"go......Going to Konoha Village?"

Zabuza was stunned for a moment and scratched his head.

"What are you going there for?"

"We made a special trip to look for you to go to Konoha Village this time to farm land for our boss."

Senju Hashirama explained.


Zabuza was stunned again, his brain kept running.

Inviting himself to farm?!

This reason is so nonsense!

But when he thought about his status as a traitor, he shook his head decisively and declined.

"forget it"

"I am now a rebel ninja of Kirigakure Village"

"If I go to Konoha Village, once my traces are exposed"

"Kirigakure Village will definitely arrest me!"

The reasons given for the refusal are quite reasonable.


Senju Hashirama heard the other party's words of refusal, twitched the corner of his mouth, tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Madara beside him

"This guy doesn't want to cooperate with our work, what do you think we should do?"

"Isn’t that simple?"

Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists.

"Click! Click! Click!"

The sound of bones colliding together sounded.

When Zabuza saw this, his pupils shrank, and his body couldn't help but tremble. He subconsciously looked at Uchiha Madara's fist and said quickly:"Brother, brother, brother, we have something to say. There is no need to waver in force!"

"Yes, I don’t want to use force either. Uchiha Madara nodded solemnly and said,"As a person, I don't like to use violence to solve problems."

As he spoke, he kept rubbing his fists, and his purpose became obvious.

At this time, Senju Hashirama found the right opportunity and spoke in agreement.

"Indeed, I don’t like using force to solve problems either."

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara grinned at Senju Hashirama, pointed his fist at Zabuza's head, and asked in a very relaxed tone.

"Dazhu, do you think if I punch him, will Zabuza's head be blown apart like a watermelon?"

Senju Hashirama rubbed his chin, looking like he was thinking seriously.

After a while, he scratched his head and answered seriously.

"Probably not? Anyway, I've never punched anyone's head open."

"Not going to blow your head off? Uchiha Madara shook his head and said,"I don't believe it. How about we give it a try?""

"Okay, try it or die!"Senju Hashirama nodded.

After the two chatted for a short time, their eyes fell on Zabuza.

Zabuza was stared at by the two giants of the ninja world, and when he heard the other's singing, his legs involuntarily weakened.

At this moment, he was secretly complaining.

You are about to beat me up! Are you still saying that you refuse violence? Is n’t this serious nonsense


Now Zabuza wanted to die.

He looked at the two people who came forward and took a few steps back.

"big......Brother, I am a very talkative person!"

"Very easy to talk to? Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows slightly and asked,"Then are you willing to follow us to Konoha Village now?""

"Ah this......Well......"Zabuza hesitated.

"Um? Seeing how hesitant you are, you still say that you are easy to talk to?"Uchiha Madara continued to raise his eyebrows.

At the same time, the aura of a strong man on his body was instantly released.

Zabuza felt an aura stronger than Naruto, and his body couldn't bear it.


His legs softened and he fell directly to the ground, and cold sweat the size of soybeans broke out on his forehead.

At this moment!

After Zabuza sensed Uchiha Madara's terrifying strength, his face showed horror.

"lie down......Damn it!"

"A strength even stronger than the shadow level!"

"Are you really Uchiha Madara? Senju Hashirama? Hearing this

, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and replied casually:"What do you think?""

"Gululu......"Zabuza's throat rolled, and he looked at the two people in front of him with dull eyes. this moment!

He was already 100% sure. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two people in front of you are really giants of the ninja world during the Warring States Period!

In response to this - there were a million grass and mud horses roaring past in his heart.

His mission is nothing more than to assassinate Dazuna.

Why did you provoke these two big shots?!

For a moment, he secretly regretted

"Don't think too much about it."

Uchiha Madara looked at Zabuza who was stunned and said.

"Now I give you two ways"

"The first one is to volunteer to go to Konoha with us."

"Article 2......"

"Dazhuzi and I will give you a cordial and friendly education."

"After that, let you voluntarily go to Konoha with us."

When he finished speaking, his fists clenched, as if he wanted to beat Zabuza.

"Just now, I figured it out in an instant."Zabuza listened to the two choices presented to him, without even thinking about it, he said seriously:"Actually, there is nothing wrong with going to Konoha Village."

"Are you sure you choose the first path?" Uchiha Madara asked

"Well, think about it!"Zabuza nodded seriously, feeling very helpless.

Do he still have a choice?

"Okay, you just have to figure it out." Uchiha nodded and relaxed his clenched fists.

Seeing this, Zabuza's tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

Then, he said:"Then......Will we know Konoha now?"

"Don't worry, there is one more thing to do."Uchiha Madara shook his head

"???"Zabuza was slightly startled and couldn't help but ask:"What?......whats the matter?"

"That little doll following you."Uchiha Madara said slowly. As soon as these words came out,

Zabuza's face suddenly changed.

"without......Didn't understand......"

"Stop pretending."Uchiha Madara was stunned when he saw the other party pretending to be stupid. Then, he looked towards a big tree not far away and shouted loudly:"The little kid hiding behind the big tree, come out, you have been exposed.."

However, his call did not receive any response.

Uchiha Madara was not in a hurry. He glanced at Zabuza and continued to shout loudly

"Baby, stop hiding, my patience is limited"

"If you don't come out again, don't blame me for slapping Zabuza to death."

When Zabuza heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

His face showed a solemn look, and he kept thinking.

He really believed that Madara Uchiha would beat him to death!

At the same time, he also didn't want to Come out for nothing.

Based on his current understanding of the two giants in front of him, will he be beaten up like he is now with a bruised nose and face?

"Not coming out, right?"

Uchiha Madara looked at the shouts and had no response, and lost his patience.

"Zabuza, it seems I can only wrong you."

Immediately, he tilted his head and looked at Senju Hashirama beside him.

"Big pillar, take off Zabuza's arm"

"Can. Senju Hashirama smiled evilly,"If you don't take off your arm, it will be very painful. Please bear with it.""

He grabbed Zabuza's arms with both hands, as if he was about to take them off.

But at this moment

, an urgent voice sounded from behind a big tree not far away.

"stop! Isn’t it okay for me to come out?!"

Senju Hashirama grinned.

"That's right, come out quickly, Miao"

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