Chapter 95: Immortal Magic Thunder escapes Qilin, threatening Hanzo.

When the Konoha ninjas saw this situation, they knew that they could no longer kill these rain ninjas.

Even a bad move might allow them to catch the poisonous mist and fight back.

Therefore, they had already evacuated here under the orders of Jiraiya and Tsunade, and retreated to a distance to be on guard.

Even Danzo was temporarily handed over to the medical ninja among them for further treatment.

Orochimaru came to Tsunade and Jiraiya to watch the battle between Sengen and Hanzo.

Um! Minato, Kushina and Mikoto also successfully killed Kurocha and others, left the battle, and also joined the crowd of onlookers.

“This is completely different from what I imagined!”

“I originally thought that a few of us, Danzo, and Chigen should besieging and resisting Hanzo together, and then looking for opportunities to defeat Hanzo, but in the end…how did it become Chigen’s one-man show?”

“Is this kid so strong? If we can fight Hanzo alone for so long, what else did we plan before?”

Jiraiya looked at Qiangen and Hanzo who were still fighting over there and couldn’t help but vomit.


Orochimaru couldn’t help but nodded, and looked at Qianxuan with even more curiosity. He was able to increase his strength to this level at just 8 years old. He believed that Qianxuan definitely had a big secret.

Not only that. Immortal magic is so simple.

Apart from anything else, the physical strength and strength alone are abnormal.

Who can have such physical strength and strength at the age of 8?

“This can’t go on like this! If I keep fighting, I might lose!”

Hanzo glanced at the hand holding the knife with his peripheral vision.

At this time, the hand was already numb and tingling.

The tiger’s mouth had long since cracked open, and blood was flowing out.

Most of his physical strength had been consumed..

But looking at Qian Xuan, his face was not red and he was out of breath.

He looked like Hanzo was numb.

The key was that he had tried to deal with it with poison before. Qianxuan, but it has no effect at all, which means that one of his biggest trump cards is directly eliminated.

In addition, his strength is related to his extremely strong ninja sword skills and extremely fast speed. However

, in terms of speed and swordsmanship, he is the best.

Not as good as Qian Xuan.

At the beginning, he could feel that Qian Xuan’s swordsmanship was very good, but Qian Xuan obviously lacked enough experience in life and death fighting. He was at a disadvantage.

He was able to fight evenly because of his strength and speed that far exceeded his.

But as he fought, Hanzo discovered that this kid’s fighting experience was actually in the process of fighting.

In the second half of the fight, Hanzang Qizhi felt that Qianxuan’s life-and-death fighting experience was almost catching up.

His swordsmanship has also improved, and several swordsmanship has been completely integrated into his combat.

He has become more proficient in it, and Hanzo’s physical strength has increased sharply.

, he felt that if the attack continued like this, he might be left here!

“Kid! This time you win! But this is not over yet!”

Hanzo caught a collision and retreated more than twenty meters. He looked at Qianxuan and said something, then fled back to the poisonous mist of Sanjiao Yujingfu. With a wave of his hand, he was ready to withdraw.

Admittedly, this The ninja force of Jiyu Ninja has been almost wiped out.

There are only more than 500 people left, but they are still a considerable force. In addition, Konoha is still a strong force.

It’s not that he has no opponents. The Sand Ninja is in alliance with him.

In addition, there is an Iwa Ninja watching him.

Hanzo feels that he still has a chance to make a comeback. Part of the benefits , right?

As for the idea of making Yuyin Village the sixth largest ninja village

, he completely gave up on it after Qianxuan easily killed 3,000 of his troops with his thunder escape.

Can Qianxuan let him achieve his wish by escaping like this?

The next moment, Qianxuan and even Tsunade and others pursued him.

However, they did not enter the poisonous mist range, but stood outside it.

“how? Kid, do you still want to continue fighting and fight me to the death?”

“I admit that this is our defeat, but if we try our best, not many of you here will survive!”

“It is true that you seem to have cracked my poison in advance and prepared a lot of antidotes.;”

“But I believe you definitely don’t have too many antidotes. It would be great if each of you can get one bottle!”

“The antidote also has a time limit and an upper limit for detoxification!”

“If I let the poisonous fog continue to expand and cover the entire battlefield, I don’t believe you can last in it for long!”

“So, you’d better give it up when it’s good, otherwise, I don’t mind fighting to the death, hum!”

These words may seem very strong, but Hanzo himself knows that he has actually fallen into inferiority.

When did he end up having to rely on such means of death to save his life?

What a shame!


However, Qian Xuan couldn’t help but sneer after hearing this:”The fish may die, but the net may not be broken!”

“If you want to run away, with your speed and methods, I really may not be able to keep you!”

“But if you want to protect these hundreds of subordinates and escape together, I will have all the means to target you!”

“Moreover, since when do you think I need to rely on the number of people to hang you?”

“I alone am enough!”

As he spoke, Qianxuan raised his hand and pointed it at the sky.

The next moment, a lightning pillar rushed into the dark clouds high in the sky again.


Immediately, countless lightning flashes emerged from the dark clouds again, and the atmosphere became oppressive and terrifying.

Obviously, at this moment, the electric charge in the dark cloud has been generated and restored a lot, enough for Qianxuan to use it again

“Immortal magic thunder escapes Qilin!!!”

However, this time it is not a thunderstorm. This trick is not useful for masters and elites.

As Qian Xuan shouted


The next moment, although some people present saw a super-large unicorn head with a diameter of more than ten meters drilled out of the clouds and made of highly concentrated thunder.

They stared at Hanzo and the others with eager eyes, opened their mouths, and finally The more concentrated lightning seemed to be spitting out at any time.

The sense of fatal danger made all the rain ninjas, including Hanzo, and even Sanshou Uoifu feel as if they were locked by death.

“You can’t be hit by this move, otherwise, you will die!”

Hanzo couldn’t help but have this thought in his mind at this time.

He quickly took a deep breath, looked at Qianxuan unwillingly and stopped him:”Please stop! I am willing to admit defeat to you and Konoha on behalf of the Kingdom of Rain!”

“Everything is easy to discuss, please accept the magical power!”

With this move, he felt that he and Sanshouyu should be able to escape the attack range, but the remaining subordinates might not be able to escape.

It is true that the attack range of this thunder escape ninjutsu is far less than that of Thunder Cloud Storm.

But the attack power is more High!

In addition, in order to escape the attack of Konoha ninja, his remaining hundreds of subordinates hid in a high-concentration poisonous fog arranged by Sanjiaoyu. It is not an exaggeration to say that they were all remembered.

Dun Qilin’s attack range was average, and just two shots were enough to kill the rest of his subordinates.

Hanzo had no choice but to bow his head, otherwise, he would really let Qian Xuan kill his remaining subordinates. Even the Kingdom of Rain is completely over.

Even he himself may not be able to escape Konoha’s pursuit in the future, not to mention that there are rock ninjas and sand ninjas around the Kingdom of Rain.


Qianxuan heard this and controlled Qilin to temporarily stop attacking, but the thunder cannon in his mouth was still condensing.

He looked at Hanzo and confirmed:”Are you sure! I don’t have any regrets here. Otherwise, I will definitely hunt down you Rain Ninjas with all my strength afterwards and will not give up until I slaughter you all.”

“If you want to surrender, do it completely!”

“In addition, the compensation that should be paid cannot be less. You still want to help us deal with the sand ninjas. Is there any problem?”



Some things are better settled from the beginning.

In addition, since he is not the third generation, he does not need to pay compensation.

Because of Hanzo, 2,000 ninjas died in Konoha before.

Basically, they were ambushed and poisoned by Hanzo, Chiyo and the others.

How can this account not be counted?


Hanzo frowned immediately after hearing this:”As long as the compensation is not excessive, I am willing to pay it, but how about asking me to help you deal with the sand ninja?”

“In this way, wouldn’t I, the Rain Ninja, completely offend the Death Sand Ninja? How can they give up when the time comes?”

Backstabbing an ally cannot be done without enough profit.

Now because of Qianxuan, the rain ninja’s strength has been greatly reduced. If he provokes the sand ninja again, the situation will only become more difficult.


Qianxuan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and said sarcastically:”You mean, you can afford to offend Konoha, dare to offend Konoha, but you dare not offend Sand Ninja, is that what you mean?”

“So, you are actually looking down on me, Konoha, right?”

Speaking of this, Qianxuan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Hanzo with a cold look.

Tsunade and others beside him did the same.

For a moment, Hanzo’s scalp went numb.

He felt that Qianxuan and others were getting closer and closer. The murderous intention was getting stronger and stronger, and I knew I couldn’t go on like this. I was forced to do nothing. I gritted my teeth and could only nod and said:”Okay! I just promise to help Konoha deal with the Sand Ninja!”


“I am willing to bring all the troops of the Rain Ninja to cooperate with you to deal with the Sand Ninja.;”

“It just so happens that I, the Rain Ninja, am still an ally with the Sand Ninja at this time. I can pretend to have wiped out all of you and go to help the Sand Ninja wipe out your troops on the other side.;”

“When the time comes, the two of us should cooperate inside and outside to deal with the sand ninjas;”

“But I hope I can completely cripple the sand ninja in one battle! How about preventing them from organizing new forces to start a war in the short term?”

Hanzo is also ruthless. Since he has no choice, he will backstab the Sand Ninja anyway.

Then he cannot leave too many hidden dangers for himself. He will directly defeat the main force of the Sand Ninja in one battle, leaving him temporarily unable to deal with it.

It was a good thing for both the rain ninja and Konoha to send troops.

Because of this, Qianxuan was a little surprised, but he nodded in agreement without hesitation.:

“good! Just do as you say! Wish we can co-operate well! hehe!”

Hanzo is so polite, it couldn’t be better.


Hanzo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qianxuan agreed.

The same was true for the Rain Ninjas behind him.

The Sword of Damocles was hanging over their heads, and it could kill them at any time!

Let’s talk now As long as it’s done

“Sand Ninja! If you want to blame me, I blame you for being useless and unable to contain enough manpower in Konoha!”

Hanzo couldn’t help but make an excuse for himself in his mind, then looked up at the thunder escape that was still gathering in the sky, then looked at Qianxuan and asked tentatively:”Since we have reached a preliminary agreement, Then look, can this Thunder Escape be removed? This thing is too dangerous!”

Thunder escape is still difficult to control.

Especially the thunder escape of Qianxuan’s level, and it is still compressing.

If one loses control and hits them, it will be over.

“hehe! But…huh?”

After Qianxuan heard this, he prepared to disperse the thunder cloud. Subconsciously, he habitually scanned the surrounding 3-kilometer area with the Kagura Heart Eye Perception, which was separated from the thunder cloud.

Hmm! Because he has to control such a large area. He had to narrow the range of his perception of the thunder and lightning in the thunder clouds, and direct most of his perception and energy toward the thunder clouds. With this sweep, he suddenly stopped talking and couldn’t help but look to the north, maximizing his perception power. , then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said,”Interesting!” I���I know Iwa Ninja and Onoki wouldn’t be so honest!”

“Sure enough, this is preparing to be an oriole!”

“Unfortunately, you miscalculated!”

Fortunately, he was cautious, otherwise, he might have been tricked by the old guy Onoki.

After all, at this time, most of his spiritual power was consumed by activating and maintaining this enhanced version of the Thunder Kirin, and a small part of his physical strength was also consumed. He is not in peak condition.

If he is attacked by surprise, he might actually get hit.


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