
Uzumaki Mito was very satisfied with Qianxuan’s attitude, and then talked about what happened yesterday:”The ability you awakened yesterday is called Kagura’s Heart’s Eye, which is an innate perception ability unique to the Uzumaki clan…..”

Next, Uzumaki Mito introduced to Chigen in detail the characteristics and effects of Kagura’s mind’s eye, and how to further develop and utilize this natural ability.

In the middle, he also briefly told some information about the Uzumaki clan and the characteristics of the blood inheritance ability!

Finally, she said:”I see that your chakra has also increased significantly recently!”

“Before, I thought it was purely the effect of the initial awakening of the Senju Blood Successor;”

“Now it seems that there should be effects brought about by the blood inheritance of the Uzumaki clan;”

“However, this is a good thing! This means that you will not be too short of chakra in the future!”

“And enough chakra is the basis for ensuring that you can become a strong person in the future!”

If you don’t have enough chakra, no matter how strong your understanding is, there will eventually be a limit.

In the final analysis, the ninja world is a world where blood talent is greater than hard work.

There are very few exceptions.

And those who can get rid of this shackles Everyone is a monster, such as Orochimaru.

“But I hope you don’t reveal your awakening of Uzumaki Bloodsequence and Kagura’s inner eye for the time being. This is not a good thing for you;”

“In addition, keeping some trump cards properly can help you live a better life in the future, do you understand?”

Uzumaki Mito warned with a rare serious look.

“yes! I got it!”

Qianxuan also nodded with emotion.

Uzumaki Mito really treated him as his own grandson.

Obviously, they had not known each other for a long time.

In the past two months, they have cared for him in various ways. and care

“very good!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded with satisfaction:”You are a smart child, I believe you will handle it well!”

“alright! Let’s get here first today! Do you have anything else to ask?”

“There really is!”

Qianxuan nodded immediately, rubbed his hands, and asked a little embarrassedly:”Grandma Mito! Can you teach me your ability to transmit sounds through the air yesterday? I think this trick is cool and very useful!”

If you can learn this trick, it will work wonders many times in the future.

“hehe! It turns out to be this!”

Uzumaki Mito was immediately happy after hearing this, nodded and said:”If you want to learn, of course I can leave it to you!”

“However, this move has extremely high requirements on the development of Kagura’s inner eye and the control of chakra, and it is impossible to learn it easily!”

“It may take you a long time to learn it!”

“So, do you still want to learn?”

In the final analysis, this move uses Chakra as a bridge through Kagura’s inner eye to build a connection through the air and communicate with distant targets.

It is indeed extremely difficult.

It is considered her own creation.

“Um! study! No matter how difficult it is, you have to learn it! I also believe in my learning ability!”

Qian Xuan nodded without hesitation.

Fools don’t learn.

Even if you can’t learn it in a short time, if you can get this technique to collect, you should be able to get a good reward, right?

I just don’t know if this is a technique.

“OK! I will sort it out today and teach you tomorrow! You can go about your business!”

“oh! Wait! I haven’t given you the basic knowledge book on sealing yet, wait a minute! I’ll go get it.”

When Uzumaki Mito saw this, he naturally did not refuse, and immediately agreed.

Then, Uzumaki Mito walked into the room, and after a while, he handed an arm-long high-level space seal scroll to Qian Xuandao:”It’s all inside.! There are a lot of books, so read them slowly and learn them slowly!”

“Remember to come to my place tomorrow morning to learn the sealing technique!”


Qianxuan immediately took the space seal scroll, said goodbye to Uzumaki Mito, and left quickly

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary collectible”Advanced Space Seal Scroll”. Reward: Space Ring (100 cubic meters)*1】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary collectible”Several Basic Sealing Knowledge Books”, reward: Spirit +5】..

“Huh? How can a high-level space seal scroll actually get such a good reward?”

“It seems that in the future, I will have to find more advanced things and even collect ninjutsu!”

“From this point of view, even if there is no first-time collection bonus for the same type of items, those with higher levels can still get good rewards! Qian

Xuan thought with some surprise.

He also had a clear idea in an instant about the purpose of this space ring.

That is to give it to Shadow Clone No. 1 for use.

There should be more missions similar to this one in the Kingdom of Whirlpool in the future. Many of them are given to No. 1.

It would be much more convenient if I could have a space ring to carry with me.

“In addition, the spiritual attribute was actually turned on this time? This attribute has not been quantified before!”

“System, receive rewards!”

With such a desire, Qian Xuan walked to a deserted place and directly commanded the system in his heart.

The next moment, a warm current poured in from the sea of consciousness between his eyebrows, and he suddenly felt a clarity of spirit.

He could clearly feel that his mental power had increased by a small amount.

At the same time, he checked the attribute panel.

【Spirit]: 56 (normal genin is 10)….

Sure enough, there is an extra column for mental attributes.

“56? Compared to physical strength, is this considered weak?”

But it is definitely much stronger than the average jounin.

This can be judged by comparing the strength of the mental fluctuations of the ordinary jounin he has seen.

Next, Qianxuan thought for a moment and came to the ninja hospital again. , I met Tsunade in the office.

At this time, she was immersed in the pile of documents.

Obviously, after leaving for ten days and a half, the hospital had accumulated a large number of documents and affairs that she needed to handle personally.

“Yo! teacher! haven’t seen you for a long time!”

As soon as he came in, Qianxuan smiled and raised his hand to greet Tsunade.

When Tsunade heard this familiar voice, she raised her head and gave Qianxuan an annoyed look:”Long time no see, Hammer!” I heard Michiko say that you haven’t been to the hospital much in the past half month? Are you slacking off?”

“Didn’t you learn all the medical ninjutsu I gave you?”

“how come?”

Qianxuan listened and shook his head directly, then raised his hands and mobilized chakra


The next moment, with Tsunade’s astonished expression, he used Palm Senjutsu with his left hand and Chakra Scalpel with his right hand.

“Here…This is my second achievement these days, how about it? Okay? Qian

Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and showed off a little proudly.

“Holy shit!!”

The next moment, Tsunade cursed and appeared in front of Qianxuan in a flash, leaning down to stare at the ninjutsu condensed in his hands.

That scenery…Let Qianxuan feast his eyes directly……

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