Somewhere underground in Konoha, in the Roots base, almost at the same time that the Third Generation received the news, Danzo also received news about Tsunade’s assessment of Sengen from the Roots through the ANBU.

“Where did this kid come from? Do you actually have such a talent?”

“This son should be the one who enters my root and becomes my root;”

“I really need this kind of talent!”

“Please hurry up and check his background!”

After reading the information, Danzo was shocked at first, and then ordered directly with his eyes shining.

As for the information saying that Qianxuan has been accepted as a disciple by Tsunade?

It doesn’t matter to Danzo.

He hasn’t accepted Tsunade yet. Do you think of such a yellow-haired girl?


The root immediately took the order and left.

By the time Danzo received Qianxuan’s detailed information, it was already several hours later.

“Um? Only five years old? It takes no more than 2 weeks to refine chakra and practice ninjutsu?”

“Is this kid so evil?”

“I want this person!”

After Danzo read Qianxuan’s detailed information, he was completely moved.

“However, this kid is actually a descendant of Thousand Hands? No wonder!”

“I said so! How could such a super genius emerge from ordinary civilians?”

“It’s no surprise that he is a descendant of Senju!”

Qianxuan’s monster reminded him of his teacher Senju Tobirama.

Danzo’s eyes flashed:

“If this kid is trained properly, he might be able to become a second teacher!”

“no! I have to find Hiruzen! This child cannot be left to Tsunade, that female gambler will only waste Qianxuan’s talents!”

“Only I am qualified to teach him;”

“Only I can teach him well!”

Thinking of his teacher, Danzo’s ill will toward Qianxuan was temporarily outweighed by his good feelings. He really had the idea of nurturing him well.

“If I can train Qian Xuan to be a second teacher, does that mean I have surpassed the teacher? Danzo was a man of action. He immediately left the root base, took some time to come to the Hokage’s office, and met the Third Generation.

He went straight to the point:”Hiruzan!” I want that kid Qianxuan! Leave him to me to train!”

“This child is as talented as the teacher. Only I have the qualifications and ability to train him.”

“ha? After hearing this,

Sandai looked at Danzo in astonishment and speechless and said,”Duanzo, are you having a brain cramp?” Did you suddenly come to me to tell me this?”

“Let’s not talk about Qianxuan’s talent. He is already Tsunade’s disciple and my disciple. How could he be left to you to train? Don’t even think about it.”

Are you kidding?

Even if Qianxuan was not accepted as a disciple by Tsunade, the third generation would not have agreed to hand over such a genius to Danzo for training.

This is not cultivating enemies for himself, this is not increasing Danzo’s strength. Is he not stupid!

When Danzo heard what Sandai said, he immediately became angry:”Hiruzhan! No matter what, you must leave Qianxuan to me to train! What qualifications did Tsunade have to teach him? She is just a medical ninja, do you want to waste a genius?”

The third generation was also a little annoyed and said:”No matter what you say, I will never agree!”

“He is already Tsunade’s disciple, how can he change it casually?”

“Furthermore, even if Tsunade can’t teach her, don’t I still have it? I am his master, I will teach him when the time comes!”

“Danzo! Qianxuan is not suitable at all, and your style is even less suitable. There is no need to discuss this matter. You can go back!”

Although I don’t know why Danzo suddenly went crazy and became so obsessed with Qianxuan, it is impossible for the third generation to agree.


Danzo was so angry that he pointed at the third generation, trembling all over.

But the third generation had firm eyes and a straight face, refusing to give in at all, which made Danzo both annoyed and helpless.

It’s frustrating!

If he was Hokage, why would he be like this?

Danzo immediately said angrily:”Hiruzhan, you will regret it!”

The third generation looked indifferent:”Danzo! I am the Hokage!”


When Danzo heard this, he felt his heart was deeply hurt again.

He wanted to roar to the third generation:”I know you are the Hokage, I don’t need you to remind me all the time!”

“If I had taken a step forward and expressed my opinion to the teacher before you, I should be the Hokage at this time!”

This is the eternal pain in Danzo’s heart.

He has always regretted it to this day.

He never felt that he was worse than the third generation.

No! He even felt that he was far stronger than the third generation.

If it hadn’t been for his help, would the third generation have been able to hold the position of Hokage all these years?

“Hiruzen, I won’t give up!”

After saying these words, Danzo left angrily.

“Bah! Bah!”

The third generation lit the dry tobacco pole with a speechless expression, took a few puffs, and looked down at the information just sent by the ANBU in his hand. It recorded in detail Qianxuan’s information from his birth to the present.

Including Qianxuan’s extraction of chakra. , the time to practice ninjutsu does not exceed 2 weeks.

The third generation murmured firmly:”Such a genius cannot be left to you Danzo under any circumstances! He can only be under my control and can only be a member of my Hokage lineage.”

Danzo can see that Sengen’s potential is no less than that of his teacher Senju Tobirama, can’t the Third Generation see that?

“If I had known this earlier, I would have snatched Qianxuan from Tsunade’s hands no matter what I said before!”

Three generations thought to themselves.

After all, disciples and grandchildren are not as close as disciples.

“But it’s okay. The best thing I can do is get closer to him in the future, teach him more, guide him more, and make him become my loyal supporter!”

Sandai thought in his mind.

In terms of brainwashing ability, he felt that he was a professional….

In a ninja shop in Konoha,

“boss! Give me a detonating talisman, the lowest level space sealing scroll!”

“OK! Please wait a moment!”

“Come! Sir, this is the detonating talisman and space sealing scroll you want! Chenghui has a total of 10,300 taels. However, this thing is very dangerous. Remember to be careful when using it!”

The boss handed a detonating talisman to the 5-year-old child opposite and reminded him with concern.

“clear! Here, this is 10,300 taels! Qian

Xuan nodded, took the detonating talisman and the space seal scroll, paid the money, and left the store directly.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary collectible”Detonating Talisman”. Reward: Detailed explanation of making the Detonating Talisman and a complete collection of elementary sealing techniques.】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collectible”Low-level Space Seal Scroll”. Reward: personal small world and space props refining method.】…..

【[Personal Portable Small World]: A complete portable small world with an initial diameter of one kilometer, four-season climate changes, and day and night changes. It can grow by filling in items with spatial properties.

“Huh? this reward…Developed!”

Qian Xuan almost jumped up with joy when he received the news of this reward.

Even though he tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart with his strong will, the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised…….

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