Chapter 135: Tsunade’s Wisdom

“Wow? It’s real? What a big space! You are amazing! You can even make something like this?”

Tsunade sensed the huge space in the ring and tried to take out the pills inside and then put them back. She kept repeating it and had a lot of fun.

She also praised Qian Xuan.


Qian Xuan smiled happily:”Not bad, not bad! I have been studying this thing for several years, and now it has finally produced results!”

“The main problem before was that we hadn’t found suitable materials with spatial properties, but now we’ve finally succeeded!”

“This thing is not only yours, but also Kushina, grandma, clan elders and important figures, Minato and Mikoto in the caravan all have one.”

“However, you still need to be careful when using it, and avoid exposing yourself if possible!”

“So as not to cause unnecessary trouble!”

He had specifically reminded Minato and Mikoto of this before.

Not to mention the family.

The strategic significance of this thing is too strong. If the third generation knew about it, it would definitely be a big trouble.

“How could I not know the severity of the situation?”

Tsunade couldn’t help but roll her eyes and said,”Don’t worry! I won’t use it openly!”

“Come to think of it, you even gave it to Mikoto? Aren’t you afraid that she’ll leak the secret? She’s an Uchiha, huh?”

Tsunade said, looking at Chigen with a playful look on her face.

She had long seen that there was something wrong between Chigen and Mikoto.


Facing Tsunade’s strange gaze, Qian Xuan smiled awkwardly and said:”I knew I couldn’t hide it from your sharp eyes, Sister Tsunade!”

“Don’t worry, Mikoto is absolutely trustworthy, even though he is an Uchiha”

“Not to mention, I have signed a contract with her, it is absolutely foolproof.”

He is not stupid.

Even though he already knew that the Uchiha clan leader and his people had a strong desire to marry him and wanted to use the Senju to integrate into Konoha.

But Qian Xuan would not let down his guard. It is better to be safe than sorry!

“That’s more like it!”

Tsunade listened and nodded with satisfaction:”This girl is indeed completely different from the ordinary Uchiha!”

“Very likable, and has very good talents!”

“I really don’t know what charm you have that can bewitch a girl like this?”

“Forget it! Let’s not talk about this anymore!”

Tsunade said this, and suddenly lost interest. She waved her hand, looked at Qian Xuan seriously and asked:”You must have other important things here today, right? Tell me, how can I help you?”

Qian Xuan listened and smiled helplessly:”I knew I couldn’t hide it from Sister Tsunade. You! You really have something important to do.”

Immediately, Qian Xuan’s expression became serious, and he told Tsunade about his plan to resurrect the ninja in detail, and showed her the revised Xuan character mark.

He then flashed and caught a hare and killed it, and then performed the resurrection technique.


Tsunade gasped when she saw it, and grabbed the resurrected rabbit in horror. She examined it carefully several times, then she looked at Qianxuan in shock and said,”You actually created a truly perfect resurrection technique?”

“How can this be?”

“Are there any limitations to this technique?”

“Are there any side effects for you?”

Seeing Tsunade’s worried look, Qian Xuan felt warm in his heart and replied with a smile:”Don’t worry! It has no effect on me, it just consumes a certain amount of chakra.;”

“If there are any restrictions, the body must be relatively intact and the soul must exist.”


Tsunade was stunned when she heard it, and said in surprise:”That’s it? This condition is not a big restriction, right? You really came up with something incredible this time!”

At this point, Tsunade’s expression became serious and she said:”Qianxuan! Remember, before you are absolutely invincible, you must never reveal that you can resurrect, otherwise, you will never have peace!”

This is definitely not a joke.

No ninja village can allow the person who masters the resurrection technique to exist freely.

They will all think about how to master it.

Those who want to take the resurrection technique from Qianxuan

“I understand this!”

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”So, I only told Kushina, Grandma Mito, Minato and a few other people, even Mikoto doesn’t know yet!”

“These people are trustworthy and have signed contracts, so there is no risk of error.;”

“So, don’t worry!”

“If I wait a few years, it won’t be a big deal even if it’s exposed.;”

“Because, by then, I think I will be invincible.”

At present, his spiritual power has been raised to the eighth level of Qi training, and other aspects are also constantly improving.

It will not take too long to reach the super shadow level, and the sixth level is also

“That’s good!”

Tsunade heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and looked at Qian Xuan with a complicated expression and said:”Resurrection technique! You say, if it is used to resurrect my great grandfather and second grandfather, can we take back the power of Konoha from the old man and change his current wrongdoings? Reduce unnecessary casualties?”

Now Qian Xuan has many people dying every day.

If Qian Xuan was on the front line, these could actually be avoided.

“No! No way!”

Before Qianxuan could say anything, Tsunade shook her head violently and said:”If you really do this, then Qianxuan, the fact that you have mastered the resurrection technique will be exposed!”

“By then, there will only be more trouble, so let’s maintain the status quo for the time being!”

“Moreover,” she said, looking at Qian Xuan again,”I guess your ideas and plans for Senju, Konoha, and even the entire ninja world will be completely different from those of my great grandfather and second grandfather.;”

“If you really resurrect them now, I’m afraid they will become a hindrance to you!”

“In this case, it is better to revive them later, and then let them work for you, what do you think?”

She definitely wants to revive her great grandfather and second grandfather, or even her parents.

But now is obviously not the time.


Qian Xuan felt a little amused when he heard this. Sister Tsunade really considered every aspect!

She didn’t even wait for him to persuade her.

“Sister Tsunade, is it really okay for you to think this way? It’s not good for me to treat the first and second generations as part-time workers, right?”

Qian Xuan said this, but he actually agreed in his heart.

He had thought so before!

As for letting the first and second generations take power?

Unless it is according to his plan and arrangement, there is no way.

“Hehe! What’s wrong with that?”

Tsunade listened and smiled indifferently:”They are all old antiques. They had their own policies and plans in the past, but they all failed.;”

“So, don’t cause you any trouble!”

“Let’s go with your own pace! Sister, I trust you more now!”

“Especially my great grandfather, what do you say about him? He is too naive and saintly, and is not suitable for controlling Konoha or even the ninja world.;”

“My second grandfather is sometimes too extreme, so you are better.”

In her opinion, Qian Xuan is more rational, has a more outstanding vision, and his plans are more detailed and correct.

Perhaps, Qian Xuan can really lead the ninja world to lasting peace?



In short, it’s right to support Qian Xuan.

This guy has even figured out a way to resurrect. He believes that he will figure out a way to live forever in the future.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore!”

Tsunade felt that the topic had gone a bit off, so she forced the subject back and said:”Since you have a plan and are ready to rescue the ninjas who died on the front line, I

, your sister, will naturally fully support you. Tell me! What are you going to do? What can I do for you?” Qian Xuan said directly:”I need a suitable identity disguise, and stay in the camp temporarily to contact all the ninjas who admire me, and quietly plant this new Xuan character mark on them.;”

“I think the frontline hospital will be a good place for me to get in touch with most of the ninjas in the frontline camps.;”

“As for the rest, I will find another way.”

“So, Sister Tsunade, please just arrange an identity for me first!”

“It’s best to assign a medical ninja you feel you can trust to your side.;”

“Let her sign a contract with me, or I can temporarily hypnotize her, rewrite her memory, and replace him to operate these things for a period of time, what do you think?”

If he was not worried about alerting the Six Paths Sage in advance, he would even want to secretly resurrect all the Konoha ninjas who died in the battle during this period.


“However, we can quietly get their bodies first, especially the bodies of the more than 2,000 Konoha ninjas who were killed by the Rain and Sand Ninjas before.;”

“”When I have the strength to be fearless of the Six Paths Sage, I can be resurrected in the unified world.”

Qian Xuan thought.

As for whether there will be any discordant changes in their family structure after the resurrection after such a long delay, this is not something Qian Xuan can worry about now.

It’s better than death, isn’t it?

“Just hypnotize and rewrite the memory!”

Tsunade pondered for a moment and made a decision, but she was a little worried and said:”But, are you sure your illusion skills are good enough? There won’t be any flaws, right?”

“Are you underestimating me?”

Qian Xuan rolled his eyes and said,”My attainments in illusion are second to none in the ninja world!”

“Not only ordinary illusions, I have also developed a lot of illusions that directly affect the mind and memory. Even ninjas who are good at torture and memory exploration cannot find any flaws. Don’t worry about this!”Isn’t Tsunade aware of his learning ability?

“It’s true!”

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and said in a daze:”You, who invented the meditation method, must have extremely strong mental power, right? It is reasonable for you to master powerful illusions, even mental illusions!”

“I was worrying too much!”

“That’s it! I’ll send someone to call Xingzi over right away!”

“She is my deputy in the frontline hospital, an elite jonin-level medical ninja.;”

“With your level of medical ninjutsu, it’s more than enough for you to disguise yourself as her!”

“Just be careful about your words and actions, don’t let yourself get caught���”

She thought about how her mental power had been constantly improving and purifying since she had practiced meditation, which had led to her increasing resistance to illusions and her talent for illusions. How could Qian Xuan be an exception?

“”Okay! Let’s get started! I can also complete my plan as soon as possible and save lives!”

Qian Xuan nodded, waved his hand and cast two small isolation barriers, then said to Tsunade


Tsunade didn’t hesitate and walked out of the tent. A ninja at the door gave an order and the man left quickly.


PS:Please customize six!


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