at this time.

Chiba waved his right hand.

The next second.

There is an extra TV set in front of everyone

"this......What method is this?"

Zabuza watched Chiba conjure a TV out of thin air and couldn't help but say something.

He didn't see the other party using ninja tools such as space scrolls.

How could he conjure things out of thin air?

He scratched his head and didn't understand.

In the end, he could only sigh inwardly.

After all, even the strong men from the Warring States Period could be taken under his command, so what could he not do now

? It looked like smoke rising from the ancestral grave! Chiba looked at Zabuza's shocked expression and didn't pay too much attention. He tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Senna and said,"Bring the plug over here!"


"OK"Uchiha Izuna nodded in response and left quickly.

After a while, he came over with a powered plug-in board and directly connected the TV to the power supply.

At the same time,

Chiba had already purchased it from the system mall. Video tape. 02

For a moment, everyone’s light focused on the video tape.

"Boss, how long is this video tape? Senju

Hashirama asked with a grin.

"Five minutes."Qianye stretched out his five fingers and said with a smile.

"Well......Only five minutes."Qianju Hashirama let out a long breath.

Seeing this, Qianye twitched the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes.

You know, this five-minute video tape can cost a full price of 50,000 gold coins.

It is enough to see.

This video tape Very precious! Senju Hashirama was glared at and smiled bitterly.

"Hey, five minutes is not bad, let’s start playing it"

"Um."Chiba retracted his gaze and nodded.

Then, he put the video tape in his hand into a device inside the TV.

When the TV was turned on, the screen began to flicker.

"Ah-Ban, Ah-Ban, let’s start!"

Senju Hashirama looked at the TV screen with excitement on his face.

Because he was so excited, he kept shaking Uchiha Madara's arm, making him dizzy.

"Hasi hot mom! Get excited if you're excited, don't shake me! My brain is almost shaken by you!"

Uchiha Madara held his forehead and shouted with a black face.

"Motor! Aren’t I too excited!

Senju Hashirama immediately roared in response.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes and said viciously:"Big pillar, if you shake me again, believe it or not, I will lose your waist?" Makes you feel out of breath! You can no longer shake me with all your strength!"

Hearing the threatening words of the other party, Senju Hashirama shrank his neck and smiled.

"Hey hey hey, I won’t touch you anymore, okay?......"

"That's pretty much it."Uchiha Madara nodded proudly when he saw his rival being frightened.

Then, his eyes continued to stare at the picture on the TV.

On the other side,

Zabuza and Haku.

The two of them looked at the TV.

They were all stunned by the scene.

However, the only thing they knew was that the characters on the TV screen were from the ninja world.

"The third Tsuchikage, Onoki!"

"Damn it! There is actually a second generation Tsuchikage!"

"Damn it! Madara-sama is among them!"

"Also, what’s going on with that super giant meteorite in the sky?"

Now, Zabuza is completely confused.

"What is going on?"

In the end, he and Bai continued to watch the TV in a dazed state. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the screen of the TV

, everyone in the ninja coalition at this moment raised their heads. He stared blankly at the giant meteorite falling from above his head!

"I can't stand it at all!"

This sentence is the inner monologue of all the ninja coalition forces.

They have no confidence to resist at all.

Just when all the ninja coalition forces gave up resistance, an old roar sounded.

"Don’t give up on yourself, everyone!!"

"Once we give up resistance now, everyone will die!!"

This old roar was really Ohnoki's.

He was anxious as he watched the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance put down their ninja tools!

After he roared, Uzumaki Naruto's clone on the battlefield here immediately launched Mouth Escape!

"We must not have the thought of giving up. If we persevere and fight to the end, we will definitely be able to overcome this fear!"

When he said this, his tone was full of excitement, which was very contagious.

After some words from him, the hearts of the ninja coalition were shaken. They originally gave up resistance and were ready to accept the idea of death. No longer so determined

"right! We will definitely survive this crisis!"

I don't know who said something, which instantly mobilized the people of the Ninja Alliance.

In an instant, the ninjas who had no fighting spirit became excited one by one.

Seeing this scene, Onoki secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly rushed to the ninjas. They yelled:"Hurry up and stay away from the meteorite, I will buy you time!""

After he finished speaking, his body rose into the air, aiming straight at the falling meteorite!

Seeing this scene, the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance looked shocked.

But now is not the time to move Ohnoki to sacrifice himself for others. The ninjas Fleeing around, trying to stay away from the meteorite's coverage area.

At this moment, Ohno 397mu has arrived under the meteorite.


Taking a deep breath, he held the meteorite with both hands, using the chakra in his body to the extreme.

However, the meteorite still fell


Ohnoki roared.

He directly raised his head to the meteorite.

For a moment, the meteorite, which was still falling rapidly, now began to droop slowly.

At this moment, everyone in the Ninja Alliance showed shock when they saw this.

But in their hearts Clearly, now is not the time to be shocked, but to cherish the Third Tsuchikage even more to give everyone more time to escape.

"Everyone, run!!"



The noisy voices of the ninja coalition continued to sound, and they ran away faster and faster.

Gaara saw this scene among the helpers on the battlefield.

He squeezed the chakra in his body to the extreme, raised his hands, and controlled as many grains of sand as possible.

The huge amount of sand was controlled by him and then rushed towards the meteorite, trying to stop the speed of the meteorite falling!

On the cliff not far away.

Uchiha Madara looked at Ohnoki frantically fighting against the giant meteorite, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It turns out to be Onoki, a man with two scales. This guy is quite interesting."

"Let me see if your strength has improved"......

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