Chapter 78: Escaping from danger, Orochimaru’s covet.

Jiraiya and Tsunade had a look of embarrassment on their faces after hearing this.

Then there was shock

“You boy! When did you have such a strong sense of perception?”

“In just such a short time, without us even noticing, you have already figured out the situation around you?”

Jiraiya asked with a surprised look on his face.

“Slip! I’m equally curious!”

Orochimaru also licked his tongue and looked at Qianxuan with burning eyes.

When Tsunade saw it, she immediately stopped and said directly:”Hey! Is now the time to say this?”

“Moreover, am I asking Qianxuan for help so that you can pry into his privacy? After saying that

, Tsunade looked at Qianxuan and said:”There’s no need to say this!””

Orochimaru and Jiraiya saw Tsunade protecting the calf and immediately stopped asking.

But they were really curious.

“A perception radius of at least five kilometers, tsk tsk… Such an exaggerated perception ability! This kid is a treasure! Orochimaru thought to himself

“So, can you tell me what’s going on now? I can help you too! Otherwise, you may suffer heavy casualties!”

Qianxuan Ying’s clone ignored the conversation of several people and asked.

After all, it was just a shadow clone that was sealed in advance. The memory of the person’s connection still stays at the moment of sealing and has not been updated.

“Hmm… It seems that this Xuanzi mark still has flaws, and we have to find a way to synchronize the memories of the shadow clones in the mark.”

Qian Xuanying’s clone couldn’t help but think.

After Tsunade heard this, she briefly explained what had happened recently.

Then, she told them that they had been assassinated by the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Sand, and were separated from the large army.

Qianxuan frowned after hearing this, looked at everyone here carefully, looked at Tsunade and asked:”Why don’t you see Uncle Temu and the others ? Don’t they have anyone under your command?”

I can’t be vague about this kind of thing, right?

Tsunade nodded and shook her head and said:”They are indeed under my command, but they were separated when they fled. At this time, they should be with the main force.”

“Or tell me if you have any way to save us all!”

“Can you contact me here?”

If not, then they have to risk their lives to break out. They must not let Qianxuan’s true form come over.

In this way, although they will lose a lot of help, at least they have the perception of Kagura’s heart and eyes of Qianxuan’s shadow clone, and their chances of breaking out will be better It will be much bigger, as long as you avoid the direction of the large army and Hanzo, it is still very possible.

“Of course you can!

Qian Xuan sensed it, nodded and said:”I have made great progress in my practice of Flying Thunder God recently. In addition, I am only a hundred kilometers away from here at this time. It is not too far. I can teleport here at any time.”.”

Tsunade and others were immediately delighted after hearing this, and quickly asked:”Then do you have a way to take us away together?”


Qian Xuanying’s clone nodded affirmatively in the expectant eyes of everyone:”If there are only twenty or thirty people, it’s still no problem!”

“However, this is not the best option”

“Don’t you want to fight back?”

“It’s just not my style to simply run away or passively get beaten.”

Since I’m almost here! There’s no need to keep running.

I’ll meet Hanzo just in time.

He can sense that Hanzo’s chakra is much stronger than him and he can’t hide much.

He may be able to handle it.

No, there’s Tsunade. Is it true?

The current Tsunade is also at the shadow level.

Even Orochimaru and Jiraiya have a tendency to break through the shadow level.

Obviously, this war has brought disaster to them, but it has also brought benefits.


Tsunade and the others were stunned when they heard this. Then, Tsunade frowned and said,”There are so many enemies. Even if you come here, we can’t defeat so many enemies, right?””

“Or do you have other plans?

Qian Xuan nodded and said,”Indeed, we can’t defeat the enemy with just our strength!” But what if Sakumo-sensei and the others are brought here?”

“In addition, I have mastered the Four Red Sun Formation, and I can take the initiative to cut the battlefield and separate Hanzo from the enemy and the army.;”

“Then, how about we concentrate on high-end combat power and take down him in a short time?”

After Tsunade and others heard this, they immediately fell into a brief thought.

If it can be done, defeating or even killing Hanzo is indeed very worthwhile.

Not only can it restore the decline of the previous defeat in one fell swoop, but it can also defeat the Kingdom of Rain.

Afterwards, Konoha was able to counterattack the Rain Country again and turn defeat into victory.

“However, the risk is not small~!”

“Moreover, there are many wounded people who were poisoned here! They can’t afford to delay!”

“So, forget it!”

“Contact me first and come over and take us to evacuate!”

“Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Tsunade finally rejected Qian Xuanying’s proposal and made the final decision.


Qian Xuanying’s clone listened and nodded, but did not continue to persuade. Time was running out.

Immediately, he automatically released himself, turned into chakra again and disappeared into the air.


The next moment, Qian Xuan appeared here.

“Got caught up! Sister Tsunade! Good afternoon everyone!”

Qianxuan smiled and waved to everyone.

Then, he looked at Tsunade and said:”I already know the situation from the memory transmitted back from the shadow clone!”

“Sister Tsunade, you should have contacted me earlier, so that we could make arrangements and have enough time to set up anti-ambush defenses.;”

“It’s too late now!”

“Not much to say, let me take you out of here first!”

Before, he was traveling more than a hundred kilometers away, but suddenly he received a message from the shadow clone. Therefore, he had no choice but to rush here immediately.

“Is it okay with so many people?”

Tsunade couldn’t help but ask.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”With my knowledge of the Flying Thunder God and my current amount of chakra, it’s enough!””

“In addition, this time I also brought you herbal medicine and medical equipment on the order of Lord Hokage. These people who were poisoned can also be saved! No need to worry.”

As soon as these words came out, not only Tsunade, but also all the Konoha ninjas who were lying on the ground waiting for death due to poisoning felt their noses sore and tears could not stop flowing out.

“This is really great!”

“It’s great to be alive!”

“Long live Lord Qianxuan!!”


These people shouted excitedly.

It’s a pity that only a few people spoke because they were poisoned and only had one breath left, and their shouts didn’t have much strength.

“So, without further ado, please hold hands and I will take you away.”

Qian Xuan then spoke.

“quick! Get moving!”

After Tsunade and others heard this, they all took action.

Let the people who were not poisoned and injured put the injured people on the ground together and hold hands.

Finally, Tsunade held Qianxuan’s hand.


Qian Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, locked the position of Kushina, and thought in his mind,”Brush!” He led everyone and disappeared into the cave.

After waiting for more than an hour, when Hanzo and Yu Nin found the cave, the place was already empty.

“Depending on the situation, the enemy ended up staying here! But suddenly disappeared! What’s going on?”

After Hanzo explored the traces here, he made a puzzled judgment.

“Could it be that they are hiding somewhere else? Want to stop looking?”

An elite Jōnin from the Land of Rain suggested on the side.


Hanzo shook his head:”The enemy has escaped, although I don’t know what method he used!””

“It may be too late to pursue now!”

“Although it is a pity, the results this time are already very rich, and a little flaw is tolerable!”

“Withdraw your troops and return first!”

“Although Konoha’s current vanguard force has been crippled by us, they will definitely not give up in the future.;”

“Besides, I’m a little worried that the sand ninjas won’t be honest. We have to go back and be careful about them.”

Hanzo’s mind is very clear, and he knows what he needs to do most at the moment.

He doesn’t think that this time, he will directly cripple and defeat Konoha.

On the contrary, this time Konoha was calculated and suffered such huge losses. The follow-up will definitely not give up.

A more fierce war is still waiting for them. Is it not so easy for the Rain Country Rain Ninja Village to step on Konoha and become the sixth largest Ninja Village?


The rain ninja next to him said in shock:”The sand ninja? how come? Aren’t they our allies?”

“ally? hehe……”

After hearing this, Hanzo sneered and said:”This is just your illusion!”

“These great ninja villages have never looked down on us rain ninjas, how could they really become our allies?”

“The previous alliance was just for them���It’s just a plot against Konoha!”

“If you really regard them as allies, you are not far away from being sold by them!”

“Don’t be so naive! Boy! These great ninja villages can never be our allies, they can only be our enemies, nothing more.”

The current alliance is just for the greater benefit.

In the future, it is just a matter of time before the rain ninja and the sand ninja go to war.

In this troubled world, innocence is the most important thing.

After hearing this, the rain ninja jounin fell into in deep thought

“alright! Send me the order! Withdraw! Prepare for war!”



In an open space somewhere more than a hundred kilometers away from the cave


Qian Xuan suddenly appeared here with more than 20 people.

“Qianxuan, you are back! Sister Tsunade, Uncle Jiraiya, you are all here! And these people……”

When Kushina saw everyone appearing, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped forward to greet her enthusiastically.


Minato also ran to greet Jiraiya. At the same time, he looked at the wounded lying on the ground with some confusion and solemnity.

“It’s Minato! Ha ha! This time I finally survived the disaster and got out of trouble! Fortunately! What a blessing! Thank you, Qianxuan boy! I owe you a life!”

Jiraiya waved happily in response to Minato, and then happily thanked Qianxuan.

“me too! After hearing this

, Orochimaru also looked at Qianxuan, looked at Qianxuan meaningfully, and said:”In the future, we can have more contact. I am very interested in you.””

He felt that Qianxuan was covered in fog and very mysterious. Perhaps, it was far from being as simple as he knew.

This aroused his great interest.

He was somewhat familiar with the surrounding environment and knew that this was the border of the Land of Fire, about 100 meters away from the Rain Country. The country was not far away.

And it was at least a hundred kilometers away from the cave where they were before. However, Qianxuan teleported here with more than 20 people, looking relaxed and unburdened at all.

It’s clear that this is obviously far from Qian Xuan’s limit.

“No wonder this guy had a plan to deal with Hanzo before, his strength is not simple! Orochimaru thought to himself

“Hurrah! It just so happens that I also have something to ask Uncle Snake!”

Qianxuan listened and responded with a smile.

Well! Hashirama cells and other things have to be traded from Orochimaru.

Let’s see if we can get the Hashirama Immortal human body and Wood Release.

Otherwise, we can only develop it ourselves. Wood escape.

With his continuously increasing vitality, it is not impossible.

After all, seriously speaking, wood escape is actually water, earth and yang, and it is still very difficult to create and develop the blood inheritance.


Orochimaru was a little surprised when he heard Qianxuan’s answer.

Obviously he didn’t expect Qianxuan to be interested in him. He immediately narrowed his eyes and smiled:”This relationship is good, then I’ll wait and see.”

“Hey Hey hey!”

Tsunade on the side couldn’t stand listening anymore. She glared at Orochimaru, then looked at Qianxuan and warned:”You kid, stay away from Orochimaru. This guy is a pervert, don’t imitate him.”

Orochimaru’s face darkened slightly after hearing this.

You are slandering me!

“hehe! clear! I am measured! Qianxuan smiled knowingly, then took off the scroll on his back and handed it to Tsunade:”Now is not the time to talk about this. There are a large number of herbs and some medical instruments I brought here. Sister Tsunade, let’s configure the appropriate ones first.” Interpret the potion and save these poisoned people!”

“I don’t think they can last long!”

As he said that, he unfolded the seal scroll, lifted part of the seal, took out some instruments and herbs, and started to work.


Tsunade nodded and hurriedly stepped forward to intervene.

The two began to cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding to extract the toxins in the poisoned person’s body, and then quickly analyzed them.

This step is normally the most difficult and time-consuming.

But Because of his inheritance of alchemy and master-level medical skills, Qianxuan had an extremely efficient analysis method and completed the decryption of the two toxins in just a few minutes.

Then, working with Tsunade, he quickly prepared more than a dozen. A bottle of antidote.

Give it to the poisoned person.

Soon, the colorful faces of these people will fade away, and the toxins in their bodies will be released.

“The next step is to treat the injury! Fortunately, it’s not serious.”

As he spoke, Qianxuan began to use his palm skills to treat the wounded.

“Tsk tsk! This medical skill really surpasses yours! Tsunade!”

Orochimaru looked at Qianxuan with admiration and joked to Tsunade.

He had also heard from the village before that Qianxuan’s medical skills were already better than his own, surpassing those of Tsunade.

But Orochimaru had scoffed at this before. , I think this is impossible.

He is very clear about how difficult and time-consuming it is to learn medical skills and medical ninjutsu.

In his opinion, even if Qianxuan is a genius, he wants to master the medical skills in just a few years. It was impossible to surpass Tsunade.

However, now that this fact was before his eyes, he couldn’t help but look at Qianxuan even more eagerly.

“I really want to dissect this little guy and see what the secret is!”

Orochimaru licked his tongue and thought to himself

“Hey hey! Uncle Snake, restrain your eyes and malice, I feel it!”

Qianxuan was treating people while looking at Orochimaru with squinted eyes and warning.

This bitch, he saw that I am too good and he is targeting me!

But Qianxuan is not afraid at all.

Because he has passed the After passing through the weak stage, he has enough self-preservation ability.

Orochimaru is not a threat to him. He is just a little disgusting. But if a woman covets his body, he will be a little happy.

If so, then forget it.


Orochimaru listened and raised his eyebrows slightly:”I forgot that Qianxuan-kun, your perception ability is also very good!” Presumptuous! Please don’t mind;”

“I just admire you and now know more about you.”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but rolled his eyes after hearing this.

I believe you are a ghost!


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