"Look, everyone, this is not my granddaughter, little Tsunade!"

Senju Hashirama looked at the picture on the TV.

In the end, his eyes were fixed on Tsunade, and his face was full of ecstasy.

Since his resurrection, he has not seen his granddaughter.

Although the picture on the TV Tsunade's appearance had changed a lot from the one in his memory, but Senju Hashirama could still recognize her at a glance.

At this time, Senju Tobirama was also very excited.

"Little Tsunade, I didn't expect such a big change."

The appearance of his granddaughter is still in his memory before his death.

Now after seeing Tsunade's appearance on the TV, he can't help but sigh that the changes have been great!

Chiba listened to the Senju brothers talking. Tsunade has changed a lot, he agrees with this point of view.

Tsunade has changed a lot!


's so big that she wants to hold Fukiman with one hand.

I'm afraid I can't hold it, let alone pop it!

At this time, Senju Hashirama tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Madara with a grin:"Madara, look.

Have you arrived? This is my granddaughter.

" While he was speaking, his brows were raised deliberately.

The meaning of showing off was not concealed.

Feeling the other party's provocation, Uchiha Madara's face twitched slightly, and he curled his lips and said:"Dazhu, are you a little too happy? ?


"???"Senju Hashirama scratched his head and asked curiously:"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see that Tsunade in this TV is planning to support Ohnoki?"Uchiha Madara explained.

"Well......Then what?"Senju Hashirama still didn't understand clearly.

"Then? Do you think that with Tsunade's power, she can compete with me on the TV? And I’m still talking about the period of reincarnation in the dirty earth. You don’t understand the advantages of reincarnation in the dirty earth, right?"Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest and said with a smile.

"Advantages of reincarnation in the dirty earth: unlimited chakra, invulnerable to death, can recover even if the body is broken......"Senju Hashirama's face fell instantly, and then turned dark again.

He had already thought of it.

As Tsunade is playing on the TV, if she goes to fight Uchiha Madara, it will be like an egg against a rock!

And it’s a diamond!

Now not only is Senju Hashirama's face darkened, but Senju Tobirama is also the same!

Uchiha Madara felt the two Senju brothers staring at him unfavorably, and said unhappily:"Don't stare at me. That's me fighting Tsunade on the TV. I'm not bullying you in reality." granddaughter"

"this......This is true."Senju Hashirama retorted silently.

But when he thought about his granddaughter being bullied by Uchiha Madara on the TV, he felt very unhappy!

It wasn't just Senju Hashirama who thought so.

Senju Tobirama beside him was also very upset. Uncomfortable and unhappy. In the end, the Senju brothers could only give up and continue watching the TV screen.

"You just said that this Uzumaki Naruto is difficult to deal with?"

"Well, very difficult."

Kabuto Yakushi controlled the body of the second Tsuchikage and nodded.

"Then I have to give it a try to see if it is really difficult."

Uchiha Madara suddenly became interested.

He clasped his hands together and shouted low

"Wood escape! Christmas in the world of trees!"

After using Mudun,


The earth trembled.

Thick and long vines swept towards the surviving ninja coalition crazily.

Especially the direction of Naruto Uzumaki.

Although he was a shadow clone of his true body, he still received special attention from Uchiha Madara.

This is the Ninja Alliance.

When the ninjas who survived the meteorite explosion saw this, their eyes widened in disbelief. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"it turns out......It turned out to be Mudun!"

"How can this be?!"

"Yes, how can I, Madara, have the wood escape of the first generation master?!"

"This is a battle without any suspense, and our Ninja Alliance can only stop here!"


At this moment, everyone's face showed a look of despair.

Many ninjas have even thrown away their weapons, preparing to give up struggling and welcome death.

0Request flowers for the other side.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the attacking vines in front of him, with no fear on his face.

Just now, he had communicated with the Nine Lamas.

The Nine Lamas were very angry and the consequences were serious!

It distributed the chakra in its body to Uzumaki Naruto to resist Uchiha Madara's attack.

Likewise, Uzumaki Naruto also promised.

He will definitely defeat Madara Uchiha and relieve the Nine Lamas.

Now that the Nine Lamas' chakra was in his body, Uzumaki Naruto felt that his chakra was very full, as if he had endless power all over his body.

I saw him quickly forming seals with his hands and shouting:

"The art of multiple shadow clones!!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang......"

In just an instant, hundreds of shadow clones separated.

Each shadow clone has a large jade rasengan in its hand.

"Dayama Spiral Ribbon Pill!!"

The divided shadow clones roared in unison.

The big jade rasengan in each of their hands collided fiercely with the wooden escape vines.

"Bang bang bang......"

"Bang bang bang......"

Explosions sounded.

Smoke filled the air and wood chips flew everywhere.

After the wild bombardment of the Otama Rasengan, the wooden escape vines that were originally satisfied were now completely eliminated.

As for the differentiated shadow clones, they have all dissipated.

It can be seen how huge the energy released by Uzumaki Naruto just now was! when���, the premise is thanks to the chakra support of the Nine Lamas.

Otherwise - with Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone, it would be impossible to release such a large-scale Otama Rasengan!

At this time, Uchiha Madara looked at the wood escape that he used casually and was resolved by the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly and he nodded with satisfaction.

"The Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is indeed a bit difficult to deal with."

Just as he finished speaking, his chakra senses immediately noticed that three shadow-level strong men suddenly appeared on the battlefield here.

"Interesting, have the ninja alliance come to support?"

Uchiha Madara looked at the three shadow-level experts who suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face.

"Now I can continue dancing again".....inch..

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