“It’s a pity that I haven’t obtained the Sharingan Blood Successor yet. Otherwise, with this top-notch illusion talent, my illusion skills will probably explode!”

Qianxuan thought with some regret.

He already had a general idea on how to obtain the Sharingan Blood Successor.

Is it nothing more than getting a pair of Sharingan to collect, or simply collecting a corpse of the Uchiha clan?

This There’s definitely no chance for this kind of thing now

“I guess we have to wait until the Second Ninja War begins.”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

On the chaotic battlefield, with careful operation, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get one or two corpses of the Uchiha clan.

Especially if he has a small world.

This day is not far away.

According to According to past life memories, the Second Ninja War actually broke out in Konoha 32nd to Konoha 37th.

It is now Konoha 29th.

“There are still almost three years left, so you have to seize these few years to grow up, and at least upgrade your strength to elite Jonin or even Kage level, in order to ensure your own safety!!”

Qianxuan thought in his mind.

“Tsunade, go use the Wind Release: Vacuum Wave….Take one of these five ninjutsu scrolls and give it to little Minato!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito ordered to Tsunade

“ah…All right!”

Although Tsunade found it troublesome, she turned around and went into the house. After spending a while, she fetched five ninjutsu scrolls again and gave them to Minato.

“Thank you, Grandma Mito, thank you, Tsunade-sama!”

Minato thanked him repeatedly.

“You’re welcome! Just practice hard and practice!”

Tsunade waved her hand, then rolled her eyes, looked at Uzumaki Mito and asked:”Grandma, is everything okay? If nothing happens, I’ll go out! There is still something going on at the hospital!”


After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito looked at Tsunade funny and said,”Why is there something going on in the hospital and I don’t know about you?” Forget it, it’s up to you! That’s it for today!”

As she said that, she looked at Minato and Qianxuan again and said,”Grandma’s house is your home. You are welcome to visit us often in the future no matter what happens;”

“Of course, you can also ask me about ninjutsu and spiritual practice. Grandma is welcome, you know?”

As he gets older, he really likes to see his juniors in the game.


Qianxuan and Minato nodded repeatedly:”I know! Grandma Mito! Then we’ll say goodbye first!”

“good! Go for it!”

Uzumaki Mito nodded kindly.

Qianxuan and Minato left the Senju clan under the leadership of Tsunade.

As soon as they came out, Tsunade waved her hands to the two of them and said:”Okay! You can go! bye…”

After saying that, Tsunade glared at Jiraiya who was licking his face and smiling, and left quickly.


Jiraiya smiled happily, then looked at the several ninjutsu scrolls held by Qiangen and Minato, and joked:”It seems that Mito-sama attaches great importance to you. You have gained a lot from this trip.”!”

Speaking of this, Jiraiya put away his playful smile again, suddenly looked serious, and warned:”However, you must remember that you can’t bite off more than you can chew. Don’t try to learn all the ninjutsu at once. Choose one first. Let’s talk about the quantity of two, do you understand?”

This is all based on his experience.

At the same time, he was also very emotional. This is the advantage of having a background.

I think he did not have so much ninjutsu learning at the beginning.

Of course, he was already very lucky. Just after graduation, he was accepted as a disciple by Sandai


At this time, Minato looked at his teacher hesitantly, pointed to Qianxuan beside him and said:”Teacher! This does not seem to be true for Qianxuan! He learns things very quickly! He can also draw inferences from one example and make improvements!

” Laiye:”…..”

This is very embarrassing.

Fortunately, one of Jiraiya’s great strengths is his thick skin.

“Except this guy!”

He immediately suppressed his embarrassment, waved his hand, and then said to Qian Xuan:”You are a special case, so you can do whatever you want! Anyway, you are Tsunade’s apprentice. If you have any questions, just go to Tsunade!”

Then Jiraiya looked at Minato again and said:”Minato, although you have good talent, in terms of ninjutsu, you are obviously not as evil as Sengen, so you should follow the teacher’s instructions!”


Minato naturally has no objection. Jiraiya is doing this for his own good.

He also feels that for him at present, it is not worth spending a lot of time to fully master these ninjutsu.

In the short term, it is better to master two or three ninjutsu first. And the best way to improve your strength is to delve deeply into the shape and nature of chakra.

Qianxuan analyzed it with him yesterday and he has always kept it in mind!

“very good! Let’s go! I’m happy today. How about I treat you to barbecue?”

Jiraiya greeted the two of them happily.

“real? Very good! Thank you Jiraiya-sensei (uncle)!”

Minato and Qianxuan quickly followed excitedly.

You must know that the prices of barbecue restaurants in Konoha are extremely expensive.

They were reluctant to go there before.

“Hey Hey hey! Qianxuan kid, is it too much to call you uncle? I’m only 19 years old! I’m very young. Even if you don’t call me Jiraiya-sama or senpai, you should still call me big brother! What the hell is uncle?”

“Hahaha!! X2″….

After returning from the barbecue restaurant, Minato and Qianxuan went directly back to Qianxuan’s house.

Qianxuan said to Minato:”Minato! I have something to ask you!”


Minato saw that Qianxuan rarely acted so seriously, and was a little confused, but he also asked seriously:”What’s the matter? you say? With our relationship, as long as I can do it, it’s no problem!”

“Nor is it anything else!

Qian Xuan felt warm after hearing this, and immediately said,”I am also very interested in the Wind Release Ninjutsu and the Fire Release Ninjutsu. Can I copy these Ninjutsu from you?””

“Of course, I have some here, and I can also give you a copy of the ninjutsu you are interested in!”

“Not to mention anything else, at least we all have the thunder attribute.

Although Minato was a little surprised when he heard this, he nodded and agreed:”That’s no problem!” I can do it all! Here! Here are all the ninjutsu scrolls I got today!”

“In addition, I will go home later to get the ninjutsu scroll of Wind Release and Wind Kiri no Jutsu.”

“”However,” having said this, Minato admonished with some hesitation:”Qiangen, although your talent in Ninjutsu is very evil, I still hope you can grasp the propriety in it!””

“I’ve heard that if you don’t have chakra attributes, practicing other types of ninjutsu will get twice the result with half the effort. Don’t waste your time on these!”

“Just do a little research and if you find that it affects your cultivation progress, remember to stop in time, okay?”

“If you don’t agree to this, then I can’t copy these ninjutsu scrolls to you!”

“I don’t want you to be harmed because of me!”

Seeing Minato’s extremely serious expression, Qianxuan felt his heart warm up.

He immediately chuckled and said,”Okay! Don’t you know me yet? I won’t do anything stupid!”

“If I really want to do what you said, I will stop in time!”

“Besides, we practice together almost every day. Aren’t you still watching?”……

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