Finally, Tiemu concluded:”What are they doing? This is betraying their allies! They even want us Thousand Hands to betray our allies!”

“This is extremely shameful behavior!”

“So why do they do this?”

“In my opinion, there are two possibilities!”

“One is to weaken or even sit back and watch the collapse of the Whirlpool Kingdom, thinking that they are a threat;”

“The two are also the most important point in my opinion. They are actually coming for us, the Thousand Hands Clan!”

“Sitting back and watching the Kingdom of Whirlpool collapse is actually to weaken the strength and influence of my Thousand Hands!”

“Without the powerful ally of the Uzumaki Country, our Senju clan’s strength has been continuously weakened in recent years due to the clan’s plan to integrate into the common people of Konoha;”

“I believe that in a few years, Senju’s influence in Konoha will drop to a freezing point, and it is not impossible that it will even cease to exist!”


At this time, a moderate elder couldn’t help but refute:”Isn’t what you said a bit extreme, Tiemu?”

“What’s so extreme?”

When Tiemu heard this, he immediately looked at the elder with sharp eyes and retorted:”In recent years, we, the Thousand Hands Clan, have always been placed in the most dangerous position and rushed to the most dangerous mission every time. Front;”

“However, the people of our clan are relatively upright and kind-hearted. Even if it is such a task, they will basically not refuse it, and they will even be proud of Konoha’s sacrifice;”

“As a result, our Thousand Hands’ young strength is being consumed rapidly!”

“Five years ago, we Senju had 45 jounin and no less than 900 middle genin. What about now?”

“There are only 13 jounin left, and less than 200 middle genin left!”

“And among them, more than half cooperated with the plan to integrate into Konoha civilians, abandoned the Senju surname, and became members of the so-called civilians. They are not even truly Senju.”

“Our efforts in various departments in the village are constantly being seized and eroded by the Third Generation, and our influence on Konoha has been reduced to freezing point!”

“Just like this time, it’s not like we haven’t thought about persuading the Third Generation to send more Konoha elite troops to assist the Kingdom of Whirlpool;”

“But they were all rejected by Sandai and others for various reasons and excuses!”

“We are powerless to change this;”

“Everyone, isn’t this enough to alert us?”

“Do we really have to wait until the Senju are completely dead in Konoha and the ninja world before you will be happy?”

“Also, do you know that the dozen or so elites we went to support the Kingdom of Whirlpool this time would have died on the way back to the village if someone hadn’t secretly helped?”

“And the person who wants our lives is no one else, but Danzo and his roots!”


As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not sit still.

“Ironwood boy! Are you telling the truth?”

The great elder who belongs to the moderate faction took the lead in asking loudly this time.

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Yanagi and the others, ask Tsunade! They have experienced it firsthand!”

Tiemu responded immediately.

Everyone present looked at Tsunade and others.


Tsunade and the others nodded, and then, one by one, they told me what happened, how they escaped from the ambush many times, but were chased many times.

The process was far more thrilling than imagined.

Everyone could tell that if it hadn’t been for the mysterious man’s repeated help and his extraordinary ability to evade pursuit, Tsunade and the others might not have been able to come back.

“That’s too much! It’s so deceiving! What do Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo want to do?”

“That’s right! I don’t believe Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn’t know about this! That Danzo is just one of his dogs. Without his acquiescence and orders, Danzo dared to attack Temu and the others, dare to ambush my Senju people?”….

“Sure enough, what Temu said is right. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others are currently annihilating us Senju step by step and erasing our influence in Konoha step by step. Look how many of us are left now?”…

“that is! At the beginning, I didn’t approve of the second-generation Roshiko’s integration into the Konoha plan;”

“As a result, is it okay now? The family has been bullied like this and is about to be destroyed. Can’t you still be vigilant?”…

“I was wrong! I misjudged the monkey boy Sarutobi Hiruzen!”

“I thought he was a good old man, but now it seems that he is not a good old man. It’s obviously an old coin! We were lied to!”…

“What’s the use of talking about this now? Our influence in Konoha has been reduced to freezing point;”

“Many important departments have been controlled by the third generation, and the ninja power within the clan has also been reduced to freezing point;”

“It’s ridiculous to say that the number of ninjas we have now is far less than that of some medium-sized ninja clans, let alone Sarutobi and other large clans:”

“Now, it’s difficult to resist them, so let’s think of a way out!”…

“That’s right! The family must make changes! Otherwise, destruction is imminent!”

“Since Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others dare to secretly send people to ambush our people once, they will do it a second time, and countless times, until we are all killed!”

“We can’t be so lucky and be rescued every time!”…

“Change is necessary, and the first thing is to end the tribe’s plan to integrate into Konoha;”

“It would be best to gather all the clan members together again, reestablish the name of Senju, recuperate, train the next generation, and accumulate strength.”….

“I don’t agree with this. It’s okay to terminate the clan’s integration into Konoha, but it’s not feasible to recall the clan members who have integrated into Konoha;”

“At least, not now!”

“This will completely break our skin with the third generation and them, and become a thorn in their side;”

“When the time comes, they will use all their strength to target and suppress us, and we will only die faster!”…..

For a moment, everyone was filled with indignation and said whatever they wanted.

Even moderate people are no longer moderate.

Yes, the family is almost gone, and you are so gentle!

In fact, the moderate people also knew that as the family members continued to integrate into the common people of Konoha, the strength and influence of the Senju were constantly weakened.

But they thought that those tribesmen who integrated into Konoha were living a good life, and the Senju indirectly controlled the civilian class; therefore, they continued to implement the plan unswervingly.

If this continues, in the future the civilian class will be the Senju, and the Senju will represent the entire civilian class.

To truly integrate with Konoha and live and die together.

But can’t they see this in the third generation?

Can they allow this to happen? cannot!

Therefore, Sandai and the others have sent these Thousand Hands people who have integrated into the civilian class to do various dangerous tasks over the years.

Slowly and silently, most of the Senju’s tentacles among the civilian class were cut off, causing the Senju’s plan to fail.

However, none of the moderate senior officials like Senju have ever investigated the lives of those tribesmen.

At least, that’s the case at the top.

They don’t even know that most of the Thousand Hands people who have integrated into the present are no longer around at this time.

Occasionally, I heard that someone had sacrificed, but I just thought it was a normal sacrifice.

Sometimes people’s inherent concepts and obsessions are terrible things.

He can blind you and make you stupid.

There are many people who are not high-level people who know the truth.

But they don’t have much say in the clan!

Tell the old men who have the right to speak, but they don’t believe it.

The result is what it is now.

Now, with Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade and others testifying in support, Temu directly tore the fig leaf open and revealed the truth.

Everyone knows that all the Senju clan members who have integrated into Konoha are almost dead!

Especially the first generation, which is basically gone.

Most of the second generation also died.

Is this a big deal?

Now everyone can see clearly the true face of the three generations of hypocrisy.

If this continues, the family will really be completely wiped out. including tribesmen……

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