Chapter 93: Danzo’s talk, arrogant Hanzo.

Orochimaru also licked his tongue at this time, glanced at Qianxuan meaningfully, and said:”I also agree with Qianxuan-kun’s tactics!”

“In addition, in order to completely defeat Hanzo, I suggest that we focus on more masters to deal with Hanzo!”

“On the sand ninja battlefield, there could be fewer masters and more ninja troops.;”

“As long as you don’t take the initiative to start a war and delay it for a while, even if you lose a few masters, there should be no problem in the short term!”

Orochimaru is obviously surprised that Qianxuan can have such a tactical thinking.

It can only be said that there are no tactician masters in the ninja world.

Of course, Qianxuan does not think that he can be called a tactician master by relying on this tactic.

It is far from it. It

‘s different from the famous generals and commanders in the previous Daxia history.

Fortunately, this is not a world where tactics are king.


Jiraiya also nodded:”Qianxuan’s tactical arrangements are obviously more reasonable!””

“right! I agree too!”


“Our first priority is to defeat the Rain Ninjas and force them to surrender, and then the Sand Ninjas!”


“Me too!”


Soon, other jonins also expressed their opinions, and they basically supported Qianxuan’s tactics.

Many of them brought their family elites to join the war, and naturally they did not want their people to face Hanzo’s poison.

A group of people have already been sacrificed because of this before. This kind of thing cannot happen again.

Toxins don’t matter whether you are strong or not. If you don’t have an antidote and can’t detoxify in time, then no matter how strong you are, you will still be dead.

Nothing was left to chance.

I also thought that Qianxuan’s tactical analysis had greatly changed the impression of Qianxuan among many new jounin.

From suspicion to appreciation.

These words alone show that this 8-year-old kid is not an idiot!

Seeing that most of the people expressed their support for Qianxuan, even Danzo himself felt that Qianxuan’s suggestion was very good, and he was immediately ready to speak.


At this time, Qianxuan added:”I think we have also ignored one force, and that is the Iwa Ninja!”

“Don’t forget, everyone, the Iwa Ninja are also on the border with the Rain Ninja, and have sent thousands of ninja troops to the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth from the beginning.;”

“It’s just that because of our previous war with the Rain Ninja and the Sand Ninja, they have been in a wait-and-see mode!”

“But this does not mean that the Iwa Ninja will continue to wait and see in the next war!”

“Root representative, the Rock Ninja will sit back and watch us defeat the Rain Ninja, and even the Sand Ninja, and gain the greatest results.;”

“Especially after I killed so many sand ninjas with my thunder escape last time and became famous!”

Speaking of this, Qian Xuan paused and then said:

“That said, although there is a suspicion of self-praising!”

“But most of you know that I was jointly offered a bounty of 200 million taels by the four major ninja villages outside Konoha, and they want my life.;”

“Moreover, the information I learned shows that the Iwa Ninja also helped the Sand Ninja prove my record and my ability to perform magic!”

“Therefore, I have reason to suspect that just to plot against me and take the opportunity to kill me, Iwa Ninja should have sent experts to Qianxuan at this time to monitor our every move in Konoha, ready to act like a sparrow at any time and take advantage of us. When we are not prepared, sneak attack us and give us a hard blow.;”

“Even if you can’t kill me, it will destroy our results. We have to be careful about this. What do you think?”

For Qianxuan, this is actually not just a guess, but a fact.

Because Qianxuan sensed a new, powerful chakra source within 25 kilometers of the camp two days ago.

After he used an ordinary bird After the investigation, it was determined that this person was Onoki himself.

Not only was Onoki himself, the birds sent by Qianxuan also detected the presence of several strong Iwa Ninjas in the Iwa Ninja front camp.

There are the four-tailed jinchuriki Lao Zi and the five-tailed jinchuriki Han.

In addition, there are elites such as Iwaki and Loess.

Judging from Ohnoki’s behavior in secretly exploring the Konoha camp and his behavior in offering rewards. It’s for Qianxuan and Konoha.


Danzo and others were shocked when they heard this.

Really, they almost ignored the Iwa nin.

This really shouldn’t be the case.

Danzo immediately said in a deep voice:”Indeed, Iwa Ninja is also a threat, full of uncertainty, and must be guarded against!”

“The mistake made by the sand ninja last time cannot be made again!”

“so! I will send Ninbu and Anbu ninjas to monitor the movements of the Iwa ninja at all times.……;”

“Once they make any changes, report them to both of us immediately;”

“In this way, no matter whether the war is retreating, we can deal with it calmly;”

“As for tactics, just follow what Qianxuan said!”

“However, Sakumo……”

Speaking of this, Danzo looked at Hatake Sakumo and said:”I can give you 3700 for the ninja army, and I will leave 300 elites here.;”

“However, the strength of these elites cannot be lower than the chunin level at least.;”

“In addition, Orochimaru and Jiraiya that I promised before can no longer be given to you!”

“They have to join us in killing Hanzo.;”

“The number of people is small, so we can only concentrate more elites, what do you think?”

In short, he can’t fail here.


Sakumo thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Danzo was very satisfied, then looked around and asked,”Do you still have any objections?””

This is the only way to arrange it!

The Iwa Ninjas have no other choice but to send people to keep an eye on them at all times. After all, they haven’t participated in the war yet, so they can’t take the initiative to provoke anything.

Just be on guard.

If there is an accident, just go straight to it. Evacuate

“there is none left!”


“This is already the best arrangement so far!”

“So be it!”

After hearing this, all the Jonin shook their heads and chose to support this resolution.

“very good! Then adjourn the meeting! Everyone, start taking action!”

“Remember, keep your tactics secret!”

“Otherwise, if it’s leaked, I’m worried that the Rain Ninja and the Sand Ninja will get together in advance, and that won’t be a good thing for us.”

Danzo immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting and warned


Everyone agreed one after another, and then left here one after another.


After leaving Danzo’s camp, Qianxuan habitually opened Kagura’s inner eye and sensed it. As a result, he noticed something abnormal.

This time it was not Ohnoki.

Instead, he discovered a special chakra reaction on the bottom line.

“This… is indeed Bai Zetsu, right?

Qian Xuan raised his brows slightly, and calmly sensed them carefully, then withdrew his senses and judged:”There are 7 Bai Jue in total!””

“Are you targeting me, or something else?”

For a while, Qian Xuan couldn’t accurately judge

“correct! At this point in time, Uzumaki Nagato has already activated the Rinnegan, right?”

“In this way, it is not surprising that Uchiha Madara would pay attention to this place at this time!”

“However, Black Zetsu was not found! It seems that he is not here at this time!”

“Fortunately, I didn’t come, otherwise, my Kagura Heart Eye perception might have been noticed by him.”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

This is well-founded.

Because in Konoha, close to the Senju station, there has never been a White Zetsu.

On the contrary, in Uchiha and other areas, Qianxuan discovered Guobai Zetsu.

If this wasn’t Hei Jue’s arrangement, Qian Xuan wouldn’t believe it.

This guy’s life-saving ability is so strong, and his perception ability is definitely not bad.

“Now is not the time to provoke Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara, wait until I am stronger!”

Qian Xuan thought so, suppressing these thoughts for the time being, and not planning to worry about it for the time being.

When the time comes, he thinks he can catch a few Bai Jue and collect them to try to see what rewards they will get.


Next 2 days.

Qiangen and all the senior medical ninjas in the camp fully cooperated with Tsunade to create hundreds of bottles of antidote to Hanzo’s Sansho fish poison.

Afterwards, they were distributed to the 300 elite ninjas who participated in the attack on Hanzo.

At least one bottle per person.

Tsunade and the others, the main attackers, had prepared at least three bottles.


Early on the third day after the meeting, Konoha began emergency operations.

The troops were divided into two, and most of them set off with Hatake Sakumo, heading towards the Sand Ninja’s only way to the core area of Rain Country, and setting up an ambush here.

Danzo, on the other hand, led Sengen, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, plus 300 elite troops composed of Nakajonin, and headed towards the hinterland of the Rain Country at full speed.

Along the way, I met many members of the Patrol Team of the Kingdom of Rain, and all of them were killed by Qian Xuan and the others at the first glance.

No one could escape.

Half a day later, even though Qianxuan and the others took two breaks along the way to regain their energy and chakra, they still arrived more than thirty miles outside the Rain Ninja Village, but were intercepted on the road by the Rain Ninja army led by Hanzo.

This time, Hanzo almost came out in full force, leading a total of 3,500 ninja troops.

Seeing Danzo and the others appearing with their men, Hanzo folded his hands and said coldly:”Duanzo! You are so brave! With such a small number of people, you went straight to the heart of the Land of Rain.;”

“how? Are you planning to behead me?”

“Want to catch me off guard?”

“Then I can only say that you made a miscalculation this time!”

“The price is that you all stay here today!”

“I will use your death to prove to the world that our country of rain is enough to become the sixth largest country in the ninja world, and our rain ninja village is enough to be called the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world.”

Hanzo is so domineering at this moment.


However, Danzo sneered at this:”This kind of speech is simply ridiculous! Hanzo!”

“The ninja world cannot tolerate the sixth largest country, let alone the emergence of the sixth largest ninja village!”

“Your arrogance will only ruin the future of Yu Ninja Village!”

“Now stop, give up resistance, and surrender to Konoha. Perhaps, you can still leave a glimmer of hope and future for the Rain Ninja Village.”

Isn’t it just talking nonsense?

You won’t be like anyone else!”


When Hanzo heard this, he couldn’t help laughing wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

After a while, he stopped laughing, looked at Danzo coldly and shouted:”Duanzo! who do you think You Are? Who do you think you and I are?”

“Today, I will kill you!!”


The next moment, Hanzo gave an order, and thousands of rain ninja troops rushed towards the Konoha ninja.

At the same time, Hanzo himself took the lead, drew his sword, and killed Danzo hundreds of meters away at extremely fast speeds.

“Qianxuan! Prepare as soon as possible! Everyone else, follow me and kill! Stop Hanzo!”

Duanzo immediately looked at Qianxuan and said something, and then took Tsunade with him. Orochimaru, Jiraiya and others went directly to Hanzo.

Soon, several people fought together.

Four people surrounded one, but But he didn’t gain the upper hand at all.

Instead, Hanzo almost suppressed Danzo and fought, causing

Danzo to suffer even more injuries. As time went by, the scars continued to increase. He could see that Hanzo’s previous words had indeed stimulated Hanzo, so Hanzo did not attack Tsunade and others at this time, but just fought them off. Danzo and Hanzo were killed.

“Immortal mode!”

From the moment Danzo and the others rushed out, Qianxuan, under the cover of Kushina, Minato and Mikoto, clapped his hands and directly entered the Shimobone Forest Sage mode. The next moment, Qianxuan raised a Hand.

A bolt of lightning shot up from his hand and disappeared directly into the thick clouds in the sky.

“Boom boom boom!!”

For a moment, the original dark clouds began to sparkle.

A terrifying sense of oppression directly enveloped a one kilometer radius nearby.

All the rain ninjas and Konoha ninjas nearby were enveloped.

“This is…not good! The thunder escape that the sand ninja said was actually true?”

“Damn it! Black tea! Bring someone quickly to stop that kid! He must not be allowed to perform this technique!!”

Hanzo was chasing Danzo, and he naturally sensed the changes in the sky.

He could detect the violent chakra fluctuations and thunder reactions.

The energy in it had expanded rapidly to a level that even he was afraid of.

He suddenly couldn’t care less Danzo went up to him and yelled directly at an elite jounin who was leading the troops there.

Then he stopped chasing Danzo and repelled the attacks of Orochimaru and Jiraiya with his sword. , quickly went to Qianxuan to kill her husband.

“Don’t even think about it!”

“Strange power punch!”

When Tsunade saw it, her face changed slightly. She sent out a shock wave with her feet in mid-air. She caught the recoil and flew towards Hanzo again. She stopped him and punched him. He directly interrupted Hanzo’s behavior and let him Fly backwards in the opposite direction to Qianxuan

“Stop him! He cannot be allowed to interfere with Qian Xuan!”

Tsunade then shouted loudly, and chased Hanzo again, waving his fists non-stop, and launched an attack at a very fast speed.

Coupled with the constant interference from Danzo and the other three, Hanzo was beaten back and forth, trying to get closer to Qianxuan. It was impossible to do that.

Instead, because he wanted to rush to Qianxuan’s side, he was at a disadvantage for a while.

“Damn it! Get out of my way!”

Hanzo was temporarily tired of dealing with Tsunade’s violent attacks and Danzo’s sneak attacks, and he yelled incompetently and furiously.

At the same time, the elite Jonin Kurocha of the Rain Ninja heard Hanzo’s order and immediately led several Jonin to break out. , rushing toward Qian Xuan and the others, rushing hundreds of meters away.

However, it was already too late.���

Qianxuan’s ninjutsu is completely completed

“Immortal magic thunder escapes the thunder cloud storm!!!”


“Tear! Tear! Tear!!”

The next moment, a thunderous roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of arms-thick, dazzling blue weapons fell with lightning speed.

They accurately avoided all the Konoha ninjas and fell towards Those rain ninjas below


Many quick-reacting Jōnin and Chuunin shouted violently while using their own methods of defense in an attempt to avoid the attack.

However, the Jōnin themselves were not good at defensive ninjutsu.

As for those Genin and most Chunin , had no time to react, and was struck by a terrifying thunderbolt.

Immediately, those genin were electrocuted to death, and even the chuunin were not much better. Most of them were dying..

The better ones were stunned for a short time.

Then, they were directly killed by the nearby Konoha ninjas and lost their lives.

Even Black Tea and others were disturbed by the lightning and could only stop and resist. , unable to get closer to Qianxuan.

This wave alone took away hundreds of rain ninjas who came forward, but there was obviously more than one wave of thunder and lightning this time, in order to last longer, Qianxuan. He even took two qi-training pills in advance before performing the technique.

Therefore, even though his chakra was constantly being consumed by this technique, the recovered chakra could barely keep up. It was a bit of a burden.

But with the blessing of Shigulin Immortal mode and the top-level Vortex Immortal human body, it immediately improved without affecting him at all.

“No! Kid! you wanna die!”

Hanzo saw that in an instant, nearly 800 rain ninjas were directly hacked to death, and he was stunned.

This wave directly reduced the number of his subordinates by one-third. If he hits a few more times, his subordinates will die. Absolutely?


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