Chapter 58: Contract Slug, only fools can learn magic?

Hatake Sakumo looked at the sky, and said to the three of them with a gentle smile:”It’s almost noon now! As your newly appointed teacher, can I treat you to barbecue? How about it?”

Qianxuan found out and fought The state of Hatake Sakumo and the normal Hatake Sakumo are two different states.

When fighting, he comes across as a ruthless sword.

But usually he is a kind and gentle uncle

“good! Thank you, teacher!”

Of course Qianxuan and the three of them had no objections, and they all nodded in agreement.

After a barbecue, the four of them became initially familiar with each other.

During this period, they also introduced some basic information to each other, and Hatake Sakumo even asked What are the three of them good at, how do they train on weekdays, etc.

After finishing the meal, Hatake Sakumo said to the three of them:”From now on, our Sakumo class will be officially established. We will start at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Gather downstairs from the Hokage to officially start the first mission. Any questions?”


Qianxuan and the three of them shook their heads together.

Kushina and Minato were even more eager to try.

Obviously, they were full of expectations for the next ninja mission life.

Qianxuan was very calm.

“So! Disband!”

After that, the four of them parted ways.

Sakumo returned to the Hokage Tower, Minato went to find Jiraiya, and Chigen took Kushina back to the Senju clan, and saw Chigen telling Uzumaki Mito about Chigen. Tsunade of their assessment process

“Sister Tsunade! Grandma Mito, we are back!”

The two people hurriedly came forward to say hello.

“hehe! Just come back! I heard that you are doing well?”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and nodded, asking

“whee! I’m okay! That jounin was careless and didn’t understand the characteristics of King Kong’s blockade. I caught him and ended the battle immediately!”

“Qian Xuan was even more powerful. He was able to fight back and forth with Sakumo-sensei and lasted for three minutes!”

Kushina heard Uzumaki Mito’s exaggeration, and immediately couldn’t help but chattered and began to tell Uzumaki Mito what happened.

Uzumaki Mito looked kind and you listened patiently.

Qianxuan did not disturb them either. He also listened quietly.

He felt that such a peaceful life was good, but he also knew that such peaceful days would not last long.

In order to continue to live a peaceful and happy life in the future. You still have to work hard.

After Kushina finished speaking, Qianxuan looked at Tsunade and said,”Sister Tsunade! Where is the psychic contract you promised me? When do we sign?”

“anytime! It has been prepared for a long time!”

Tsunade listened and rolled her eyes; but she did not rush to get the psychic contract. Instead, she folded her hands and looked at Qian Xuanpan and asked:”I think the reason you said before was a bit perfunctory. I feel that you are not telling the truth. , now there are no outsiders, let’s talk! Why do you suddenly want a contract slug?”

“If you don’t tell the truth, you won’t be given a contract!”

If you want to fool her, there’s no way.


When Qian Xuan saw it, he spread his hands helplessly and said:”Okay! I said that’s it!”

“Actually, I heard from Uncle Jiraiya that he knew some magical skills.;”

“Moreover, celestial magic is very powerful and greatly enhances the strength of ninjas.;”

“Therefore, I became very interested in magic”

“Moreover, Uncle Jiraiya still learned his magic skills from Mt. Miaomu.;”

“Therefore, I guess that Shigulin and Longdi Cave, both of which are the Three Holy Lands of Psychics, also have the inheritance of immortal arts?”

“I guess I need to find Lord Orochimaru in Ryūchi Cave. I’m not very familiar with him, so I thought of you, Sister Tsunade! hey-hey!”

“I see!

Tsunade listened and nodded clearly:”You are here for the inheritance of immortality!””

“I can tell you this in advance, Shigu Forest has an inheritance of immortal skills!”

“My grandfather, the first Hokage, seemed to have learned magic from the Shimogun Forest.;”

“However, didn’t Jiraiya tell you that the conditions for practicing senjutsu are extremely harsh, and most people simply cannot meet the requirements?;”

“Even I failed to study because I didn’t meet the requirements.;”

“Moreover, even if the requirements can be met, the process of cultivation is extremely dangerous. If one fails, will one die?”

She feels that she needs to teach Jiraiya a lesson in the future. He really talks about everything!

Is senjutsu so easy to practice?

Qianxuan is still so young, so he is not suitable at all.

What if there is an accident? , Jiraiya must be blamed for his death, hum.

“Uh…that’s it!”

Qianxuan saw that Tsunade was a little angry, and quickly explained and comforted:”However, I am not going to practice now. I am going to understand it first, figure out the training problems, and then make preparations early.;”

“Just wait until the time is right to practice!”

“To become stronger! Not shabby!”

Senjutsu must be obtained, even if there is no system reward, it is still necessary.

In the future, the ninja world will have extraordinary enemies one after another. How can he feel at ease if he does not improve his strength early?

Against the Otsutsuki clan, or Magic is more effective

“This is not a question of whether you are prepared or not……”

Tsunade shook her head and wanted to explain, but finally gave up:”Forget it! With your character, if you succeed in this matter, I’m afraid you won’t be willing to do it.;”

“Maybe you will be involved in danger because of this, I’d better grant your wish!”

“However, I have to remind you; magic is really not what you think.:”

“Preparation alone is useless. This thing is almost destined to determine whether you are qualified or not.;”

“If you have it, you have it. If you don’t have it, it’s useless to force it!”

“In fact, the more forceful you are, the faster you will die!”

“That’s all!”

After saying that, Tsunade directly formed a seal and pressed her palm on the ground, directly used the psychic technique, and channeled a small slug with an arm length.

“Tsunade-sama! What have you summoned me for?”

As soon as the little slug appeared, it asked.

Then, it discovered that Senju and Uzumaki Mito were there, and immediately greeted them. It was obvious that they all knew each other.

Qianxuan and the others also responded one after another.

“Is such that!

Tsunade immediately said:”Qianxuan is going to sign a psychic contract with Shigulin, is that okay?””

“Lord Qianxuan? Of course it is possible!”

After hearing this, Slug turned to look at Qianxuan and replied in a gentle voice.

“Then please get the psychic contract scroll!”

Tsunade immediately ordered

“OK! Please wait!”

As he said that, Slug used reverse channeling and disappeared in front of several people.


A few minutes later, a cloud of smoke appeared again, and then the little slug from before appeared again, carrying a huge psychic contract scroll.

“Tsunade-sama! Lord Qianxuan! I brought the psychic contract!”

“Thanks, slug! Wait a minute!”

Tsunade thanked her, then opened the psychic contract scroll and placed it in front of Qianxuan and said:”Come! Just sign the contract with your own blood!”


Qian Xuan immediately bit off a finger and quickly signed his name in a blank space of the psychic contract with blood.

“That’s it!”

Tsunade nodded and was about to put the contract away.

At this time, Kushina on the side couldn’t help but said:”Sister Tsunade! Lord Slug! Well, can I also sign a psychic contract with Shigulin?”

Firstly, she is curious and likes slugs; secondly, she feels that since Qianxuan has made a contract, doesn’t she have to follow the contract?


After hearing this, Tsunade raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked at Slug and asked,”Slug, what do you think?””

The slug immediately looked at Kushina, moved its two tentacles, and said,”Are you from the Uzumaki clan? What a strong vitality! Um! Can! Shigulin is willing to sign a contract with you.”

This vitality is very suitable at first glance.

“real? Very good! Lord Slug, you are so kind! Thank you!”

After hearing this, Kushina jumped up happily, then hugged the slug and spun around happily.

After doing this, she put the slug down and happily signed her name on the contract.

Then, she felt that she was connected to a space.

At this time, Qianxuan looked at Slug and asked:”Master Slug! I want to ask! Is there any immortal magic inheritance in Shigu Forest? Can I study? If so, what are the requirements for learning this?”


Slug was a little surprised when he heard this:”Master Qianxuan actually wants to learn the magic of immortality?” Shigulin does exist, and is willing to teach it to people who meet the requirements.”

“Hmm…please reach out a hand and let me test whether you meet the basic requirements!”

As he said that, the slug crawled in front of Qianxuan.

Qianxuan also followed the instructions and put a hand on the slug’s back.


The next moment, the slug emitted light green chakra and spread along Qianxuan’s hand.

Soon, Qianxuan’s whole person was enveloped in it.

Qianxuan could feel that the slug’s chakra was flowing roughly into his body. After checking it, I took it back.

“That’s it!”

Then, Slug said:”I have tested it and found that, Master Qianxuan, you have a very good physique, a very pure blood heir of the Uzumaki clan, and a top-notch immortal body of the Uzumaki clan.;”

“In addition, there are some blood descendants of the Senju clan, but their awakening level is not high at the moment.;”

“However, your Whirlpool Immortal body alone is enough to qualify you to practice immortal arts.”

“This is the second time I have seen such a pure fairy body.;”

“The last time it was Hashirama-sama!”

“However, there are still some differences between the Uzumaki Immortal human body and Hashirama-sama’s Immortal human body!”

“In addition, when Lord Hashirama was practicing immortal arts, his immortal body had been fully activated and developed to a very high level!”

“Master Qianxuan, although your immortal body is top-notch, it seems that it has not been awakened for a long time and has yet to be developed.”

The little slug behaves very well.

However, it is not surprising that all slugs are actually one. Perhaps, the knowledge memory should be too; even if they are not completely synchronized, they should still have a considerable part of the memory and knowledge of the slug itself.

The swirling water on the side Hearing this, she was not surprised at all.

She had already known that Qianxuan had the extremely pure Uzumaki Immortal body.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Qianxuan to awaken Kagura’s inner eye.

Only those with extremely pure bloodline. Only those from the Uzumaki tribe are more likely to awaken.

If the purity is not enough, the chance of awakening will be very low.

If a child as young as Chigen can awaken Kagura’s inner eye, the purity of his bloodline will never be low.

“soft? Is Qianxuan’s Uzumaki blood successor very pure?”

Kushina on the side looked at Qianxuan curiously, especially his hair, and wondered:”Then why is Qianxuan’s hair not red?”

So she used to think that Qianxuan’s Uzumaki blood successor was not very pure, so his hair was white.

“This is not clear!”

Uzumaki Mito smiled and shook his head.

But Tsunade touched her chin and thought:”Perhaps Sengen’s Senju blood successor is also very pure and stronger than his Uzumaki blood successor. However, his Senju blood successor is also very pure. Has Hand Xuejie not fully awakened yet?”

Otherwise it can’t be explained, right?

“It’s really possible!”

Uzumaki Mito and Kushina both nodded in agreement.

“maybe! hehe!”

Qianxuan listened and shrugged with a smile.

He felt that Tsunade’s assists were good.

When one day he obtains the top Senju Celestial body, he will have a ready explanation.

Even in the future, he will obtain Uchi Could this be the reason for Ha Getsugu to awaken the Sharingan?

Anyway, Uchiha and Senju have been fighting each other for more than a thousand years. Who knows how many of these ideas have been combined with each other? Temporarily suppressing it, Qianxuan looked at Slug and responded:”Master Slug, after all, I am still young, and I have only been practicing for three years.;”

“Awakening the blood successor is also a matter of practice!”

“It’s normal for immortals’ bodies to be underdeveloped!”

“Since I have the talent for cultivation, can I go to Shigu Forest to practice immortality now?”

He has been working very hard to develop it.

But this thing, in addition to artificial development, will also improve with age.

If you are not old enough, artificial development will also have limits.

Faced with Qianxuan’s question, Slug immediately replied :”I can take you to Shigu Forest to meet my true form and see what the true form says.;”

“Shouldn’t be a problem!”

“However, I want to remind you, Mr. Qianxuan, that to practice immortality, it is not enough to have sufficient qualifications. You must also have a state of mind that meets the requirements of the unity of heaven and man in order to practice successfully.;”

“Otherwise, it will be impossible to cultivate!”

“Tsunade-sama was like this back then”

“Her qualifications actually meet the requirements, but because her mood is not enough and her thoughts are too complicated, she can never calm down. Therefore, her practice has failed and she has not succeeded yet!”

“You are very shaky! Slug! After hearing this

, Tsunade glared at Slug with some displeasure and embarrassment, and forcefully defended:”This thing is not suitable for a smart person like me to learn.”;”

“Look! As far as I know, the only people who have learned it are my grandfather and Jiraiya.;”

“And I, Orochimaru and my second grandfather all failed in cultivation!”

“Besides their qualifications, what is the biggest difference between Grandpa and Jiraiya?”

“It’s just that they are stupid enough!”

“Therefore, they can easily calm down and naturally learn it easily!”

“Of course, Jiraiya, this idiot, cannot be compared to my great grandfather!”

“Therefore, he has only half-learned the magic of immortality so far.”

It can be heard that Tsunade is also full of resentment towards the practice of senjutsu.

“You girl! How can you say that about your great grandfather!”

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito shook her head in a funny way and pointed at Tsunade.

But in fact, she also recognized this in her heart.

Because she also tried celestial magic and failed to learn it.

However, Tsunade didn’t know Slug knew this very well. At this time, he turned to look at Uzumaki Mito and moved his tentacles; but under the threat of Uzumaki Mito’s eyes, he chose to keep it secret.

“I was right!

Tsunade heard Uzumaki Mito’s words and said disapprovingly:”I think, grandma, you actually have the qualifications to practice, but you are so smart, you must not be able to learn it!”

Uzumaki Mito thought:”What nonsense are you talking about?””

Then, Tsunade looked at Qianxuan and persuaded:”I said all this just to tell you that you will most likely not be able to learn magic, because you are too smart!”

“This may not be the case!

Qianxuan listened, but chuckled and shook his head and said:”From Sister Tsunade’s analysis just now and the conditions mentioned by Master Slug, I roughly understand why you cannot succeed in cultivation!””


Tsunade heard this and raised her eyebrows:”Tell me about Feng!””

Uzumaki Mito also pricked up his ears and looked over curiously.

The same goes for Slug and Kushina.

Qianxuan thought for a moment and concluded:”Actually, your state of mind is not up to standard.”


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