
It seems that the expression she glanced at Qianxuan did not develop as she expected. Tsunade immediately stopped what she was doing.

She raised her head, looked at Qianxuan with some surprise, and asked curiously:”You don’t understand and are not confused? Not willing, even, but I saw excitement and desire in your eyes?”

“Are you sure you are normal?”

Shouldn’t a normal five-year-old kid show resistance and collapse when he hears that he has to read more than a hundred medical books in three months?

Qianxuan listened, smiled, spread his hands and said,”Can you? With so much knowledge to learn, how many people can’t even ask for it?”

“Not to mention people from other villages, even in Konoha, there are countless people who want to learn but can’t! Isn’t it normal for me to be happy?”


That makes so much sense.

But is this the mindset a 5-year-old kid like you should have?

“You kid is really not normal! Is this probably a common problem among monsters?

Tsunade shook her head speechlessly, waved her hand at Qianxuan with a disappointed look on her face and said,”Okay!” It’s up to you! Go read a book quickly!”


Qian Xuan followed the good advice and immediately picked up a basic medical book and read it carefully and quickly.

“Swish, brush, brush!”

Hearing Qianxuan’s increasingly happy sound of turning the book, Tsunade felt more and more something was wrong. She raised her head and saw that the pages on Qianxuan’s side of the book were almost turning out afterimages.

Suddenly, she slapped the table angrily and scolded:”Is this how your kid treats me? Is this what you mean by cherishing the opportunity to read?”

“ah? After hearing this

, Qianxuan raised his head in confusion, looked at Tsunade in confusion and asked,”Teacher, why are you angry?” I wrote it all down and understood it all!”

“This book is relatively basic, so you don’t need to talk too much and take time to read it carefully. What’s the problem with reading it faster?”

It can only be said that the talent for quick learning is really useful.

In addition, the top-level Yin Escape talent has also greatly improved his learning ability and understanding.

At this time, his understanding is definitely at the level of a monster.

Under various influences , photographic memory is just a basic operation for him.

“Huh? Are you quite loud? Then let me see if it is true or false!”

When Tsunade heard Qianxuan’s praise of Haikou, her first reaction was disbelief, but she also felt that it was impossible for a clever guy like Qianxuan to tell such a lie that could be exposed at any time. She immediately stood up, took the medical book from Qianxuan’s hand, and casually Turning to a page that Qian Xuan had already read, he asked:”On page 67, what is written in the lower thirteen lines? What does it mean again?

Qian Xuan replied without hesitation:”It’s written….meaning is…..”

“Page 54, line 24….”

“What is written is…meaning is….”


Next, Tsunade selected several passages from more than ten pages and asked them one by one.

As a result, Qian Xuan answered the questions fluently, and he didn’t just memorize them. He actually had a deep understanding of the contents in these books.


Tsunade stopped asking questions, raised her head and looked at Qianxuan, and couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

The look in Qianxuan’s eyes changed, as if she was looking at a monster:”Are you going to be so perverted? People shouldn’t have such strong learning ability.

Qian Xuan was speechless after hearing this and said,”Teacher, don’t think I didn’t hear that you were scolding me. Why am I not a human being?””

Tsunade returned the book in her hand to Qian Xuan, and couldn’t help but roll her eyes and said:”If I have your learning ability, I will admit even when others scold me!”

“If you continue to study with your ability, I feel that these hundreds of medical books are not enough for you to read for ten days;”

“This makes me, a teacher, feel very unfulfilled!”

For the first time, Tsunade felt that her disciple was too evil, which was quite uncomfortable and boring.


After hearing this, Qian Xuan smiled humbly and said,”That’s not the case. This book is relatively simple. The ones that follow will only become more and more difficult and profound!””

“I plan to spend one to two months reading these books and then start practicing. Teacher, what do you think?”

He is naturally willing to learn medical ninjutsu.

This can improve his survivability, and at the same time, he can also treat his companions when needed.

It is a skill that must be mastered.

Moreover, he also wants to master Tsunade’s He has learned all the medical ninjutsu!

I believe that the rewards given by these medical ninjutsu systems will not be bad.

In addition, learning medical skills and medical ninjutsu is also a process of in-depth understanding of the human body, which will encourage him to further study and develop it. Ninjutsu, and even the study of blood succession limits

“Whatever you want!

Tsunade listened and nodded:”I think you can plan it well by yourself!” I won’t worry anymore!”

“If you don’t understand anything, come back and ask me!”

She felt that if she continued to worry, her heart would not be able to bear it.

“correct! teacher! From now on, I will use my shadow clone to study every afternoon, while my main body will practice taijutsu and ninjutsu. Is that okay?”

Qian Xuan asked again.

He can’t spend all his time learning medical knowledge, even if this knowledge is very important.

At present, he still has to focus on improving his strength.


After Tsunade heard this, she was immediately shocked and said,”Are you sure there will be no problem?” You have to create a shadow clone to go to school!”

“Do you know, little brat, that shadow clones also have serious side effects? Overuse can easily lead to sudden death!”

“This is also the reason why the technique of multiple shadow clones is classified as a forbidden technique.”

“Although the shadow clone technique is not as threatening as multiple shadow clones, the risks are still there.”

She felt that Qian Xuan was a little too involved, which put pressure on her as a teacher.

It seemed that it was a sin for her to be lazy, gamble and drink every day.


Qian Xuan said with a relaxed look:”My physique is still improving rapidly, and my mental strength is not bad. If I study with two shadow clones every day, there won’t be much pressure!””

What’s more, he can also create a true shadow clone.

The true shadow clone will only give back shared gains, but will not give back fatigue….and other negative impacts.

It’s simply a magic trick to open up inner scrolls!

Unfortunately, Qianxuan can only create one true shadow clone at the same time.

Otherwise, if he directly divided them into ten or eight, wouldn’t he be going against heaven?

After hearing this, Tsunade nodded numbly:”Since you think it’s okay, then let it go!”

She decided not to care!

A monster like Qian Xuan is more suitable for free-range teaching.

In the next month or so, Qian Xuan really followed the plan.

In the morning, the main body went to the Ninja Hospital to learn medical knowledge. In the afternoon, a true shadow clone was left in the hospital, while the main body went to practice Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

The school uses shadow clones as usual.

Anyway, at the moment, there is nothing worthy of his attention at the school.

In this way, not only was he rapidly accumulating medical knowledge, but his gains in physical skills and ninjutsu were also constantly increasing.

In addition, although he acquired a lot of ninjutsu in a short period of time and received system rewards, his physique and chakra volume increased sharply to the chunin level….

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