Chapter 119: Subdue Mighty Dai, [Gravity Bracelet】

“Huh? Human Immortal Martial Arts? It looks somewhat similar to the Yangshen World, but also very different!”

“With this, the body training method is now on par with the Qi training method and the spirit training method.;”

“My spirit, energy and soul have been able to improve simultaneously! What a surprise!”

“I knew that the reward of this Eight Gates Ninjutsu Array would not disappoint me! Haha!”

Qian Xuan thought in ecstasy at this time.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Qian Xuan quickly gathered his mind and began to wholeheartedly check and analyze the Eight Gates Ninjutsu Array in his hand.

After more than an hour, after in-depth research, he looked up at Might Dai and said apologetically:”Sorry! I was fascinated for a while!”

“I can see that this is an extremely powerful forbidden technique!”

“Dai! You have given me a great gift, which is beyond the Zhuang Gong I gave you! Therefore, I decided to continue to teach you the Five Forms Fist and the Ming Jin part of the Dragon Form Fist.;”

“I believe that with these, your strength may be further improved in the future!”

This is not only a generous reward for Might Dai, but also Qian Xuan’s training of Might Dai.

He has trained Might Dai as his future capable subordinate.

Not only Might Dai, but also his future son Might Guy, Qian Xuan does not intend to let go.

They are all ready to be received and trained well.

I believe that when they grow up, they will definitely become his capable helpers.

He checked it last time. Might Dai has poor ninja talent, but his physical training talent is extremely strong.

It is very suitable for Xingyiquan.

If he can practice Xingyiquan and Eight Gates Dunjia in the future, his achievements will be limitless!

This kind of talent must be won over.

Anyway, the contract has been signed, so there is no need to worry that he will leak his secrets and harm his own interests.

It is also good to provide certain resources for training.


Matt Dai obviously didn’t expect Qian Xuan to say that. He was stunned for a moment, then waved his hands and said,”No! No need! The Zhuang Gong you taught me before has benefited me a lot. It’s hard to repay you.;”

“This forbidden technique is totally imperfect. It is not even enough to repay your previous kindness. How can I continue to take your benefits?”

“This is absolutely not possible!”

He is a man who clearly distinguishes between gratitude and resentment, and cannot accept other people’s kindness with a clear conscience.

“No, no!”

Qian Xuan heard this and waved his hand, saying:”The value of this forbidden technique is greater than you think. If it can be completely perfected, it will be extremely powerful.;”

“Worth my investment;”

“Besides, I like you, Dai, so what’s a little more investment in you?”

“I am looking forward to your growth and strengthening Konoha with me!”

“So, please don’t reject my kindness!”

“In addition,”

Then, Qian Xuan did not wait for Might Dai to refuse, and changed the subject directly, and began to discuss the problems with Might Dai with the scroll in his hand.

Well! It was called a discussion, but in fact it was mainly Qian Xuan analyzing and explaining the errors and omissions to Might Dai. He analyzed it to Might Dai step by step, and finally made up for the errors and omissions in this forbidden technique.

Dai wanted to refuse politely, but he couldn’t open his mouth for a while, and soon he was deeply attracted by Qian Xuan’s analysis and explanation.

After Might Dai finished listening, he realized this, and immediately said with a look of astonishment:”Qian Xuan! You have thoroughly understood all the mysteries of this forbidden technique, and even made up for the defects?”

“This… aren’t you a little too awesome?”

“Besides, this way, I owe you even more! How can you let me pay you back?”

Might Dai looked at Qian Xuan with helplessness in his emotion.

At this moment, how could he not understand that Qian Xuan said he was discussing, but in fact, he was simply helping him to perfect the Eight Gates Ninjutsu.

He couldn’t help but think of the first time they met, Qian Xuan said that his body was seriously damaged and he had too many hidden injuries, which must have been caused by incorrect practice.

After that, he also treated him.

After that, he even taught him the practice of standing meditation.

All signs show that it has always been Qian Xuan who has been giving and helping him!

“How could I deserve such selfless help from you, Qian Xuan?……”

Matt Dai’s eyes were blurred with tears for a moment, and he didn’t know what to say.

In his heart, his respect and loyalty to Qian Xuan began to surge.

At this time, a system prompt sound suddenly rang in Qian Xuan’s mind.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the treasure collection”Mighty Dai”, reward: top physical talent × 1, gravity bracelet × 2】


【[Gravity Bracelet]: When worn on the hand, it can stimulate 1-50 times gravity, acting on every cell of the wearer’s body, and is a treasure for body repair

“Soft? He has won over Might Dai so easily? What a surprise!”

Qian Xuan was also slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he was delighted.

It was worth it that he was so nice to Might Dai and fooled him like this!

As expected, simple people are more likely to become die-hard fans.

Now, there is no need to worry about Might Dai’s attitude at all.

“Besides, this top-level physical talent is duplicated and is no longer useful to me. I can give it to Kushina and the others later!”

“But this gravity bracelet is a pleasant surprise!”

“With this, my bodybuilding efficiency will be greatly improved in the future.”

Qian Xuan thought again.

Originally, he had always wanted to learn the Heavy Rock Technique from the Rock Ninja to assist in bodybuilding training.

Unexpectedly, before he started to act, he had already obtained something better.

50 times the gravity is enough for him to use for a long, long time.

“Haha! Dai! We are good friends, aren’t we?”

Qian Xuan smiled at Might Dai’s overwhelmed expression.

“” Oh”

Might Dai was even more excited when he heard this, and he wanted to give Qian Xuan a big hug.

But Qian Xuan avoided him, and Qian Xuan then restrained his smile, looked at Might Dai with a serious face and said:”Dai! You also know that the ninja world is not peaceful now, and the major ninja villages are eyeing Konoha.;”

“So, I hope you can accept my kindness, work hard to become stronger, and work with me to help the village out of its predicament. Do you understand?”

“We are not doing this simply for ourselves, but for the future of the village, do you understand?”

Might Dai was stunned at first, then wiped away the tears on his face, his expression became solemn, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes, and he nodded solemnly:”Yes! Qian Xuan, I already understand your painstaking efforts!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down!”

“I know you are training me;”

“I also know the injustice you have suffered.;”

“I know you want me to help the village and reduce its losses instead of you who can’t go to the front line.;”

“I know all this:”

“Don’t worry! I will practice hard and strive to improve my strength as soon as possible, and contribute to the village on your behalf, I promise!”

Although he knew that Might Dai had over-imagined things,

Qian Xuan was still surprised that he could see some things clearly.

Who said Might Dai was stupid and naive?

Isn’t he quite smart? He even knew clearly that Qian Xuan was suppressed by the village.

He immediately nodded with relief and said,”Then I’m relieved!”

“You are very suitable for my Xingyiquan. If you follow this path, I think you will become a strong person soon!”

“Work hard! When you have perfected your Ming Jin training, I will teach you the subsequent techniques to make you stronger.”

“Come! Now I will verbally teach you the cultivation methods of the Mingjin stage of the Five-Shape Fist and the Dragon-Shape Fist!”

Immediately, Qianxuan brought Might Dai to a remote open space, waved his hand to set up a barrier, and began to teach seriously.

This time, Might Dai did not refuse, but studied very seriously.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that he must fight for Qianxuan with everything in the future and help him make the village more prosperous.

In the previous few contacts and chats, he had already known that Qianxuan’s goal was very ambitious and great.

He wanted to make Konoha a more powerful existence.

And this is what Might Dai expected to see.

Might Dai is also worthy of being a genius in physical cultivation. He remembered everything on both sides and played well. Qianxuan was very pleased to see it. This is better than most of the people in the clan. In fact, Qianxuan has discovered that the people of the Qianshou clan generally have good physical cultivation talents, but compared with Might Dai, most of them are much worse. It can be seen that Might Dai is talented in physical cultivation.

“Thank you! Qian Xuan! I won’t let you down!”

After Qian Xuan finished teaching, Might Dai once again assured him with this expression.

“”Well! I believe in you! You continue to practice! I should go back too!”

Qian Xuan smiled and patted his shoulder, then left.

Might Dai looked at Qian Xuan’s disappearing back for a long time.

After a few minutes, when he retracted his gaze, he buried his head and continued to practice.

This time, he practiced more seriously and diligently.


Qian Xuan returned home, took a shower, and after removing the sweat stains, he prepared to study the blood inheritance evolution potion.;


Suddenly, he sensed the information that Kakuzu had passed on through Xiao Hei. He immediately took out the scroll from Xiao Hei’s mouth and opened it to see


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