Chapter 66 [Talent Contract], teaching Xingyiquan


After hearing this, Qian Xuan touched the back of his head and said with a silly smile:”It’s just because it’s precious that I took it out in front of you!””

“After all, grandma, you and Tsunade-san go over and give me whatever I want.;”

“All kinds of ninjutsu and secret techniques were given to me as soon as I asked for them, and I also took care of them in other aspects as well!”

“I know you all consider me family.;”

“As a family member, I naturally trust you completely, and I am naturally willing to share good things with you!”

“Only when our family is strong can we gain a better foothold in the ninja world and ensure the safety of our family, right?”

It’s just a comparison of hearts.

In addition, Tsunade and others have become stronger, which will also help him to take over Konoha and even the entire ninja world in the future.

You must cultivate a group of your own people to achieve full control.

“you kid……”

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito smiled knowingly, and was very moved in his heart. He nodded affirmatively:”You are right! We are a family, and we are too careless.���Instead, I fell behind!”



Tsunade, Kushina, Minato, and Naoki also laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

Obviously, they were very happy and agreed.

“However,” at this time, Uzumaki Mito gradually stopped smiling, and said with a serious face:”I am still a little worried about the mere verbal confidentiality.;”

“Especially Roeshu, your personality is very deviant from simplicity and you are easily deceived.;”

“If someone is deceived, there is no guarantee that the secret information about Xingyiquan and Qianxuan will not be leaked, causing unnecessary trouble and even danger to Qianxuan.”


After hearing this, Shengshu was dumbfounded and said,”Grandma! You didn’t say that! Am I so unreliable to you?””

“Is not it?”

Before Mito Uzumaki opened his mouth, Tsunade couldn’t help but complain.


“Therefore, I am going to set up a confidentiality seal for you to ensure that you cannot actively leak this information without Qianxuan and my permission.;”

“Others can’t detect this information from your brains. Is there a problem?”

Uzumaki Mito looked around and asked.

The Uzumaki clan has many sealing techniques, and there are also many such top-level protection sealing techniques.

Kushina spoke first:”I have no problem!

Minato followed closely:”Me too!”

Tsunade also raised her hand and said,”Me too!”

Seeing this, Shengshu touched the back of his head and said,”Everyone has no objections, so of course I don’t have any objections either!””

“That’s good! Then start setting it up now!”

“Qianxuan, come and help me, and I’ll teach you this protective sealing technique! Also, add your permissions there.”

Uzumaki Mito immediately greeted Chigen.

Then, while carving the protective sealing technique on Tsunade and the others, she taught Chigen the key points of this sealing technique.

This sealing technique is comparable to the Tongue Bane that Danzo mastered. There was too much Yinqiang.

After she finished speaking, the system prompts sounded in Qianxuan’s mind at the right time.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collectible”Top Protection Sealing Technique”. Reward: Talent Contract】


【Talent contract]: Master the power of the contract. If the target agrees and does not resist, you can enter into a contract. After the contract is established, both parties cannot do anything that violates the content of the contract. If you violate it forcefully, you will suffer the backlash of the power of the contract. Soul shattered and died

“Huh? This natural ability is strong enough!”

“In this way, wouldn’t it be foolproof?”

Qian Xuan was immediately overjoyed when he received the reward from the system.

He immediately said silently in his heart:”System, receive this reward.”

The next moment, he felt a warm current pouring into the sea of consciousness between his eyebrows.

The warm current came and went quickly. When the warm current dissipated, there was a mysterious talent rune in his sea of consciousness, and he also had one more innate ability

“Qianxuan, come and input your chakra and spiritual imprint into this protective seal!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito said


Qian Xuan listened, calm on the surface, but happy in his heart.

He could definitely add the power of the contract to it, because the confidentiality contract itself already has a confidentiality clause, which he just borrowed.

In this way, this clause can also be used As a contract, it was double insurance.

In addition, Qian Xuan was also prepared to add a clause that no secrets about him could be revealed without his permission.


After Qianxuan input chakra, hid the power of the contract in it, and left a spiritual imprint, Uzumaki Mito directly activated the confidential contract.

The next moment, the contract runes came to life one after another, and they all quickly shrank into Tsuna

Afterwards, Uzumaki Mito and Chigen followed suit and planted this protective sealing technique on Nasuki, Kushina, Minato and even herself.

“Hmm… In the future, I may be able to use this secret sealing technique as a cover to make a confidentiality contract by adding the power of the contract.”

Having done this, Qianxuan already understood this sealing technique, and thought to himself

“You don’t seem to feel anything?”

After the protective sealing technique was planted, the rope tree shook his head and asked doubtfully.

Tsunade on the side listened, looked at his stupid brother, couldn’t help but rolled his eyes and said:”What else do you want to feel?”

“Even if it does exist, you probably won’t be able to discover it with your brain.”

If you weren’t proficient in sealing techniques, you wouldn’t even be qualified to discover this thing.

Shengshu is obviously such a person.

“Uh…sister! Did you say that? I’m your brother!”

Rangshu’s face suddenly changed, he looked at his sister with a long face and complained.

It would be better not to have this sister.

“I’m just saying this because he’s my brother! If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t be willing to say it!”

Tsunade curled her lips and said.

Naoki said speechlessly:”I’d rather you don’t say it.”

This sister is becoming increasingly unavailable.

“alright! The joke ends here! Let Qianxuan start teaching you Xingyiquan!”

“The sooner you master it, the better you can improve your self-protection capabilities!”

Uzumaki Mito interrupted the two siblings’ showmanship and said

“Yep! Qianxuan! Start now! I think this is very interesting and seems to be a good fit for me!”

Kushina quickly urged

“OK OK!”

Qianxuan shook his head in a funny way and thought to himself, wait a minute, I’m afraid you won’t feel this way!

Practicing this requires hard work and perseverance.

It’s not that simple.

Of course, with Kushina’s background , it should be quick to get started

“Grandma Mito, please come too! This should be of great help to you!”

Qian Xuan did not rush to start, but first persuaded Uzumaki Mito.

If others don’t know it, how can he still not know it?

With the water of life, Uzumaki Mito can live for a long, long time.

Isn’t it better to become stronger? Better?

He believes that with Uzumaki Mito’s background and strength, he will soon be able to practice Xingyiquan to the level of energy.

“That’s fine! Then let me learn too!”

Uzumaki Mito listened, smiled and nodded, and agreed.


This actually confused Tsunade and Minato.

They thought to themselves:”Isn’t grandma’s time running out? Why are you still spending so much energy learning this?”

It’s a little strange!

But they didn’t say it.

“very good! First, let’s start with the basic three-body pose!”

“This must be mastered, and even needs to be practiced every day in the early and middle stages.……”

Next, Qian Xuan explained in detail to several people and practiced Xingyiquan.

After explaining it once, he also demonstrated the power and methods of Ming Jin, Dark Jin and Hua Jin.

When everyone saw that Qianxuan didn’t use chakra, he could smash a hard stone the size of a washbasin with just one punch using Ming Jin alone; relying on An Jin alone, he could break a big rock into powder with just one punch; relying on Hua Jin Jin alone, After using his strength, he directly crushed a kunai, his eyes became eager.

“This physical technique is much more powerful than I imagined!”

“Moreover, this method feels very good for my combat system and can greatly enhance my combat power and destructive power.”

Tsunade said with hot eyes.

She is obviously a knowledgeable person.

“Me too!”

Kushina also nodded repeatedly.

Her current combat system is actually very similar to Tsunade.

It just has more sealing techniques and less medical ninjutsu.

“Si Guoyi! Teach…Qianxuan! I want to learn this!”

Both Naoki and Minato said with bright eyes.

“good! Let’s start teaching you now!”

Immediately, Qianxuan continued to teach them, instructing them to practice Xingyiquan starting from Zamabu.

Among them, Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito were at a high level of strength and had extremely high control over their bodies, so they easily got started.

Zhuang Kung Fu Under Qianxuan’s guidance and reminder, the two of them practiced the Zhuang Kung Fu to a perfect state one after another in just over an hour.

After that, they only had to practice the Zhan Kung Fu every day to continuously strengthen their lower limbs and stabilize their lower body..

At this time, Minato and Kushina were able to practice the taijutsu to a proficient level, and

Nezuki was even able to get started.

This was because they had also practiced taijutsu for several years with the help of the body training pill. Invisible benefits, otherwise it will only be slower.

Of course, because they have a good foundation, they will practice faster before reaching the level of strength.

“Next is the five-shaped boxing……”

After that, Qianxuan began to teach Wuxiang Quan.

After everyone was at least familiar with the Five Forms Quan, he continued to teach the Twelve Forms and Intentions, and suggested:”With the Twelve Forms and Intentions, it is not necessary to practice all twelve forms!”

“These twelve types of Xingyiquan are created based on twelve kinds of animals and birds, each with its own emphasis.;”

“Not all are suitable for everyone;”

“Therefore, my suggestion is that you choose several forms and meanings that you think are most suitable for you to practice based on your own situation and feelings.;”

“In this way, you can get twice the result with half the effort and avoid wasting time.”

“Of course, when you become stronger and have more time in the future, you can also practice all of them simultaneously.”

Not everyone is his

“Um! Makes sense!”

Tsunade and the others listened, nodded, and began to think about it on their own.

In the end, Tsunade planned to take the route of combining strength and speed, and mainly practiced the five types of Xingyiquan: dragon, tiger, bear, swallow, and eagle……

Uzumaki Mito has more time, better aptitude and foundation, so he plans to practice all of them.

Minato is currently mainly in the tiger shape, swallow shape, and eagle shape;

Kushina is the same as Tsunade; as for the rope tree, in Under the advice of Tsunade and Qian Xuan, he could not learn more than the bear form and the monkey form for the time being. After learning all the basics, Uzumaki Mito. He stopped temporarily; while watching Tsunade and others practicing over there, he asked Qianxuan:”Qianxuan, I feel that this secret technique is not yet complete, it should not be created yet, right?”


After hearing this, Qianxuan looked at Uzumaki Mito with some surprise:”Did Grandma Mito actually see it?””

“good! In my imagination, Xingyi Quan will have at least three realms in the future.;”

“After reaching the sixth level, relying solely on Xingyiquan, one’s combat power must be at least comparable to that of a shadow-level warrior, or even stronger.”

Because this is in the ninja world, both the upper limit of the physical potential of the ninja and the resources of this world are far beyond the dragon and snake world of the earth period; therefore, the combat power shown in each realm will be far stronger than the dragon snake world of the earth period. World.

If the physique is strong enough, it is not impossible to touch Chaoying or even the Sixth Path with Gangjin or Jianshenbusha.

“Sure enough, are there actually three realms?”

“Moreover, the strongest of this system is against the powerful film-level players. The upper limit of this system is indeed very high!”

“The key is that it can also be superimposed and integrated with the chakra system, so the combat effectiveness will be even stronger!”

“It’s definitely not as simple as 1+1!”

Uzumaki Mito analyzed with a slight expression in his eyes.


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”What’s more important is that this secret technique can continuously improve a person’s physique and vitality. As the realm improves, a person’s lifespan will also be improved to a certain extent.””

“Grandma Mito, who has already entered Mingjin, must have noticed this, right?”

Every time, in just one or two hours, Uzumaki Mito has entered the Mingjin stage.

This is not surprising.

Uzumaki Mito’s physique is extremely strong, and his control over himself is obviously extremely strong.

In fact, Not only Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade is even stronger than Uzumaki Mito. At this time, she has reached the peak of Mingjin and may step into Mingjin at any time.


When she heard Qian Xuan’s words, she was suddenly shocked,”Brush!” rushed over; excitedly asked Qianxuan and Uzumaki Mito:”Grandma, is what Qianxuan said true? Doesn’t that mean that as long as you persist in practicing this secret technique, your lifespan will be extended?”


After Minato and the others heard this, they no longer cared about training and all ran over.


Uzumaki Mito saw Tsunade and the others looking nervous and excited, smiled and nodded:”That’s true! I believe Tsunade, you have already felt this, right?”

Don’t forget, Tsunade is the top medical ninja in the ninja world.

She is very aware of her own changes.


Tsunade nodded repeatedly:”I feel the increase in blood and vitality, but I’m not sure whether this is useful for your current situation.;”

“Now that I hear your words, I feel relieved!”

“This secret technique seems to not only allow people to break their physical limits and continuously increase their vitality and vitality, but it can also lock the flow of vitality to a certain extent.;”

“It is this process of improvement and cultivation that consumes a lot of nutrients!”

“I feel so hungry now!”

“It seems that we need to prepare some medicine to supplement Qi and blood nutrition.”

After breaking through the Ming Jin, Tsunade felt that her energy, vitality, physical strength, reflexes, and five senses were all improving rapidly.

As long as the nutritional energy and blood were replenished in place, she estimated that she would be able to… These aspects will be greatly improved, and thus her strength will be greatly improved.

“No wonder Qian Xuan said before that teaching us this is to improve our strength and increase our ability to save lives in the next war. It is indeed true!”

Tsunade thought.

At the same time, she also understood why grandma insisted on planting a confidentiality contract for them from the beginning.

Indeed, it is so necessary.

Anyone who knows it will be tempted.

Especially the rapid increase in blood and vitality , it also brings about an invisible improvement, which is the improvement of low chakra volume.

You must know that the chakra volume is basically determined from birth, no matter how hard you try.

Through cultivation, your natural bloodline aptitude is already determined, and your upper limit is there.

Although acquired medicinal baths and persistent physical training in childhood can also have certain improvement effects, they are actually within the scope of bloodline talent.

The difference is only a fully developed bloodline.

The potential is not fully developed.

Why did Orochimaru choose to create and practice immortality in the middle and late stages? Not just for immortality , but also to break his original body’s bloodline talent and obtain powerful chakra talent.

He couldn’t find a way to break the shackles of this innate bloodline qualification.


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