earn a wave of traffic for the Chunin Exam."

After everyone present heard the boss's explanation, they all understood. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They secretly sighed in their hearts.

As expected of the boss!

There are so many ways to make money!

At this time, Chiba He waved directly and walked out of the store.

"Come with me."

Everyone was very curious when they saw this.

Immediately afterwards, they hurriedly followed.

Soon, everyone came outside the shop

"Boss, what are we doing here? Senju

Hashirama asked in confusion.

"You'll understand later."

Qianye smiled mysteriously.

Then, he directly opened the system panel

【Host]: Chiba

【Ninjutsu: empty

【Physique]: Immortal human body

【Physical skills]: empty

【Eye Technique: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

【Blood Succession Limit]: Wood Escape

【Current land]: 60 acres (including: 40 acres of red land, 20 acres of black land)

【System gold coins]: 887.400 pieces

【System warehouse]: sunglasses, suits, cowboy hats......

【Exploding Characters]:

Uchiha Madara (Combat Strength: The Fourth Ninja War, the state of the Reincarnation of the Unholy Land.)

Senju Hashirama (Combat Strength: The Battle of the Valley of the End, Peak 437 State.)

Senju Tobirama (Combat strength: Successor to the second Hokage, peak condition.)

Uchiha Izuna (Combat strength: Sengoku period, peak condition.)

Namikaze Minato (Combat strength: Successor to the fourth generation Hokage, peak condition))

【Contracted Characters]: Zabuza, Shiro

【Chat group has been opened】

【Assets held]: Agricultural products sales place, dessert shop, 60 acres of land.

Chiba looked at the gold coin balance on his panel.

Part of the balance of more than 800,000 gold coins is the gold coins obtained from achieving achievements.

For example, when we organized the sale of VIP cards before, the system fed back a lot of gold coins.

The other part of the gold coins are the feedback from employees who cultivate the land, grow vegetables and harvest vegetables.

No longer focusing on the balance of gold coins, Qianye thought

"Open the system store."

A few minutes later.

A system prompt sounded from Chiba's mind.

"Ding, does the host buy a mobile food truck?"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing. A total of 500.000 gold coins were consumed."

At this time, the system prompt sounded again

"Ding, does the host want to buy four little donkey electric cars?"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for your successful purchase. Each one consumes 200.000 gold coins."

"Ding, X1 mobile food truck, X4 small donkey electric cars, five items have been stored in the system warehouse"......

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