Chapter 101 Chiyo and others’ guesses, Hanzo’s miscalculation


Having said this, the Third Kazekage paused for a moment, and then continued:”Duanzo has not shown up yet, and there are still hundreds of elite Nakajonin levels missing from Konoha. Where have these people gone?”

“If it were not for the lack of these elites, we would not have been able to reverse the situation and put Konoha at a disadvantage in the early stage when the opponent was fully prepared and launched a sneak attack!”

“Also, that kid Qianxuan didn’t show up very promptly.;”

“If it is really lurking in secret, it should appear an hour in advance. In this way, Konoha’s losses will be minimized.;”

“To sum up, I have a bold guess that I don’t want to believe but”

“Perhaps Hanzo did not betray us. On the contrary, he did lead the main force of Rain Ninja to intercept and fight Sengen. Danzo and the others brought more than 300 elites.;”

“However, the battle situation there exceeded everyone’s expectations. Hanzo was defeated by Konoha before he could hold on!”

“After that, Qian Xuan led people to quickly come back with flying thunder gods.;”

“How likely do you two think this is?”

At the end of these words, even the Third Kazekage himself sounded very uncertain and disbelieving.

Because if this is true, it would be too fantasy.

After hearing this, Chiyo and Ebizo looked at each other. After taking a look, his expression changed.

Chiyo couldn’t help but said:”Listening to your analysis, Mr. Kazekage, it’s really not impossible!”

“Don’t forget that Qianxuan kid’s group fighting ability!”

“The number of people actually doesn’t mean much to him! Especially the middle genin. To him, they are just cannon fodder that can be easily destroyed.;”

“And Rain Ninja is no better than an adult village like our Sand Ninja. Although he has great ambitions, most of Rain Ninja’s thousands of ninja troops are only middle genin, and even the proportion of chunin is not very high!”

“Moreover, many of their so-called jounin are almost as strong as our elite chunin.;”

“Although we had reminded him before that he should be careful of Konoha’s Sengen’s thunder escape ninjutsu, it also shows the heavy price we paid before.;”

“But because the information seems too exaggerated to ordinary people, Hanzo may not believe it.;”

“In this case, he will not be sufficiently prepared!”

“Under such circumstances, it is not impossible for Hanzo’s ninja army to be completely annihilated in a very short period of time when faced with the thunder escape of that brat Qianxuan!”

As he said that, Chiyo paused again, frowned slightly and said,”But if these speculations of mine are true, then the only thing I can’t figure out is how Hanzo was defeated? Why did he lose so quickly?”

“After all, his strength is obvious to all!”

“Definitely the pinnacle of the ninja world!”

“Although the name of a demigod is somewhat watery, it is definitely not something that Danzo, Tsunade, or even Chigen can easily deal with, right?”

“If it depends on the number of people, Hanzo has sansho fish and poison, and the ordinary number of people does not mean much to him either.;”

“Instead, it will only become a disadvantage for Konoha ninjas.”

The Third Kazekage and Ebizo frowned when they heard this.

Ebizo thought for a moment and said,”Have you noticed? This time when reinforcements came, Danzo didn’t show up! This is obviously unreasonable!”

“With Danzo’s ambition, there is no way he would let go of this opportunity to gain fame and merit!”

“Who doesn’t know that Danzo has always coveted the position of Hokage?”

“The reason why Konoha suffered a disastrous defeat last time due to our and Hanzo’s calculations may not be because Danzo was eager for quick success and too impulsive.;”

“But such Danzo did not come to support this time, and it was obviously very unreasonable to get credit and fame for nothing!”

“Therefore, I guess that Danzo either died in the battle or was severely injured and could not come.”

As for whether Danzo is staying behind to hold Hanzo back?

Haha! Neither Ebizo, Chiyo nor the Third Kazekage have had this idea at all.

Not to mention whether Danzo is so great and willing to sacrifice himself.

Danzo alone, even with hundreds of Konoha elites, is unlikely to be able to stop Hanzo for such a dangerous task!

Hanzo is destined to be defeated only by the siege of a handful of shadow-level masters. Oh! If you have the strength of Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, let’s talk about it separately.

Even if you don’t have the full strength of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, you still have one-tenth of their strength. It’s enough to take down Hanzo alone.

The so-called demigod is far from enough in front of the real ninja god and ninja Shura! It is estimated that in Uchiha Madara’s eyes, Hanzo is just a clown.

Shuzi became famous.

There is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is the king.

That’s probably it.

Hearing this, the Third Kazekage nodded and said:”So, you all agree that Hanzo did not betray the alliance, but was defeated?”


Both Ebizo and Chiyo nodded.

Chiyo added:”Taken together, although it is a bit unbelievable, this possibility is more likely and more reasonable.”

“If this is really the case, there is only one possibility. We have all underestimated the strength of Qianxuan kid.;”

“He may not only be powerful in group attacks, but also in one-on-one, and his strength is not bad when facing top experts.;”

“This can be seen from the last time he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to kill hundreds of our ninjas!”

“However, at that time, we felt that he only achieved such results simply by relying on the speed advantage of the Flying Thunder God Technique, and did not really take into account his personal peak combat power.”

Think about it, how can a monster who can master the Sage Mode and Flying Thunder God Technique at the age of 8 and create such a terrifying thunder escape be so simple?

How can it be treated with common sense?

Ebizo also added at this time:”I also agree with my sister’s judgment.;”

“I have observed in battles before that no matter whether it is Tsunade, Orochimaru or Jiraiya, they have not made any breakthrough in strength these days.;”

“Orochimaru and Jiraiya have not yet broken through the Kage level, at most they are only at the quasi-Kage level.;”

“Therefore, it is impossible that their strength exploded and they jointly defeated Hanzo.”

As for Danzo?

The three of them tacitly agreed not to mention it.

Because they know very well how strong this old guy is.

With his age and talent, it is even more impossible for him to be able to fight against Hanzo in just a few days.

As for him hiding?

This is even more impossible! If he was hiding, Danzo would have exploded when he was almost annihilated last time, right ?

Choosing to hide his strength, Ebizo really admired this old guy’s endurance and character.

After hearing this, the Third Kazekage’s face suddenly darkened:”This is the only possibility!”

“Sure enough, this kid is the real threat!”

“Ebizo, give me an additional reward of 50 million taels for this brat.;”

“In addition, write down the flattery and alienation plans before executing them to deal with this brat!”

“You must kill this kid before he fully grows up!”

At this time, the Third Kazekage’s fear of Sengen has reached its peak.

He can’t wait to get rid of it soon.

He feels that Sengen definitely has the growth potential of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

At this time, Sengen Xuan seems to be powerful, but this is probably far from his peak.

After hearing this, Ebizo was slightly startled and said:”Even if our simple guesses are wrong, in fact, Hanzo betrayed us, is this still the case? ?”

100 million ryo is really a big number.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind currently only gives them 300 million in funding a year.

This is one-third!

Ebizo and Chiyo are quite miserable.


The Third Kazekage nodded with great certainty and said:”Even if our guesses just now are all wrong, we still have to do this! We even have to ask the other three major ninja villages to follow suit.;”

“If this kid doesn’t die, who else will be able to deal with him in a few years?”

“If it really comes to that, we might be finished!”

“Again, we can’t expect the kid to be the Holy Mother of Peace like the original Senju Hashirama.”

“Judging from these few contacts, this kid is very murderous. I don’t feel like Senju Hashirama, but more like Uchiha Madara.”

“Don’t take any chances!”

“If I could use some money to deal with him before he fully grows up, I would love it!”

Be afraid, even so, you can’t kill Qian Xuan in advance!

But he can only do this.

Everything else depends on God’s will


Ebizo and Chiyo also nodded in agreement.

This is indeed the truth.

“Why! Konoha is blessed by heaven! There will always be such geniuses who are beyond common sense!”

“Who says it’s not? Luckily they had Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo! hehe!”


Qian Xuan and the others are here.

After resting for a night, we set off again, heading towards the border camp.


As a result, on the way, Qianxuan sensed the chakra of Hanzo and his men, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He notified Sakumo and the others of the matter, and temporarily stopped the army.

Not long after, they saw the troops rushing away Here comes Hanzo


As the distance got closer, Hanzo’s people apparently also discovered Konoha’s army. Hanzo immediately asked his subordinates to stop from a distance; he took two jounin to get closer and looked at Qianxuan and thousands of ninjas behind him. The troops looked further away, but did not see the sand ninja, and suddenly shouted in confusion:”Qianxuan, why are you here? Hasn’t the war between you and the sand ninjas begun yet?”

“Or… is it over?”

Because, he could see that these Konoha ninjas had more or less traces of fighting.

Many of them were still injured.

He was a little confused about the situation.

After Qianxuan heard this, he immediately He also brought Sakumo, Tsunade and a few others forward, and Qianxuan replied:”It is true that we have fought the Sand Ninja again in the Warring States Period!”

“I took some advantage from the Sand Ninja, and temporarily drove the Sand Ninja out of the Country of Rain and rushed to the Country of Sichuan!”

“Therefore, as we said before, we can temporarily put it aside to deal with the sand ninjas together.;”

“Let’s see what the sand ninja does next!”

“Since you are here at this time, how about we discuss the peace talks between you and me and your compensation?”

Qianxuan and the others analyzed it yesterday. The sand ninja who suffered two losses in the Kingdom of Rain will most likely not come to the Kingdom of Rain to fight Konoha again… even if they want to fight Konoha. , I am afraid that they will also launch an attack on the front line of Platycodon City from the Sichuan Country.

That is more suitable for the Sand Ninja.

It can also weaken Qianxuan’s thunder escape tactics to the maximum.

Only in this way can the Sand Ninja have the confidence and confidence. If we continue the war with Konoha, we might as well just withdraw our troops and negotiate peace.


Hanzo frowned after hearing this.

He didn’t expect that he had made a mistake.

“It seems that Qian Xuan, the brat, had no intention of dealing with the sand ninja according to the agreement I made with him from the beginning.;”

“But did he feel in advance that he had caught the Sand Ninja off guard?”

“What method was used? Could it be the art of Flying Thunder God?”

“So, what the Sand Ninja said last time, that the brat Qianxuan escaped from me with Tsunade and others, ran to reinforce the main force of Konoha, and used Thunder Release to cause huge casualties to the Sand Ninja, is it true?”

“Have we all underestimated this kid’s super long-distance mobility?”

Hanzo was expressionless on the surface, but he thought unhappily in his heart.

Fortunately, he was prepared to take advantage of the opportunity of cooperating to deal with the sand ninja, and he was ready to find a way to make Konoha and the sand ninja fight in a lose-lose manner!

In this way, maybe he wouldn’t have to Compensate Konoha.

Even if it is necessary, can it be reduced a lot?

Now it seems that everything is impossible.

Look at Qianxuan’s side, Hatake Sakumo and the thousands of Konoha behind. Ninja.

Hanzo sighed, thought about it, and nodded immediately:”That’s fine! Then let’s negotiate directly and agree on compensation!”

“However, you all know that the Country of Rain is poor, so I hope you don’t go too far!”

“Otherwise, even if we fight to the death, I will not agree!”

“It is true that I, the Kingdom of Rain, cannot defeat you, but if I want to escape, you cannot stop me.;”

“It is still very easy to hide after that, cause trouble for you Konoha from time to time, and assassinate your outgoing team!”

“Moreover, if the pressure is too much, I can completely surrender to the sand ninja or rock ninja.”

In a word, it’s okay to pay a price, but it must be something that Yu Ren thinks is reasonable and affordable.

Otherwise, if it exceeds the limit, they can make another choice.

Anyway, it will be beneficial to them.

“Tsk tsk!”

Qian Xuan suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this, then looked at Shuomao and said:”Teacher Shuomao, it’s up to you to do it!”

“I’m not good at negotiating or anything like that!”

“Try to reach a peace agreement!”

If Hanzo is really pushed into a hurry, he might really leave behind hundreds of rain ninjas in the distance and make peace with sand ninjas or rock ninjas.

That would be even more troublesome.

Not to mention sand ninjas, On the Iwa Ninja side, Onoki suffered such a big loss from himself yesterday and will never let it go.

After that, Iwa Ninja may officially start a war with Konoha, and may win over Hanzo and Yu Ninja in advance. It’s good to exclude Hanzo from the enemy ranks.

Otherwise, if Sengen is really called back to the village by the third generation, Hanzo will really not be able to suppress Hanzo, let alone Ohnoki who wants revenge.

We discussed and analyzed it all last night

“good! Leave it to us!!”

Sakumo smiled and nodded in agreement.

Then, he summoned Nara Shikama, representatives of various ethnic groups, etc., and began peace talks with Hanzo.

Qiangen and Tsunade returned to the ninja troops and continued to treat some of the more injured people.

He mainly went to rest last night and didn’t go to help Tsunade treat the injured.

Naturally, it was impossible for Tsunade and others to handle everything so quickly because both parties were more sincere, so there was no peace talks this time. It lasted too long.

In the end, the two sides reached a peace agreement and signed an alliance.

The rain ninja promised not to help the rock ninja and sand ninja against Konoha. Konoha compensated Konoha with

500 million taels of money and supplies.

Of course, considering that Yu Ninja was relatively poor, Konoha allowed Yu Ninja to pay

100 million taels in 1 year and pay it back in five years.

The two sides separated with satisfaction.

Hanzo took his people back to Yuren to heal his wounds, and Konoha also set off again, spending half a day rushing back to the frontline camp.

Of course, after the peace talks and the signing of the alliance, Shuo. Shigeru sent someone to return to Konoha urgently with the peace treaty and alliance, and brought it to the Third Generation, because it needed the Third Generation’s signature and seal to become official.

Of course, Sakumo was also in the letter to the Third Generation.���Understandably, he explained to the ANBU ninja who sent the letter the reason why he was in such a hurry to sign the peace treaty and covenant.

It was just that he was worried that something might change due to Onoki and he would have to finalize the matter as soon as possible.

I believe the third generation can understand.

If he can’t understand, then there’s nothing he can do about it.


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