Chiyo didn't expect that these sneak attack ninjas were also puppets!

It can be imagined that Ike made it, and it seems to be acceptable.

However, this strengthened Chiyo's desire to stop Ike.

Because, these puppets are all from Sand Hidden Village!

And it's not the one who died in battle and was sent to Ike to be made into a puppet!

Chiyo has the impression that all of them are elite ninjas in Sand Hidden Village!

"Ike, I must not let you continue to do nonsense!"

Chiyo gritted her teeth and continued to manipulate the puppet to suppress the enemy.


Poof, Chiyo~ widened her eyes.

Looking down, I saw a turn of the head - piercing her abdomen.

Although no blood was shed, the destruction also severely reduced her mobility.

"Who is it?"

Chiyo turned back with difficulty, but saw a face that shocked her.

The three generations of Kazekage stood behind Chiyo with a blank face.

Retract the rotor that penetrated Chiyo.

After a period of combination changes, the head turned back into the shape of a hand.

"It turns out that you are also ......"

Chiyo staggered to his knees, and all the ten puppets of Konmatsu who had no time to be distracted and controlled stopped in place, and then were destroyed by the attacking ninjas.

But she didn't care.

Chiyo just looked back at the three generations of Kazekage with a bleak smile.

"When, exactly?"

"Was it ...... from the beginning?"

Chiyo seems to understand something.

At first, she was still wondering why the three generations of Kazekage didn't drive Ike out of the village who made the human puppet in the first place.

Perhaps since that time, the three generations of Kazekage have become Ike's puppets.

Her eyes were sudden.

At this time, the people who were still hiding with frightened expressions just now gathered around.

Three circles inside and three circles outside, all of them are people.

But what made Chiyo feel puzzled, and even frightened, was the cold eyes of the crowd looking at her.


In Chiyo's gaze, which gradually became desperate, the chests of these people opened one after another, revealing the empty interior inside.

"We're all Ike's, puppets!"

At this point, Chiyo was completely desperate.

"So, is it already over?"

"I didn't notice at all that the people around me had been made into puppets......

"As a puppeteer, what a dereliction of duty......"

Chiyo had a bitter smile of despair on her face.

"I thought I could stop Ike, but I thought it was too much. "

"There's no one in this world who can stop you, Ike. "

As she spoke, she turned her head to look at the other side.

Over there, her little grandson, Ike, walked over slowly.

Ike looked at Chiyo with a cold gaze.

Or rather, Ike looked at anyone with a cold gaze.

Only when looking at the puppet will Ike's eyes have warmth.

"My heart aches, Grandma. "

When he said this, Ike's face was extremely cold.

"As a puppeteer, I thought you would understand my ideals. "

"Unexpectedly, you planned to turn your back on me. "

Chiyo coughed twice, then said.

"I know that the death of your parents has hit you hard. "

"But that doesn't mean you have to pour all your emotions into the puppet!"

"No matter how much you make them look like living people, they're dead after all!"

"Come to your senses!

Ike looked at Chiyo coldly.

Then a sarcastic smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"My parents have always been by my side. "

Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law appear behind Ike at the right time.

The two of them looked at Chiyo's gaze, and they were also very cold.

Ike continued.

"Living parents will die, but parents who become puppets will live forever and stay by my side forever. "

"Living people get into all sorts of trouble, but puppets don't. "

"Golems are the most beautiful thing in the world, and humans only destroy everything. "

"So, I'm going to create a perfect world where there are no living people, only puppets!"

Chiyo stared at Ike deadly.

"You're crazy!"

Ike ignored it, and continued to elaborate on his ideals.

"There will be no strife, no disguise, no other unnecessary thoughts. "

"It's going to be a perfect world!"

Then, he lowered his head and smiled.

"So, come and join this perfect world. "

As soon as Ike's words fell, all the golems took a step forward.

Chiyo knew she had no other choice.

His eyes gradually changed from despair to calm.

"This world is over. "

Chiyo let out a final sigh and no longer had the idea of resisting.

I don't know how long it took.

In Ike's secret base.

Ike admired Chiyo on the operating table with her eyes closed.

"Grandma, you look very good, you are more energetic than when you were alive. "

Chiyo slowly opened her eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.


Ike nodded in satisfaction.

Everyone in the live broadcast room fell silent.

Although he expected Ike's thoughts, he didn't expect that Ike had turned the entire people of Sand Hidden Village into puppets!

[Kankuro: It's terrible! Fortunately, I wasn't born in that desperate world, huh? Did I just disappear the world in the video?]

[Luo Sha: That's right, I'm not married at this time, how did you come out?]

[Sakura: Chiyo is too pitiful, everyone around her has become a puppet, and she is the only one left who doesn't know anything. 】

[Ino: And Chiyo herself has been turned into a puppet by her own grandson. 】

[Kakashi: Chiyo's smile after becoming a puppet is full of irony as if there is still Chiyo's consciousness before her death. 】

[Orochimaru: Shayin Village has been destroyed, which country will be next?] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Madara Uchiha: That's right! The Ike brothers' conquest will definitely not stop there!]

[Deidara: Master Ike!

[Fei Duan: Wait, these people have all become puppets, will it become a world without living people?, then how can I kill people?!]

[Jiaodu: Wake up, you weren't born at this time, and even if you were born, you were just a little child, and there was no room to grow up at all. 】

[Scorpion: Is a world completely controlled by puppets? 】

[Dried persimmon ghost shark: Hahaha, I didn't expect you, a puppet master, to say this, are you really scared?]

[Thousand Hands Pillar: I believe that Ike will come to his senses in the end! He was so great and glorious before, I firmly believe that there must still be light in his heart......]

[A Thousand Hands: Wake up, big brother, don't dream. 】

[Ape Flying Sun Slash: Lord Pillar, this Ike is obviously different from the previous Ike, and his thoughts will definitely be different. 】

[Tuan Zang: If Ike had the same idea as the Ike in the previous comparison video, he wouldn't have had such a dangerous idea at the beginning!]


Looking at the statement of Ape Fei Ri Slash and Tuan Zang at the end of the live broadcast room, Ike couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He can say with certainty that the Ike in these videos is him.

Although the means are different, the ultimate goal is the same.

That is peace!

Although, the idea of making all living people into puppets is really scary.

But Ike thought about it and thought he had a good chance of actually doing those things.

"If you have different powers, your mind will change slightly. "

"Next, I'm afraid the pace will pick up. "

Ike looks at himself in the video.

It's obviously not big now, but that evil temperament can't be hidden at all.

Ike is looking forward to seeing if he can get through this path this time.

Or was it stopped at the last minute?


The video screen turns.

Came to the Land of Water.

A large number of fog ninjas patrolled, on high alert.

The news of Sand Hidden Village soon spread throughout the ninja world.

Now all ninja villages are in danger of themselves, guarding against the puppet army that may appear at any time.

The seven ninja swords of the fog were gathered in a tent, sitting or standing.

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost carried the shark muscles, and his brows were furrowed.

"Is it true that the things in Sand Hidden Village are all made into puppets?"

No pear even eight arrogant calls.

"Isn't it just a bunch of garbage golems? watch me blow them all to powder!"

Kuriyal Kushimaru let out a sneer, showing off the long knife needle in Xiu's hand that looked like a long needle.

"I'm going to sew all those puppets together. "

Loquat Shizang said indifferently.

"Don't be careless, the enemy is able to turn everyone in one of the five ninja villages into puppets, and the strength is definitely not trivial. "

Black hoe Thunder Fang's eyes were a little distracted.

"Those puppets were made by dead people, dead people should lie in coffins! I'll give them a big funeral!"

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost scratches his head.

With such a group of troubled children, as the leader of the Ninja Seven, he only felt a headache.

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about this now, I don't know if there is any news about the alliance between Mizukage-sama and the other ninja villages. "

The bait man shook his head and said.

"There is no news yet. "

Loquat Shizang said lightly.

"What are you worried about?"

"There is also a country of fire between the land of wind and the land of water, and even if the army of puppets comes, it is impossible for them to go straight to the land of water. "

When others heard it, they found that this was indeed the case.

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Shihachi and Kuri Hail Kushimaru were dissatisfied.

"When the time comes, those puppets won't all be killed by Konoha's people, right?"

"Damn, why don't we attack Konoha by surprise!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost rolled his eyes and ignored the two idiots.


A ninja said outside.

"Fugu Oni-sama!

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost chuckled in his heart.

What's going on at this time?

"What's the situation?"

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost hurriedly asked, and opened the tent by the way.

Said a fog ninja wearing a mask of darkness.

"There's movement on the other side of the sea, and it's not enough to be sure. "

The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost is really flustered now.

"Those puppet armies are really coming towards us?"

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