Chapter 103 Uchiha Qianzan’s idea to marry Mikoto and Qianxuan?

It seems that Thousand Hands is now gone.

But the deep friendships and relationships he had with many ninjas in Konoha in the past were still there.

Not so easy to break.

It’s okay to reconnect with each other now and let them speak out in support of the Thousand Hands’ re-establishment of the clan.


He nodded during the scene:”We’ve all been contacted! Since I was unsure, I didn’t contact him much, and I didn’t mention that we wanted to re-establish a clan.;”

“Only those ninjas whose attitude is still firm and reliable, those who are closely related to our business and interests, I have focused on contacting!”

“Currently, there are more than a dozen ninja clans, large and small, who are willing to support us despite our declared strength.”

Yeah! That’s all.

What Qian Xuan and the others want is just support.

If they really want their full support, let alone their unwillingness, Qian Xuan is still worried!

You need to be tough in order to make iron. As long as you are strong enough, you will be confident. Enough.

Coupled with the support of these ninja clans and the huge achievements made by Qianxuan this time, it is enough to stop the third generation and the others and successfully re-establish the clan, not to mention what exactly the third generation is recalling Qianxuan at this time. Both sides knew their thoughts.

Even if the third generation was unwilling, he had to nod his head and admit the matter of re-establishing the Senju clan and recalling the clan members.

“That’s good!”

Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded with satisfaction:”Your handling is very prudent. It is enough to have the support of these ninjas who have a firm stance and have interests involved!”

“In the final analysis, this world is a world dominated by power and bound by interests and favors.;”

“First, you must have enough strength;”

“Secondly, favors alone are not enough;”

“Profit is the first priority!”

“It’s enough for us to do this, and leave the rest to Qian Xuan!”

Since Qianxuan wants to change the Senju, change Konoha, and even change the entire ninja world, then he naturally needs sufficient ability.

This time is a good opportunity to practice.


The old man nodded during the scene, and then said with some worry:”Do we really not want to send people to Qianxuan’s side to respond?”

“Need not!

After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito shook his head in amusement and said,”He has many ways to save his life!””

“Even you and I have the means he left behind to save our lives, right?”

“Moreover, with the Flying Thunder God Technique, he can teleport directly back to Konoha from the front line at any time.;”

“If he really wanted to leave, who could stop him?”

“He has grown up, and it is basically impossible to assassinate him now!”

“Unless Uchiha Madara is resurrected!”

Well! Since last time, Uzumaki Mito naturally knew that Uchiha Madara was not dead at this time. He was still hiding underground somewhere on the border of Fire Country.

But this matter should not be spread.

Since Qianxuan had not Tell him that there is no need to let him know for the time being, so as not to worry him in vain.

“That’s true! I’m worrying too much!”

After listening to the scene, he nodded somewhat suddenly, and then shook his head with a wry smile:”Hey! He’s old! That’s it!”

“On the other hand, Mito-sama, you are still so young and have not aged at all!”

“Sometimes I’m quite envious!”

Of course, it is clear between the scenes that Uzumaki Mito is actually old. At this time, he does not appear to have aged. That is just the effect of the Yin seal.

Fortunately, because of Qianxuan, Mito-sama will not die in a short time.

This This is the best news.

Senju and Sengen are still inseparable from Mito-sama. Um! Even he and Temu even know the true situation of Uzumaki Mito.

He has practiced.

It was all taught by Qian Xuan.

He is very grateful to these two elders who have cared about him since he was a child. Of course, the confidentiality contract that should be signed was signed a long time ago. No need to worry about leaking secrets or harming Qianxuan.

“Cackling! There’s no point in being envious! Yin seals are not so easy to learn!”

“However, if you learn meditation first, you may actually be able to learn it in the future;”

“How about it? Do you want me to teach you Yin sealing in the future? I can agree!”

Uzumaki Mito joked with a smile.

“Uh… forget it!”

After hearing this, the old man was slightly startled, then shook his head helplessly and said:”I’m just a bad old man, and I’m not a woman, so there is no need to do this.”


“hehe! Whatever you want!”

Uzumaki Mito listened and smiled.


At the same time, all the concerned families in Konoha also noticed the news that the third generation was hyping up the matter of retrieving Sengen.

Immediately, there were mixed reactions.

Most of them choose to sit on the sidelines.

A few were sarcastic or sighed.

The Uchiha clan.

When clan leader Uchiha Qianzan received the news, he couldn’t help but smile sarcastically:”Tsk, tsk! Sarutobi Hiruzen is still so shameless!”

“He obviously wanted to suppress Xue Zang Qianxuan, but he actually said it was for his own good?”

“Moreover, by spreading the news so aggressively in the village, surely he wasn’t trying to control the high ground of public opinion while also wanting to reveal Qian Xuan’s whereabouts and assassinate him?”

You have even used such methods to deal with a child.

How can Uchiha Qianshan look down on the third generation?


The third elder Uchiha Nobuhiko on the side was drinking tea and said with a faint smile:”Chief, this is not the first day you have met Sarutobi Hiruzen. Isn’t he just such a person?”

“Being weak externally, hitting hard internally, and suppressing dissidents are what he is best at!”

“The key point is that he let Danzo take the blame for him, while he looked upright and upright, which was simply ridiculous.;”

“However, the kid named Qian Xuan is powerful enough to allow him to target him like this!”

“He’s only eight years old! With such great achievements this time and such terrifying results, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others will have a headache in the future!”

However, as long as the Third Generation and others are unlucky, he will be happy.

He also feels more and more comfortable with Qianxuan who can cause trouble for the Third Generation.

Hmm! It is definitely not the former Qianxuan who saved his granddaughter Mikoto and let Mikoto join the team , to bring her up and protect her, absolutely not!

“Ha ha! really!”

After hearing this, Uchiha Qianshan couldn’t help but laugh loudly and said:”This is actually good news for us Uchiha!”

“This guy is still a descendant of Thousand Hands;”

“During this period of time, the Thousand Hands Clan was unwilling to be lonely and obviously wanted to do something.;”

“It helped us attract a lot of attention and energy from Sarutobi Hiruzen and others!”

“Although, I still don’t know what Senju is planning to do, but it won’t be easy to think about it.;”

“With Sarutobi Hiruzen targeting Sengen like this, the Senju clan probably won’t just sit idly by.;”

“After that, when Qianxuan comes back, Qianju might make some big move!”

“If Senju is willing to stand up again and stand up to Sarutobi Hiruzen who can fight with open fire, then it will be a great thing for us.”

“That’s when Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others will have a headache.;”

“At that time, Senju will be the first to be suppressed by Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, and we, the Uchiha clan, will become secondary!”

“In this way, we can also feel a lot more relaxed;”

“Even profit from it! Nobuhiko, what do you think?”

Uchiha Qianzan is eager to have as many families as possible against Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others have disgusted him over the years.

If his strength had not allowed him to do so, he would have wanted to kill them long ago. Yeah.

A bunch of bugs, huh!

“This makes sense!”

Uchiha Nobuhiko listened and nodded in agreement:”Although Senju has declined in recent years, and even the name Senju has been basically cancelled, they are different from us Uchiha. They still have this in the village. Extensive network of contacts and reputation base;”

“There are still many ninjas who support them.;”

“This is actually our shortcoming!”

“To be honest, I have seen it through. If Uchiha wants to create a Hokage in the future, it will definitely not work without enough support from the people, especially the civilians!”


Uchiha Qianshan frowned after hearing this, and nodded helplessly:”But in recent years, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others have taken the lead and led the ninjas to exclude us.:”

“In addition, most of the Uchiha clan have their own pride, disdain to make friends, and are not good at words.;”

“As a result, we have been excluded by other ninjas and even civilians in the village. Even if we want to change this situation, there is nothing we can do!”

He is the most clear-headed clan leader in Uchiha.

This is also the reason why he became the leader of the Uchiha clan after Uchiha Madara left.

But it is useless when light is clear-headed.

What can I do if there is no place to exert force?

Moreover, He is old now, and with the injuries from past battles, he still feels that his end is not too far away, and he only has about ten years left to live.

Therefore, he has been fighting for years. Work harder to train your son Uchiha Fugaku.

I hope he can live up to his expectations and grow up soon.

He will succeed him and lead the Uchiha clan forward.

Unfortunately, so far, Fugaku has failed to satisfy him.

This child is often too impulsive; sometimes, he is too naive and weak.

This kind of two-sided character made Uchiha Qianshan very headache and speechless. Is this inappropriate?

Be tough when you are tough, and be gentle when you should be soft. That’s how he has been trying to teach and change Fugaku.

So far, he has not achieved much results, so he threw Fugaku into the Qianxuan battlefield.

The battlefield can change his awkward character.

At the same time, he also hopes that Fugaku can make more achievements, improve his strength, and establish enough prestige among the new generation of the family.

If he can take advantage of this. It would be better to have the opportunity to make friends with other ninjas from the same village.

This will be very helpful for Fugaku to lead Uchiha into Konoha in the future. Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have such an opportunity in the village alone.

They will not sit back and watch.

Only in Qianxuan can they make close friends with other ninjas through life-and-death friendships.

“But now that Thousand Hands Resurrection is actually a good opportunity for us Uchiha! What do you think?”

Uchiha Nobuhiko looked at Uchiha Qianshan with a smile.


After hearing this, Uchiha Qianshan raised his eyebrows slightly. Thinking of the information he had heard recently about Uchiha Mikoto, he suddenly looked at Uchiha Nobuhiko in surprise and asked:”Are you going to let Mikoto and Senju, or Talk about that Qianxuan marriage?”

“Phew…cough cough cough!!”

When Uchiha Nobuhiko heard this, he spit out a sip of tea.

If he hadn’t reacted quickly, he almost didn’t spit directly at Uchiha Qianshan opposite him.

He patted his chest and coughed a few times, with a look of shock and speechlessness on his face. Looking at Uchiha Qianshan, he asked:”Why do you think so?”

What’s this all about?

He felt that he couldn’t keep up with Uchiha Qianshan’s brain circuit for a while.

Why did it involve such a thing as marriage?

Especially with Senju?

Is such a thing possible?

Although the Uchiha clan’s hostility towards the Senju has faded a lot in recent years due to the decline of the Senju, many people in the clan, especially the old guys, would definitely not agree to the marriage?

“Tsk tsk!”

Uchiha Qianshan smacked his mouth with a look of disgust. He used one hand to condense the changes in the properties of fire attribute chakra, and evaporated the nearby water stains accurately and quickly.

Then, he looked at Uchiha Nobuhiko and said:”What? ? Do you think what I said is too exaggerated and scary?”

“I thought that’s what you thought?”

“I heard that that kid Qianxuan saved Mikoto’s life on the battlefield, and officially included her in his team and took her on missions with him.;”

“The intuition of the elderly, this kid definitely has a crush on your Mikoto, otherwise he would not be able to do this.”

“Moreover, your Mikoto also has a crush on that boy!”

“I heard that Mikoto looked at that kid in a very strange way.” Some of this information was passed back by Uchiha ninjas on the front line.

Some things were passed back by his son Fugaku.

Speaking of which, his son Fugaku had a vague affection for Mikoto at first.

After all, the two families often moved around and met each other frequently. Less.

Especially as Mikoto gets older, this girl becomes more and more mature.

However, this kind of relationship is still at a very shallow level.

At first, Fugaku saw that Mikoto and Qianxuan were very close. Xuan looked like a nymphomaniac and was quite angry.

He felt as if his things had been taken away.

But as Qianxuan showed his terrifying strength in several battles, he also saved many Uchiha people and was very angry with Uchiha.

Fugaku was not as repulsive as others, and he was completely impressed by Qianxuan.

There was no way, it was human nature to worship the strong, and Fugaku was no exception.

In addition, Fugaku, as the young leader of the Uchiha clan, had the honor to participate in the discussion on the two-front war between the Rain Ninja and the Sand Ninja, and he also admired and appreciated Chigen’s wise words..

Because he felt that he couldn’t do what Qian Xuan did.

Therefore, he completely gave up on Mikoto and took the initiative to strangle his nascent love for her.

How could he compete with the idol anyway ? He is short of beauties, and he, the young patriarch, is not short of beautiful girls to like.


Uchiha Nobuhiko looked stunned.

He obviously didn’t have as much information as Uchiha Qianshan in this regard; especially there was no son like Fugaku to report it; therefore, he really didn’t know these details. He just learned from Mikoto From the letter, she learned that Qianxuan saved Miqin and asked him to join the team to teach her to become stronger.

Mikoto was very grateful to Qianxuan.

From the beginning to the end, Miqin never mentioned to him that she liked Qianxuan..

None of the ninjas in the frontline tribe mentioned this to him.

Either they didn’t dare to mention it, or they didn’t pay attention.

After all, they were going to Qianxuan to fight, so how could they care about such romantic matters?

“Ha ha! Sure enough, you don’t know! Ha ha!”

Uchiha Qianshan felt happy when he saw him like this.

“So, what you said is true? Mikoto likes that boy? That guy also has a crush on my Mikoto?”

Uchiha Nobuhiko asked with a dark face.

His little cotton-padded jacket was stolen silently?

“pretty close!

Uchiha Qianshan smiled and nodded:”So, what do you think?” Should we really try to get Mikoto to marry that kid?”

“Maybe it’s a good start!”

“Maybe we can really use this as a bridge to ease the relationship between Uchiha, Senju and even the village.;”

“Maybe it would be possible for Uchiha to truly and gradually integrate into Konoha!”

He really wasn’t joking when he said this. He really thought about it carefully and thought it was very feasible before he proposed it to Nobuhiko at this time.


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