“Grandpa between scenes! Good morning, Uncle Tiemu!”x2

When Qianxuan and Minato saw them, they also waved and said hello to the two of them, and then they ran away quickly.

After the two of them ran away, Uncle Ironwood put down the goods in his hands and remained calm. He walked to the side of the old man in the middle of the curtain and whispered:”Uncle in the middle of the curtain, they….”


When the curtain met, he raised his hand to interrupt Tiemu’s words and waved him into the room. When he came to the inner room, the curtain looked at Tiemu and chuckled:”Have you noticed? The child Xiaoxuan seems to have become more cheerful and confident! That’s a good thing!

Tiemu was slightly startled after hearing this, and remembered Qianxuan’s smile just now, and smiled knowingly:”Yes! This child has become a lot depressed since the sacrifices of Mori and Hanako. If Minato hadn’t been with him, he doesn’t know what he would have become. How is it! It’s good like this now.”

“And, have you noticed? He has already started extracting chakra! Moreover, the amount of chakra is quite a lot! I remember that he hadn’t extracted the chakra yesterday, but he should have extracted it today;”

“This kid is definitely a genius, otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve this level!”

“Uncle Interlude, we have to increase his training!”

This is our own little genius and we must take it seriously.

Even if the Senju and most of them have integrated into the common people of Konoha, it does not mean that they will ignore everything.

At least, the genius must be taken seriously.

Moreover, Temu and Mu The faction itself is actually opposed to integrating into the Senju Konoha plan, but there is no way. This is the order of the second-generation Hokage. In addition, the current third-generation has always insisted on implementing this plan, and there are more supporters of this plan than opponents in the clan. Or , they have no choice but to use their own methods to protect and cultivate Qianju’s talents.

Not only Xuan, but Minato too! Tomorrow I will call a few old guys over there in the tribe to talk about this matter!”

“Although the clan is still implementing Lord Tobirama’s plan to integrate into the common people, you know, I have never been in favor of this matter. If this continues, the Senju clan may really disappear in the torrent of history!”

“Without a united family, the tribesmen would have no ability to protect themselves;”

“God knows how he will be treated by Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others?”

“These disciples of Lord Tobirama are not fuel-efficient lamps. I am very worried!”

Under the general trend, this is all they can do. What he is really worried about is that one day these old guys are gone, and the Thousand Hands may really disappear completely in the torrent of history.

However, the people in the clan There are too many Tiehanhan, who have been deceived by the second generation’s fate and the third generation, but they actually choose to implement this stupid plan resolutely. What can they do?


Tiemu also sighed after hearing this:”Yes! But most of the people in the clan are too naive and trust Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others too much!”

“Coupled with the fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others openly used Lord Tobirama’s order to set up the Senju, for a while, we had no way to stop and reverse this plan!”

“Unless the young leader of Shengshu can grow up and gain enough voice in the village, it is possible.”

But Tiemu actually doesn’t have much hope for this, because the young leader of the Shengshu clan is a dim-witted Senju.

Tiehanhan is too naive.

In terms of ninja talent, he is only a middle-aged man.

It’s not good. Bad.

After hearing this, Jianjian shook his head with a dark face and said:”If you are counting on the rope tree, I think it’s better to forget it! This kid is stupid, too naive, and has no brain at all;”

“It is better to count on Xiao Xuan than to count on him!”

“Even though Minato is a little naive, I still think more of Xuan!”

“However, remember not to reveal the news that Xiao Xuan extracted chakra in one day. I will also help cover it up to prevent his extraordinary talent from being noticed by interested people;”

“At least, it’s not the time for him to over-expose his talent;”

“Appropriate talent will be good for him, but too strong a talent will only make him a thorn in the side of some people and a thorn in the flesh;”

“That will only lead to his premature death!”

The village is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface. It is dark inside.

Tiemu nodded solemnly;”Yeah! I see! I’m going to remind Xiaoxuan right now! I’ll leave the rest to you, Uncle Interlude!”

With that said, Tiemu disappeared in a flash.

Not long after, Tiemu caught up with Minato and Qianxuan at their secret training base.

“Qianxuan! Watergate!”

Tiemu stepped forward to say hello.


After hearing this, Minato and Qianxuan couldn’t help but turn around. When they saw Tiemu, they were a little surprised and asked in unison:”Uncle Tiemu, why are you here?”

“hehe! I have something to tell you!”

Tiemu walked forward with a smile, reached out and touched their heads, leaned over and said with a serious face:”I know you have successfully extracted chakra! But remember, no matter who asks you in the future, you have to say that you worked hard for a week to successfully extract the first ray of chakra, do you understand?”

Qianxuan and Minato heard this and looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces.

Neither of them were stupid, and they were both orphans. They had experienced and thought a lot.

Naturally, they heard the meaning in Uncle Tiemu’s words.

Even if Minato is naive, he will not ignore this warning, let alone Qianxuan, who is already a smart and intelligent person even if he has not awakened his past life memory.

“It seems that Uncle Ironwood is indeed a trustworthy person! If you have any questions in the future, you can ask him for advice!”

Qian Xuan thought to himself.

It is impossible for someone who does not really care about them to say such words at such a time.

Moreover, judging from the memories of the past few years, both the old man and Uncle Tiemu are both He and Minato were treated as grandsons and sons, and this feeling cannot be faked.

“yes! Uncle Ironwood, we took note of it! It took us a week to successfully extract chakra!”

Minato and Qianxuan immediately said with serious faces.

“Ha ha! good! You are all good kids!

After hearing this, Tiemu laughed loudly, and then asked:”Since you have successfully extracted chakra, as an elder, I will naturally give you a certain amount of support, right!” Have you ever tested your chakra properties?

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively and said,”It has been tested. My chakra attributes are water, earth, and thunder.””

Among them, the water and earth attributes have been improved to the extreme under the influence of two top attribute affinity talents.

Qianxuan believes that if he practices ninjutsu with these two attributes, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, or even more exaggerated.

Minato also spoke at this time. Said:”Qianxuan gave me a chakra test paper in advance, so I also tested it. My chakra attributes are wind, fire, and thunder.”…

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