“Is that so? Minato heard this and breathed a sigh of relief:”I believe you. If you say that, I feel less stressed!” Stop talking and continue practicing Ninjutsu! I want to continue too!”

With that said, Minato turned around and left, continuing to complete the tree climbing training. Although Qian Xuan had comforted him, he still decided to complete the tree climbing and water treading training as soon as possible, and then began to practice ninjutsu. He would catch up with Qian Xuan as soon as possible.


He, Minato, is no weaker than anyone else.

Qianxuan saw all this, smiled slightly, and then looked away, and began to summarize his feelings during the spell.

“A little more chakra was input, and one-fifth of the chakra was wasted;”

“In addition, the flow of chakra in the body is not smooth enough, and the speed of infecting the soil in the soil is not fast enough. This should be like this here…..”

Soon, Qian Xuan completed the summary in his mind, and then made another seal:

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!”


After a few breaths, a new earth wall stood in front of Qian Xuan.

The length, width and height of this inverted earth wall were basically the same as the previous one, but the surface was smoother.

Qian Xuan stepped forward and knocked on the two earth walls respectively, and then he was satisfied He nodded;”Yeah! The hardness has also increased by 30%, which is good!

Then, he felt the amount of chakra in his body again, frowned slightly and said:”Two ninjutsus consumed two-thirds of the chakra. This consumption is a bit high!””

“Excluding the waste of the first time, even with the standard B-level ninjutsu Doryūbi, with my current amount of chakra, I can only perform it about 3-4 times, which is already the limit!”

“It seems that we still have to find a way to increase the amount of chakra as soon as possible.”

If the amount of chakra is not enough, no matter how talented he is at controlling chakra and ninjutsu, his combat effectiveness will not be much stronger.

“There isn’t much chakra left! There’s only enough time to perform B-level ninjutsu once, so let’s try the water dragon bullet technique first!”

Thinking like this, Qianxuan stopped practicing Earth Escape and Earth Current Wall, and returned to the river. He reviewed the key points of the Water Dragon Bullet technique in his mind, and then smoothly formed three seals:

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

The next moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the river, and then, a water dragon as thick as a water tank rose into the sky from the river. Under Qian Xuan’s control, it rushed towards the beach on the other side of the river.


It directly impacted the beach to create a huge hole with a diameter of more than 4 meters and a depth of 3 meters.

“Depend on! Has it been successful? Is it the Water Dragon Bullet Technique this time? Qianxuan is simply an animal!”

At this time, Minato, who had successfully climbed the tree to the top, happened to see this scene; looking at the huge pothole on the beach, he couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, twitching the corners of his eyes slightly, and looked at Qianxuan’s face by the river.

His eyes became dim.

He felt that Qianxuan was sent by God to attack him.

This was a B-level ninjutsu, but Qianxuan succeeded in it in one go.

And the power is so impressive, isn’t it enough to describe Qian Xuan? But he knew it was useless to think about it, so he immediately focused on his training.

“The second generation is really a genius! Such a complex water escape ninjutsu was actually reduced to 3 seals by him;”

“I remember that Kijin Zabuza requires 44 seals, right? Tsk tsk…..”

Of course, the negative impact of the extreme reduction of seals is that this technique also requires extremely high chakra control.

That is Qianxuan. For another person, even if this person is a jounin, it is impossible to master the 3-print water dragon bullet technique in a short period of time.

If the difficulty of learning the B-level ninjutsu Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu in the 44-print version is C-level, then the learning difficulty of the B-level ninjutsu Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu in the 3-print version is A-level or even S-level.

It’s not of the same magnitude at all.

Therefore, it’s not that some people don’t want to simplify the number of seals or learn a simplified version of ninjutsu, but they just can’t do it!

It can also be seen from here that Senju Tobirama is indeed a super monster in terms of ninjutsu.

“Sure enough, chakra has bottomed out! The next step today is to exercise!”

“Perhaps, in the future, you can try to reduce chakra output and try a weakened version of ninjutsu to increase the number of ninjutsu exercises per day and quickly improve your ninjutsu proficiency.”

Feeling the nearly empty body, even though the body was a little tired because most of the chakra had been drained, Qianxuan still began to complete today’s physical training.

More than an hour later, today’s physical training was completed, Qianxuan felt the chakra After recovering a little, he looked over at the water gate again. At this time, he was already practicing treading water, so he simply didn’t disturb him.

Instead, he broke off a branch, cleared the branches and leaves on it, and walked into the river with the wooden stick. Start a new test of the collection system

“Since the flowers, plants and trees at home cannot be collected, what about the fish? What about small animals?

With this thought, Qian Xuan spent a few minutes and successfully caught a fat fish weighing 3-4 pounds from the river, and then said silently in his heart:”System, collect!”” system:”…..”

However, a few seconds passed without any movement from the system.

Qianxuan’s face suddenly fell, and he thought to himself:”Isn’t it still possible? It seems that splashing fish can’t do it either! Does it have to be a ninja beast with chakra? Or a stronger beast?”

Temporarily suppressing the thoughts in his heart. It took Qianxuan half an hour to come up with the idea. After spearing a few more fish, he returned to the shore and cut open the internal organs of several fish.

Then, he tried to condense the chakra in his hands and stretched out his hand to stroke the fish’s scales; suddenly, one side of him All the fish scales were pulled out cleanly

“hey-hey! It really works! Chakra is really convenient!”

Qian Xuan was filled with joy when he saw that his attempt was successful. He followed the same method and quickly removed all the scales of the remaining fish.

“Qianxuan, you really are….ox!!”

Minato, who was feeling hungry after completing the treading water training, came over and happened to see this amazing scene. He couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his eyes slightly, and finally gave Qianxuan a thumbs up.

This chakra control How strong do you have to be to do such a thing easily?

Anyway, Minato felt that it would be impossible to achieve this level without two or three months of training.

“Ha ha! It’s okay! How about it? Treading water training complete? Qian

Xuan listened and smiled cheerfully. He lit the fire, inserted the fish, took out the spice bottle from his arms, sprinkled some spices on the fish, and asked


Speaking of this, Minato also nodded happily:”It took me a whole morning of hard work, and finally it’s basically completed. However, I feel that I still have room for improvement in this area. I plan to continue treading water training in the afternoon, Qianxuan. And you?”

He also wants to practice ninjutsu.

But he knows that the foundation is more important, and it is better to complete the chakra control training before practicing ninjutsu.

In this way, he can get twice the result with half the effort….

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