
Minato also reacted after hearing this:”That’s true!” Oh well! Then let’s go hunting together and train our practical skills!”

Soon, the two returned to the street where their home was.

“Gen and Minato are back? Huh? And caught so many prey? Amazing!”

“Ha ha! It’s OK!”

Along the way, they met many neighbors who greeted the two of them warmly. Qianxuan and Minato also responded with smiles.

If they were in front of Uncle Tiemu’s shop, they were also seen by Uncle Tiemu and Mr. Makakuma.

“Xuan, Minato are back? Good prey!”

The two of them greeted each other.

“hey-hey! They were all obtained by Xuan Lie. I am practicing today and did not participate!”

Minato explained with some embarrassment.


After hearing this, the two of them couldn’t help but look at Qian Xuan.


Then, the two frowned slightly and looked at each other, but they didn’t say anything more. Instead, they waved their hands and said,”You go back to deal with the prey first!” We will go to your place after we close the store!”


Qianxuan and Minato did not refuse, and immediately said goodbye to the two of them, and spent a while returning to Qianxuan’s yard.

Then, they began to skillfully break down and process the prey.

After the prey was processed, there was a knocking sound in the yard. Door:”Xuan, Minato! Are you there? we are coming!”

“Here I am! Here I am!”

Minato and Qianxuan heard this and responded quickly.

Minato immediately ran to open the door and welcomed Uncle Temu and Mr. Makuma in.

Several people came all the way to the living room.

Qianxuan and Minato greeted the two of them and sat down. After serving tea, the old man and Tie Mu each took out two scrolls from their arms and handed them to Qian Xuandao:”This is our little thought, which can be regarded as support for your cultivation! Hope you like it!”

“Thank you Grandpa Interlude! Thank you Uncle Ironwood!”

Qianxuan and Minato saw each other and happily took a scroll from each of them.

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary collectible”Thunder Escape: Thunder Ball Technique”. Reward: Top Thunder Attribute Affinity】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary collectible”Water Release·Water Fang Blade”. Reward: Chakra limit +50 and 100,000 taels of money. ]

Hearing the notification sound in his mind, Qian Xuan was overjoyed and thought to himself:”It’s actually Thunder Escape and Water Escape? This time, I have obtained the top thunder attribute affinity, so practicing Thunder Escape will become extremely easy.” Got it!”

“However, this water release ninjutsu collection only rewards chakra amount and money?”

“Could it be that the rewards for repetitive items, ninjutsu, etc. of the same category will become worse and worse?”

This made Qian Xuan slightly disappointed.

However, we are not completely sure yet, and we need follow-up experiments to know the specific rules.

Next, the old man and Tiemu chatted with Qian Xuan and Minato for a while, and then the two He specially opened the water gate and asked Qianxuan alone: “Qianxuan, what did you encounter today? Why do I feel that your vitality has more than doubled?”


Qian Xuan was stunned when he heard this, but he was shocked in his heart.

He didn’t expect that I and Uncle Tiemu would be so sensitive during the scene and actually notice this.

Fortunately, Qian Xuan’s mental quality is not bad, and he has already made some mental plans. He immediately said with joy and confusion:”Actually, I’m not very clear, but my body gradually undergoes these changes during the process of cultivation. Grandpa Makujian, Uncle Tiemu, do you know the reason?”

“oh? Is that so?”

After hearing this, Mangjian and Tiemu glanced at each other, and both could faintly see the surprise in each other’s eyes. However, they still said to Qianxuan calmly on the surface:”Come, reach out here, and let me give it to you, grandpa. Check it out to avoid any problems!”


Qianxuan stretched out a hand to the old man in the middle of the curtain.

The old man in the middle of the curtain immediately held Qianxuan’s hand, and while using his mental perception, he tried to put a small amount of chakra into Qianxuan’s body to check.


Soon, the old man withdrew his chakra and perception. He looked at Qianxuan with a look of ecstasy and said excitedly:”You kid will really surprise me! This change is indeed your initial awakening of my Senju.” Signs of the limits of a family’s bloodline”


Tiemu on the side also asked with a face of surprise after hearing this.

“Eh? Blood inheritance limit?”

Qian Xuan was slightly startled when he heard this, and pretended to be a little surprised and said:”And, our Thousand Hands Clan? Am I not from a commoner background?”

After hearing this, the old man took back his hand, glared at Qian Xuan angrily and said,”Are you still pretending to me? I don’t believe you didn’t notice it?”

“Just the name of the chakra refining technique you practice, you should be able to guess based on your intelligence, right?”


Qianxuan immediately smiled coquettishly after hearing this, nodded and said,”I know I can’t hide it from you, Grandpa Makujima!”

“That’s right! Minato and I actually had some guesses, but we couldn’t be sure before. Now it seems that our guesses are true!”

“It seems that Grandpa Makaku and Uncle Tiemu are indeed members of the Thousand Hands Clan!”

“However, why haven’t I heard that the Senju clan has blood inheritance limits?”

That’s what he said, but Qian Xuan said in his heart that this was really not the reason for Xue Ji’s awakening!

It was just the change brought about by the physical constitution rewarded by the system.

Of course, the sudden increase in physical fitness, plus the two top attribute affinity talents of water and earth It seems to be stimulating his Thousand Hands bloodline to begin to transform. This is true.


I don’t know what Qian Xuan was thinking in the middle of the show. Hearing his question, I nodded affirmatively and said:”We are both the top ninja families in the ninja world. Even Uchiha has the Blood Succession Limited Sharingan. I, Senju, How can you not have your own blood inheritance limit?”

“It’s just that the limits of my Senju’s blood inheritance are in terms of physique and chakra, and the characteristics are not that obvious!”

“The most obvious manifestation of the blood inheritance limit of our Senju is the huge amount of chakra, huge vitality, and strong physical recovery ability;”

“Your current situation is obviously a sign of the initial awakening of the Thousand Hands Blood Succession Limit.

Qian Xuan listened and nodded clearly;”That’s it!” It seems that I am really a genius! After hearing this

, he looked solemn and warned:”Don’t be happy too early!” This is both a good thing and a bad thing!”

“The village is not as peaceful as you think, and some people may not be willing to see a genius who is a descendant of Thousand Hands appear!”


Qian Xuan suddenly panicked after hearing this:”Grandpa Makujian, what should I do?” Is there a way to hide these?”

The panic is fake, but the desire to hide it is real.

“oh? After hearing this

, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said happily:”You are quite smart and not arrogant at all. This really reassures me!””

“As for the solution you mentioned, of course there is!”…

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