At this time, Chiba looked at Zabuza and Haku in front of him, smiled and said:"My name is Chiba, I am the owner of the agricultural products sales office."

After hearing the other party's self-introduction, Zabuza hurriedly said:"My name is Zabuza"

"Um."Chiba nodded and looked at Shiro.

At this moment, Shiro was very nervous.

He kept his head down and did not dare to look directly at Chiba.

Seeing this, Zabuza tugged at the corner of Shiro's clothes with his right hand.

After Shiro reacted, Immediately said:"I......My name is Bai......"

Chiba nodded and looked at the two of them looking nervous.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said with a smile:"Hey, you don't have to be so nervous, we are not good people, just relax, you can just treat this place as your own home."~"

As soon as these words came out!

Zabuza and Haku's expressions changed, and their bodies trembled unnaturally. no......

Not a good person!!

Isn’t this over?!

Zabuza took a deep breath and pretended to be calm.

"good......Okay, let's take it easy."

That's what he said, but he and Bai still didn't look relaxed. Instead, they became even more nervous.

Chiba was very satisfied when he saw this scene.

His idea was very simple. Put some pressure on him first.

Otherwise - it will be very difficult for him in the future. Managing Zabuza and Haku.

Then he continued to say:"You know what you are doing here, right?"

"You know, we are here to farm."Zabuza nodded.

"Well, just understand."Qianye was very satisfied. Then he took out two pieces of paper and a pen from his arms,"This is a contract, please sign it."

"Contract contract?"Zabuza was slightly startled, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"After you sign this contract, you will be temporary employees of my agricultural product sales office from now on. If you perform well in the future, I will promote you to full-time employees."Chiba said.

Regarding this contract agreement, he purchased it from the system mall.

The main function is very simple.

As long as someone signs the contract, he has the right to control the person who signed the contract.

For example, he can kill Zabuza He Bai pulled into the chat group.

You must know that only people who have been resurrected can join, not those who have been resurrected. They can only join through a third-party agreement.

Zabuza looked at the two contracts that were handed over. Hesitate.

Should I sign the contract?

What if I don’t ?......

Thinking of this, his eyes subconsciously glanced at Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and his body trembled violently.

Thinking of how badly he was beaten, he took the pen and paper over. to him.

After all, this contract is just a piece of paper.

I signed it myself, and it didn't seem to have any impact.

At the same time - he also figured out one thing.

Ever since he learned the identities of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, he had given up on the stupid idea of resisting.

What can you do to fight with others?

What can we use to resist stubbornly?

The strength is not in the same dimension at all!

Now I can only learn to behave.

This was the only way out he concluded.

No longer thinking about it, Zabuza picked up the pen and started filling in the personal information on the contract.

"Name: Momochi Zabuza"

"Sex: Male"

"Birthplace: Originally from the Country of Water, Kirigakure Village; currently defected and has no fixed residence."

"Occupation: A Rebellious Ninja"

"Personal entrepreneurial project: take people's money and help them eliminate disasters; if the task level exceeds the ninja's ability, generally we will not accept the order unless we need to add more money!


After he filled in a lot of information, he completed the information


After Zabuza filled in the information, he handed his information to Chiba.

Chiba looked at the contract in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding, Zabuza Momochi successfully signed the contract."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting: 100.000 gold coins."

Listening to the system prompts, the corners of Qianye's mouth curled up.

Then, his eyes were on Bai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, in addition to asking the other party to sign a contract, he also I want to know one thing!

Is Bai a boy or a girl?

"Here, come and sign the contract."

Chiba handed over the contract.

After Shiro took the contract, he took the pen from Zabuza's hand.

"Name: Bai."

When he saw the gender, Bai hesitated for a moment, then continued to write.

"Sex: Male"

"Birthplace: Originally from the country of water......"

After filling in the content for a minute, Bai completed the contract.

"It's written, here it is"

"Um."While Chiba took over the contract, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, Bai successfully signed the contract"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting: 100.000 gold coins."

At this moment, Qianye had no time to pay attention to the system prompts, and looked directly at the second line of the contract.

0 Asking for flowers 0

When he saw the [Gender] column, his expression changed

"fruit......Is it really like in the original work?......"

In fact, he had already had a premonition about Bai's gender.

After all, in the original work, Shiro revealed his gender to Uzumaki Naruto himself.

In the original work, Uzumaki Naruto was immediately surprised when he heard Shiro say that he was a man!

Chiba couldn't help but shake his head.

Kishimoto, Kishimoto!

Why do you think Mao wanted to draw women instead of men?

He shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Senju Hashirama on the side saw something wrong with his boss's face and was filled with curiosity.

Boss, what's going on?

Is there something wrong with the content you filled in?

Out of curiosity, he took a closer look.

When he saw the [Gender] column on Bai's contract, his expression suddenly changed.

Senju Hashirama looked at Shiro in shock and said,"Fuck! How is this possible! He's so cute, so what's going on with the blue kid?!"

Uchiha Madara:"???"

��Between the hands:"???"

Uchiha Izuna:"???"

The three of them had questions all over their heads, and they all came closer to take a look.

The next moment, each of their faces showed a look of shock.

"return......It really is! Even the calm Uchiha Madara was surprised.

Seeing everyone's astonished expressions, Shiro's face turned red. He looked extremely moving and sultry.

Then, he hurriedly explained:"I filled in the information correctly. sex is real"

"well! I originally thought that there would be one more girl in our agricultural product sales office, but now it is all filled with big men."Senju Hashirama let out a long sigh.

"......"Bai lowered his head and blushed, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, Chiba said with a smile:"As for the white gender, everyone should skip it."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

If he didn't skip it, I'm afraid Bai would be shy and find a crack in the ground to crawl in, right?

Chiba looked at Zabuza and Haku and said,"Since you have signed the contract, you will be employees of the agricultural products sales office from now on."

Upon hearing this, Zabuza immediately set an example.

"Hi boss!"

When Bai saw this, he quickly agreed.

"Hi boss!"

Chiba was very satisfied after listening to the words of the two employees.

Then he looked at Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju and said,"Take them to get familiar with the agricultural products sales office."

"Got it."Senju Hashirama nodded.

"Um." Uchiha Madara replied.....eight..

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