
Uzumaki Shouqing nodded affirmatively:”It’s my little daughter!””

Speaking of this, he looked at Tsunade and warned:”Tsunade, Kushina will be left to you! If possible, I hope you will take her out of the Country of Whirlpool now and return to Konoha as quickly as possible.”


Tsunade was shocked when she heard this. She turned around and looked at Uzumaki Shouqing and refused:”I don’t agree!” Knowing that the Kingdom of Whirlpool is in danger, if I leave without doing anything, I will never be able to forgive myself;”

“Therefore, Chief Shouqing, please allow me to stay temporarily to help you;”

“If it really comes to a point of no return, I will take Kushina and leave safely.”

She herself feels very guilty because of the inaction of the Third Generation and the others.

If she takes Kushina and leaves at this time, then who is she?

Is she really just here for the Jinchuriki candidate?

She, Tsunade, has not been like this. Shameless

“All right!”

Seeing Tsunade’s firm eyes, Uzumaki Shouqiu did not refuse in the end:”I agreed, but you must also promise me that if things cannot be done, I will let you go, and you must take it with you as soon as possible. Kushina goes, do you understand?”


This time, Tsunade did not refuse.

“Oh no! Patriarch! There are many ninja troops appearing in the east, west and south of the country of whirlpool. They kill everyone they see. Each one is very strong and there is no one who can resist the chuunin;”

“They came to the capital on their own;”

“In addition, there is also a lot of chaos in the capital. It seems that a group of extremely powerful ninjas have sneaked in and are causing chaos and destruction!”

At this time, a Uzumaki clan member rushed in and reported to Uzumaki Shouqing


Uzumaki Shouqing’s expression changed after hearing this, and he immediately ordered:”Quickly pass on my order to open the boundary of the capital, and send out mobile troops to strangle the enemies in the capital!””

“In addition, start plans No. 2 and No. 3!”


Immediately, the entire Whirlpool clan began to take action.

Naturally, these things cannot be hidden from the Number 1 in the capital of the Whirlpool Kingdom.


The attacking ninjas are all elite, led by elite jounin, and the worst ones have chuunin or even elite chuunin strength.

Even though the country of whirlpool was somewhat prepared at the beginning, the battle still became one-sided from the beginning. The situation.

In just two days, the three ninja forces had advanced to the capital of the country of whirlpool.

At this time, the capital of the country of whirlpool had raised barriers for defense earlier. Due to the destruction, not only was the power of the barrier greatly reduced, but there were also many loopholes.

However, it was broken in just half a day!

The ninja troops from the three ninja villages once again advanced to the core area of the country of whirlpool.

The country’s barrier blocked it.

This time it was not so easy. For a while, they were unable to break through the barrier.

But these people would not give up and continued to attack.

They believed that the barrier must have a limit. The Kingdom of Uzumaki can no longer hold on for long.

At this time, there are more than ten or dozens of Uzumaki clan members left around Uzumaki Shouqing, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people, but the strength of each of them is no less than the above. Tolerance level

“Did the plan go well? Have everyone been sent out?”

Uzumaki Shouqing asked.

“Hui Clan Chief, they have all been sent out!”

“However, there may not be peace on the road. According to the information detected, the enemy has also arranged to intercept troops!”

“We are not sure how much we can escape in the end!”

A Uzumaki clan member said.

Uzumaki Shouqing nodded expressionlessly:”We have left everything we can! Whatever the final result is, we can only leave it to fate!”

As he spoke, he looked at the enemies in the distance who were still frantically attacking the barrier, with a cold look in his eyes, and said in a cold voice:”Since these people want to destroy us so much and rob us of our sealing technique, let them experience it for themselves. Let’s take a look at the power of our strongest sealing technique!”

“I hope that leaving these people behind can bring more life to the tribesmen who have escaped!”

“Blood sacrifice!!!”

The next moment, countless spell runes lit up in the core area of the entire Kingdom of Whirlpool.

A terrifying power was constantly accumulating.

The blood-red snake hair of Uzumaki Shouqing and others began to turn white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin also They quickly became flabby and old, and soon everything was drained of them.


A few breaths later, a thunderous explosion sounded in the core area of the capital of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying mushroom cloud rose up, carrying extremely terrifying shock waves and heat waves and sweeping away in all directions.

“not good! The enemy needs to fight hard!!”

The moment the terrifying energy in the core area began to gather, the people who were besieging felt it.

Suddenly, the face of the leader changed drastically.

He immediately ordered to retreat first.

But it was already too late, and most of the people had not run out yet. Far away, an explosion sounded, followed by a terrifying torrent.

“Damn it! defense! Earth Escape·Earth Current City Wall!!”

“Earth Escape·Tu Lu Returns!”

“Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!”

“Thunder escape……”

It seemed that these ninjas had no time to escape, so they jointly used super large swarm ninjutsu to defend themselves.


The next moment, countless screams sounded.

At least more than one-third of the people were burned to ashes by the shock wave and heat wave before they had time to defend themselves. Of the remaining two-thirds, half of them were unable to defend themselves.

Only most of the elite Jonin and even Kage-level experts were not injured.

“Damn it! Damn it! What a ruthless Uzumaki clan! Careless!”

When the explosion torrent passed, the Sannin Village each nodded their heads and were immediately silenced by the huge casualties. Then

, there was the anger of leaving.

They split three points, and each party lost at least a hundred ninjas.

This But they are all elites above Chunin!

Among them, Kirigakure suffered the most heavy losses because the water escape defensive ninjutsu they were good at played the least role in the previous explosion torrent, although they were the best at it. Thunder Release, but many people also master the powerful Earth Release defensive ninjutsu. In addition, Kumogakure’s ninja physical skills and physique are relatively strong, and the one with the least damage is Iwagakure.

On a roof a few hundred meters away from the district, No. 1 witnessed all this and couldn’t help but click his tongue:

“Tsk tsk! Amazing! Sure enough, how could a ninja clan be able to establish a country without some powerful trump cards?”

“Now, these three major ninja villages are going to be in pain!”

“But it has nothing to do with me! Keep collecting the bodies!”

With this thought, No. 1 ducked into the house at his feet, took out a space scroll, and sealed the bodies of the two Uzumaki clan ninjas who were killed in the house….

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