A few minutes later.

A system prompt sounded from Chiba's mind

"Ding, the host buys ovens, mixers, fermentation boxes, refrigerators, juicers, microwave ovens, milk tea machines, ice frying machines, and multifunctional ice cream machines......."

"Ding, the host has spent a total of 802.000 gold coins. Do you want to continue purchasing?"

"Go ahead and buy."

Qianye didn't think much and directly chose to confirm.

"Ding, the purchase is successful and the equipment is stored in the system warehouse."

After the purchase was completed, Chiba directly exited the system panel.

He looked at the employees present and said with a smile:"You guys should exit first."

When everyone heard this, they pushed away some distance.

They had been with Qianye for so long, and they all knew in their hearts that the boss was going to use that magical method again to create something that none of them had seen out of thin air.

Sure enough ,!! The next moment, dozens of machines of different sizes appeared in the house.

"this......What are these things?"

Senju Hashirama looked at the many machines and equipment in front of him, scratched his head, and looked curious.

"These are the equipment that dessert shops will use in the future."02 Qianye explained.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Qianye waved to everyone and said,"Everyone, come and clean up.""

Everyone rolled up their sleeves and arranged all the machines on the ground according to the boss's arrangement.

Fortunately, these machines have name tags on them.

When everyone was sorting, they gave the name of each machine to I wrote it down.

After an hour of sorting out, every machine was plugged in.

Now you just need to click on the start button and the machine can start making ice cream and milk tea. , and the ingredients for other desserts were prepared.

Senju Hashirama looked at the prepared ingredients and his mouth was almost watering.

"Hehehe, after five days of busy work, I can finally eat ice cream!"

Uchiha Madara saw the greedy and drooling Senju Hashirama on the side and said contemptuously:"When it comes to eating, you drool. Isn't it a shame?"

"Hey, do you still have the nerve to criticize me? Senju Hashirama rolled his eyes and said,"Aren't you greedy just now?""

After hearing this, Uchiha Madara's expression changed and he immediately made excuses.

"have......Have it? Don't spit on others!"

"Aban, stop making excuses. Senju Hashirama grinned and said,"I have already heard the sound of your secret saliva just now.""

The sophistry was exposed, and Uchiha Madara's face kept twitching.

He glared at Senju Hashirama fiercely and didn't say anything more.

Senju Hashirama saw the other person's deflated look, and a look of pride appeared on his face.

The two of them briefly After the quarrel ended, everyone continued to look at the boss.

At this time, Chiba looked at everyone and said with a smile:"Everyone has worked hard these days to build and decorate the dessert shop."

"Not hard! Hearing this, everyone shook their heads and waved their hands, and answered in unison.

Qianye grinned and said,"Come on, let's make you ice cream first.""

As he spoke, he started making ice cream.

The first step was to break the egg yolk into a bowl and weigh it, 100 grams.

Then, weigh the white sugar, 150 grams.

After doing this.

He puts the white sugar into the bowl with the egg yolk and stirs it evenly.

The second step is to boil the prepared 500 grams of fresh milk, then slowly pour it into the bowl with the egg yolk and stir.

Step 3. Stir the fresh milk and egg yolk evenly, place it in a professional container, heat it to 70 to 75 degrees over low heat, and then continue stirring.


After the stirring is completed, Chiba stops heating and lets the temperature gradually cool down. The stirred fresh milk and egg yolk have already merged into one, and as the temperature cools down, the first four steps are completed. Finally, Chiba picked up a fine-mesh sieve and began to filter the cooled fresh milk. After filtering, he added 12.5 grams of cream and a trace of herb essence.

After finishing these, Chiba directly put it into the quick-freezing freezer. frozen in

"Boss, how's it going?"

After Senju Hashirama observed this, he couldn't help but ask

"Wait for a while and you can eat it immediately."Chiba said with a smile.

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama's face instantly showed excitement.

"Very good! I'm so greedy that I can't stand it anymore."

Not long after everyone was staring at the speed freezer, there was a"ding" sound. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The freezing time set by the speed freezer has expired.

At this moment - after freezing The ice cream has already taken shape.

Chiba took out the ice cream from the quick-freezing freezer and then took out various ripe fruits such as strawberries, honey beans, bananas, watermelons, pineapples, and coconut pellets.......

A little bit of each fruit is put into the ice cream.

After that, after adding some auxiliary ingredients, a cup of milky white ice cream is completed.

Divide the prepared ice cream into seven portions and put them into cones

"Here, you guys have a taste."

Chiba said with a smile.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't wait to take the ice cream.

Senju Hashirama was the first to take the ice cream, with a look of excitement on his face.

He felt the coldness of the ice cream when he received it, and stared at the dots on the ice cream. Various styles of fruits


For a moment, he started drooling hopelessly again.

It wasn't just him who swallowed.

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato, Zabuza, Haku.

The six of them all stared at the ice cream in their hands, swallowing secretly.

Let’s be honest – this ice cream looks so tempting!

"hiss!" Senju Hashirama took a deep breath and swallowed,"This is the legendary ice cream! It does look like it can whet one’s appetite!"

"Tempting indeed!"Uchiha Spot nodded and praised.

Everyone listened to their words and nodded in agreement.

"Give it a try."Qianye said with a smile.

"I'll go first."Senju Hashirama said impatiently.

After saying that, he took a bite directly on top of the ice cream.

The cold feeling in the mouth of the ice cream made him get 643 instantaneously.

Soon, he tasted the fresh milk flavor of the ice cream, as well as other things. Fruity taste.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama couldn't help shouting four words!

"So delicious!"

As he spoke, his excited hands couldn't help but tremble.

"Is it that exaggerated?!"Uchiha Madara was surprised when he saw the other party's loss of composure, and then looked at the ice cream in his hand,"I'll have a taste too."

Without saying much, he took a bite of the ice cream.

After tasting the deliciousness of the ice cream, Uchiha Madara instantly felt that the ice cream was so delicious that his mouth exploded!

His pupils shrank suddenly and he shouted loudly

"Damn it! It’s so delicious!"

"Hey hey hey, you say I have no future every day, now you are the same." Senju Hashirama saw Uchiha Madara losing his composure and grinned and laughed.

"whispering sound."Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes and didn't want to argue with Senju Hashirama.

Now he just wanted to taste the delicious ice cream.

Others saw it and tasted it one after another.

When they ate the ice cream, their eyes widened. , repeatedly praised

Qian Shu Feijian:"Fuck! This ice cream feels cool when you eat it, so comfortable!"

Uchiha Izuna:"It's so delicious, full of milky flavor, and with the help of fruits, it doesn't taste greasy at all!"

Namikaze Minato:"It's so delicious, it makes me feel so sweet!

Zabuza:"Woooooo!" I never expected that a macho guy like me would shed tears one day, and it was so sweet that I even shed tears! So worthless!

Bai:"It's delicious. It tastes sweet and happy!""......

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