Chapter 105 [Ten thousand swords return to the clan】,【Twenty-three Heaven-Destroying Jedi Sword]

Qian Xuan’s heart suddenly sank:”Damn Danzo, you are so good!”

“It seems that the lesson of a broken arm and a blind eye is not enough!”

“Since you are looking for death, there is no need to keep it! Wait to die!”

For a moment, Qianxuan was filled with murderous intentions towards Danzo, and was ready to find an opportunity to kill Danzo in Qianxuan.


Didn’t you say he was going to return to the village?

Yes! But who stipulated that he couldn’t come out secretly?

Anyway, he said , isn’t this an easy thing for him who has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God?

In this way, he can even have sufficient alibi to secretly kill Danzo, making even three generations suspicious. If it comes to him,

I will just think it’s just an accident.

“I originally planned to let you make more mistakes, which would implicate the third generation, and then I would deal with you all together.;”

“Now that I think about it, it would be great to kill you first and cut off one of Sandai’s arms!”

“As for the incriminating evidence of the third generation? Come to think of it, there is no shortage at the roots now!”

Qianxuan thought to himself.

Even without these so-called evidence of guilt, Qianxuan can gradually force the third generation to abdicate with the next arrangements.

Danzo, who was proud over there, suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He suddenly felt excited and felt something. Feeling bad.

He quickly glanced at everyone present, but found nothing unusual, and felt a little relieved.

“alright! That’s it! Let’s all disperse!”

“Chigen, Uzumaki Kushina, you should set off as soon as possible. You must set off before today, don’t waste time!”

Danzo was not prepared to continue beeping with these people here, so he made the final decision and announced the matter. After emphasizing to Qianxuan and Kushina, he started to drive people away.

Everyone could only retreat unwillingly.

In the process of leaving, Qianxuan inadvertently touched the upright Jonin who spoke uprightly before, and quietly left a special mark of the Flying Thunder God on each of them.

This mark can be regarded as the mark of Xuanzi. A simplified version.

It will be triggered when they encounter fatal danger, giving Qianxuan time to teleport to rescue people.

Soon, Qianxuan was recalled to the village, and the news of being suppressed spread quickly. The entire frontline camp was filled with excitement.

Almost all the Qianxuan ninjas were indignant about this, and felt that Sandai and Danzo would not find a better excuse. When Qianxuan was transferred back, where did he put the interests of the village?

What did he do to those who were fighting for their lives on the front line?

This was all for personal gain regardless of their lives!

Danzo’s senses were so bad that many of them directly hated them.

The reputation of Sandai and Danzo in these people’s hearts was directly destroyed.

Qiangen returned to his camp accompanied by Sakumo and others. Sakumo took out two scrolls directly from his arms and handed them to Qian Xuandao:”Now that the recall has become settled, don’t have any grudges in your heart.;”

“Here, this is what I have written in the past few days. I have wanted to give you all the inherited knowledge of the advanced and top-level swordsmanship of the Hatake clan for a long time, and now is the time.”

“I hope you can learn them well and carry them forward!”

Sakumo was obviously worried that Qianxuan would be unhappy.

However, he thought too much.

He had no idea that Qianxuan had expected this day.

It can only be said that Sakumo was not very sensitive in this regard.

He is a pure ninja with an extremely sharp sword.

“Thank you, teacher! I will not let you down, nor will I bury your swordsmanship inheritance!”

“When you have a child in the future, how about I teach him these sword skills and even the sword skills I created?”

Qian Xuan was moved by the result of these two scrolls, and promised Sakumo with a smile.

This is a good teacher!

He directly taught himself all the inheritance of the Hatake clan.

He can’t be ungrateful.

At this time, in his mind It still rings, and the system prompts.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Hatake Clan High and Top Swordsmanship Collection”. Reward: Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Clan, Twenty-Three Heaven-Destroying and Earth-Destroying Swords】


Seeing this reward, Qian Xuan took a breath of air in his heart:”It’s actually these two top swordsmanships? Make a fortune!”

This can already be regarded as the inheritance of swordsmanship at the fantasy level.

“If you master it completely, it shouldn’t be difficult to kill a super shadow with these two swordsmanships, especially the Twenty-Three Heaven-Destroying Sword and the Earth-Destroying Sword, right?”

Qian Xuan couldn’t help but think in his heart


Shuomao didn’t know what Qianxuan was thinking at this time. Hearing Qianxuan’s promise and proposal, he raised his eyebrows, chuckled and nodded:”This is pretty good! Then the matter is settled! I agreed on behalf of my future children!”

“I believe that in the future he or she will become an amazing ninja under your guidance! hehe!”

He is very convinced of Qianxuan’s talent and even his teaching ability.

This can be seen from Qianxuan’s own growth and the extraordinary growth of Kushina and Minato.

The key is that in this way, his future Not only can the child receive Qianxuan’s teachings, but he can also receive all of Qianxuan’s sword inheritance.

Isn’t this a huge profit?

“Um! It seems that I have to find a way to give back to Qian Xuan in the future!”

“You can’t take advantage of students, right?”

Sakumo thought.

At this time, Jiraiya said to Qianxuan:”Sorry! Qianxuan! I didn’t expect the old man to do this!”

“Don’t worry, I will send a message back immediately to question the old man; I believe he will be able to take back this order soon.;”

“When the time comes, we can still fight for the village on the front lines.”

Qianxuan listened and shook his head in a funny way.

Before he could answer, Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya with a look of disdain and struck:”You’d better forget it! This matter is not as simple as you think. It is impossible for the old man to agree just because of a few words from you!”

“You’d better not waste your efforts!”

As he said that, Orochimaru no longer paid attention to Jiraiya, whose face turned red and was speechless for a moment. Instead, he looked at Qianxuan and licked his tongue and said:”Qianxuan-kun, take care of yourself all the way!”

“I heard that your bounty on the black market has been increased to 400 million at this time!”

“I estimate that there will be many people who want your head on this road! You’d better be careful and don’t die.;”

“I’m still waiting to trade with you!”

“The best thing is to use the Flying Thunder God to teleport back directly. I believe you should have left a lot of Flying Thunder God marks along the way. Can you do this?”

He couldn’t allow Qian Xuan to die before he got the method of immortality.

Therefore, he was also very dissatisfied with Sandai’s actions this time. He just didn’t show it.

“Old man, you are hindering me! Orochimaru thought coldly in his heart.

“hehe! I did keep it, but it wasn’t necessary!

Qian Xuan listened and smiled knowingly:”It’s not a problem to be stared at by these people all the time and left alone.”;”

“What if they can’t catch me but focus on the people around me and try to catch them to threaten me?”

“Therefore, not only am I not going to teleport back directly this time, I will try to escape;”

“Instead, he prepared to take the initiative to enter the situation, lure out these rats from the secret, and then teach them a lesson.;”

“Kill a bunch of them!”

“Having learned a lot of bloody lessons, I believe that it will shock many people in the future.;”

“Let them not dare to provoke me again! hehe!”

Escape has never been something he likes to do.

Sandai and the others are involved in the stability of the village and his own future plans, so they cannot be killed easily for the time being. But who are these bounty hunters who dare to tease a tiger’s beard?

There is a right way to die


After Orochimaru heard this, a glint flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but praise:”It seems that Lord Qianxuan has already planned it, he is full of confidence! Then I won’t say anything more!”

“I wish you all the best!”


Qian Xuan smiled and nodded and said thank you.

“In this case, I’ll take my leave now!”

With that said, Orochimaru directly pulled Jiraiya and left first.

As he was leaving, Qianxuan’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind:”Orochimaru! In addition to the perfect human immortal mode, which is the path to immortality, I also have many other good things in my hands.;”

“For example, the secret medicine that can evolve the bloodline of ninja beasts; the secret medicine that can quickly restore chakra and physical strength; the secret medicine that can quickly restore mental power…etc., there are many powerful ninjutsu.;”

“I think there are other transactions we can make before we trade the Immortality Law.;”

“So, I hope you will help me collect some things that interest me next;”

“What do you think of the various Kusanagi swords, magical weapons, rare herbs, minerals, and the corpses or living bodies of various blood successor ninjas?”

“If you are willing, nod your head three times, and I will find time to contact you again and exchange communication methods with you.”

Orochimaru was first shocked by Qianxuan’s method of transmitting sound through the air. He couldn’t even sense any chakra fluctuations, and even the mental fluctuations were extremely slight.

If the object of the sound transmission hadn’t been him, he wouldn’t have been able to I can’t even sense this at all.

“Tsk tsk! It seems that Lord Qianxuan is even more powerful than I thought!”

“But it’s more interesting, isn’t it?”

“Moreover, I am indeed extremely interested in all the things he said! Orochimaru licked his tongue and thought excitedly.

Not to mention other things, the secret medicine for the evolution of the ninja beast’s bloodline pierced his heart.

He did not doubt whether Qianxuan was lying to him.

Because, No need

“Since there is a secret medicine for the evolution of Ninja Beast bloodline? Does Qian Xuanjun also have the secret medicine for human bloodline evolution in his hands?”

“Even if not, if I use this ninja beast bloodline evolution secret medicine to conduct research, can I find out the rules and develop a secret medicine suitable for human bloodline evolution?”

Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn’t help it anymore and nodded three times quickly.

He couldn’t help but look back at Qianxuan over there.

Qianxuan immediately gave him a meaningful look, and at the same time, in his mind Qian Xuan’s voice sounded again:”Very good! It seems that Uncle Snake is interested in this deal, so let’s settle it first!”

“I’ll come to you later.

After hearing this, Orochimaru opened his mouth from a distance without making a sound, and just mouthed:”I’m looking forward to it!” Qian Xuanjun!”

Then, Orochimaru pulled Jiraiya and left quickly.


“Orochimaru, why are you pulling me? Let go, I still have something to say to the boy Qianxuan!”

“forget it! You idiot! Unless you can convince the old man, otherwise, there is nothing to say, so don’t cause trouble for Qian Xuanjun.”


The two of them just pulled each other away.

“This idiot!”

When Tsunade saw this scene and heard their conversation, she shook her head speechlessly, then looked back at Qian Xuandao:”I won’t say more, you just have to take care of it yourself!”

“Be safe on the way back and take care of Kushina!”

“As for Minato and Mikoto, I will take care of them for you! you do not need to worry!”

“Especially Mikoto, I will transfer myself to the Ninja Hospital to help.”

Tsunade said this, obviously considering that Qiangen and Kushina left, Minato and Mikoto might be targeted by Danzo.

In this regard, Tsunade did not doubt Danzo’s integrity at all.

“Um! Then thank you Tsunade-san!

Qianxuan listened and nodded with a smile, then looked at Minato and Mikoto and said:”You should listen to Sister Tsunade next!””

“Be careful yourself! Especially Mikoto!”

“Of course, if you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, don’t worry, don’t hesitate, just activate the life-saving means I gave you, I will come to rescue you!”


Minato and Mikoto listened and nodded excitedly:”You too!” be careful! Don’t be careless!”

“calm down!

Qianxuan smiled and waved his hand, then looked at Mikoto and said:”Since Sister Tsunade is going to let you go to the hospital in the camp to help, I think you can try to learn medical ninjutsu.”;”

“Your ninja talent is very good, and your chakra control talent is also very good, so it shouldn’t be difficult to get started!”


“Although medical ninjutsu does not seem to be good at fighting, it can greatly improve the fine control of chakra and is actually very helpful for the practice of ninjutsu.;”

“Think about it! Of course, the choice depends on you.”

Qianxuan didn’t directly ask Mikoto what to do. He just gave suggestions and analyzed the benefits.


However, Mikoto’s heart has long been completely tied to Qianxuan, and she has blind worship for him; therefore, she nodded and agreed to Qianxuan’s words without thinking:”I will work hard to learn medical ninjutsu. of!”

In this way, maybe I can use medical ninjutsu to help Qianxuan in the future, right?

As for treating Qianxuan?

Mikoto thinks that with Qianxuan’s strength, he will never be injured.

In her heart, Qianxuan is already invincible. Maybe her only regret at this time is that she can’t go back with Qian Xuan, otherwise she can continue to get along with Qian Xuan.


Qianxuan smiled heartily when he saw it. He didn’t say anything more, but looked at Tsunade again:”I may have to trouble you, Sister Tsunade!””

“It’s not a big deal!”

Tsunade waved her hand, looked back and forth between Qianxuan and Mikoto, gave Qianxuan a meaningful look, nodded with a hint of teasing in her eyes and said:”Since you said she has talent in this area. , then I’ll just teach you!”

Although she is an Uchiha, she has been in contact with her a lot in the past few days. Tsunade thinks that this little girl Mikoto has a pretty good personality.

She doesn’t have the inexplicable arrogance of ordinary Uchiha at all. She is quite lovable.


Qianxuan smiled.

Next, he chatted with Tsunade and the others for a while, packed up his things, and set off directly with Kushina; under the reluctant eyes of countless Konoha ninjas, he left the camp without any hurry. Slowly walked towards Konoha, and this scene was also seen by Danzo. He immediately ordered a ninja from the root to reveal the news and Qianxuan’s general route to the people in the nearby black market.

“hehe! Kid! I’d better kill you this time;”

“Even if it doesn’t work, I won’t make it easy for you in the future! Let you take my credit! Hum!”

Danzo thought proudly in his heart.

He seemed to have seen the scene where Qianxuan was besieged by countless bounty hunters.


A few hours later, the news that Qianxuan left Konoha’s frontline camp and returned to Konoha, along with a rough route, quickly spread around a black market nearby.

Suddenly, countless bounty hunters gathered here during this period began to take action.

Of course, there are others who are one step ahead of them.

Ever since Qianxuan was offered a bounty of 200 million, he has been lurking and tracking within 30 kilometers of Konoha’s frontline camp.

They were the first to notice that Qianxuan and Kushina left the Konoha frontline camp and rushed towards Konoha.

“Are you finally alone? It seems that the news from Konoha is true. This kid was really summoned at this time and returned!”

“hehe! I want your head!”

Kakuzu and many bounty hunters lurking nearby thought in their hearts.

However, this place is still too close to Konoha’s front camp, so they are not in a hurry.���hand.

Instead, he quickly left the hiding place, followed Qian Xuan’s route, and accelerated to the front of Qian Xuan.

Prepare to find a suitable ambush location far away from Konoha’s frontline camp to ambush Qianxuan.


PS:Please order one!

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