We finally caught this guy, how could we let him escape so easily?

"Shotaro, that guy wants to escape!"


W reacted just in time to see the virtual dopant of Pidianer and Pidianer escaping.

"Don't try to escape!"

W immediately pulled out the trigger memory and inserted it into the trigger melin gun in his hand.


Ultra-high temperature flame radiation was immediately released from the muzzle, targeting the virtual dopant's back.

But how could Lu Li let the virtual dopant be killed so easily.

That guy, but there are other important things functional

"Don't even think about it!"

Immediately took out an awakening card and swiped the awakening gun.

This awakening card was the 7 of diamonds that had never been used before, Rock Tortoise.


The phantom of the card blended into the awakening gun. Lu Li aimed at the virtual dopant and immediately fired.


A bullet emitting a faint white light was shot out at a very fast speed.

Although the power of the flames released by W was powerful, its speed was still a little behind the bullet.

The bullet emitting a weak white light hit the virtual object first. Dopant.

The virtual dopant that was originally running stopped in place the moment it was hit by the bullet.


He didn't even react, and then his body was petrified at a very fast speed.

Yes, it was petrified.

The effect of the rock tortoise in block 7 is to make objects petrified and stationary, and at the same time, it can also generate barriers.

It's just that the stone is petrified. Halfway through, the powerful flame radiation instantly hit the petrified virtual dopant.


The petrified layer on the surface of the virtual doped body resisted most of the fire impact, but the powerful impact still blew it away in an instant.


Only a scream was heard, and the virtual dopant was blasted far away.

"What?! Blocked?!"

I thought I could destroy the virtual dopant with this blow, but I didn't expect to be stopped by Lu Li.

W turned to look at Lu Li and asked loudly

"What do you want to do? Don't you want to kill that guy too? Why stop me?"

The reason why he wanted to get rid of the virtual dopant so quickly was because he didn't want Robert Shijima, the user of the virtual memory, to die in Lu Li's hands.

Lu Li shook his index finger from side to side and said with a smile.

"No, I have my own plans and I don't need you to make them for me."

The virtual dopant is related to this King.form experiment. Of course, Lu Li will not allow W to easily destroy his plan.


Hearing this, W felt very speechless.

The virtual dopant that had just been blown away now got up from the ground.

Surprised, I touched my body and found that it was intact. I couldn't help but feel happy secretly.

He can't control that much right now, and neither Lu Li nor W can be dealt with by him now.

These two guys are more ruthless than the other.

One can overcome the deepest guilt in his heart, and the other doesn't even have any guilt in his heart.

Good guy!

I'm really unlucky today. I couldn't meet one of them before, but now I only meet two.

Noticing the wheels of a truck next to it, the virtual dopant quickly imitated it, turned into a huge wheel, and fled the scene quickly.

The battle here is obviously not suitable for him. If he continues to fight, he may lose his memory.

Isn't the reason why he can survive as meaningfully as he does now because of the power of memory?

"Shotaro, don't let him get away! Otherwise, we don’t know how many people he will harm.‖!"

"I know, don't worry, I won't let him run away!"

As W's voice fell, the huge Swing Sprint rushed over quickly.

Usually this thing is parked in the basement of the detective agency, and will only be called out when needed.

Although it is very large, , but the Swinging Dash can travel at high speed, otherwise it would be impossible to get here in such a short time. The

Swinging Dash unfolds from the middle, and W jumps directly to the Tough Guy in the middle and then drives. The Spinner sprint chased the virtual dopant that turned into a tire as fast as possible.

Lu Li shrugged helplessly when he saw the huge Spinner sprint going away.

"Is this bullying me for not having a car?"

Lu Li really didn't prepare a motorcycle for himself, and he wouldn't use it at all.

The main reason is that it would be faster to fly wherever he goes.

The next moment, Lu Li pulled out two latest cards.

These two awakening cards are both They are the awakening cards for high-level undead creatures.

They are the Jack of Cubes fused with the Peacock, and the Queen of Cubes absorbs the Sea Serpent. That's right, Lu Li is planning to use the Jack.form of the Cube series to quickly swipe these two high-level Undead Creatures Awakening Cards.

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

A golden peacock was suddenly released from the card and flew around Lu Li twice.

Finally, the golden peacock plunged into his chest.

The originally silver armor on his head and chest turned into gold, and at the same time, his chest The lofty symbol of the peacock appeared in the middle.

Several pairs of golden wings appeared behind Lu Li, glowing with dazzling golden light. The wake-up gun in his hand also changed, and strengthened thorns were added to the head of the wake-up gun. The blade can be used as a melee weapon.

Kamen Rider Garren.Jack.form (guard form)!

After transforming, several pairs of golden wings behind Lu Li instantly spread out, flying at lightning speed. Quickly fly in the direction where W and the virtual dopant escape.


At this time, W, who was frantically chasing the virtual dopant, had already escaped from the Sprinter on the Tough Guy.

Although the speed of the Spin Dash is not slow, the speed of the Tough Guy will be faster.

"Why are you still chasing after me?! Can't you let me go? It’s almost time to give up!"

The virtual dopant who kept escaping in front felt that he was about to collapse at this moment.

Good guy!

Is it necessary to chase so desperately?

He is just a wheel of mimicry at this time, and his speed has reached the current limit. But even so, there was still no way to get rid of W.

I thought I could escape, but I didn't expect that I thought too much.

"How could you give up! I will never let go of those guys who easily tarnish their memories!"

W's heart was filled with anger at this time.

The uncle has always been a knot in his heart. It is a memory that he does not want to uncover no matter what. It is a very painful memory.

But the guy in front of him wants to change. If you act like an uncle and teach yourself a lesson, doesn't this make it clear that you have a problem with yourself?

"Hello! What the hell is going on with you?"

The virtual dopant suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known this, he shouldn't have provoked this guy. Now it's all over.

"Remember it for me! We are...two Kamen Riders in one!"

W tightened the accelerator fiercely, and the Tough Guy chased the virtual dopant at a faster speed.


The virtual dopant being chased crazily was so frightened that it could only continue to run away.

If you don't run away, will you be captured without mercy?

Absolutely impossible!


At this time, on the other side.

The huge Super Clesis Fortress is chasing the Imperial Cavalry, and a child-like voice once again issued a death question.

"Big brother, stop struggling and give up."

For Diqi, giving up is a word that does not exist in his dictionary.

"How could you give up? As long as I haven’t forgotten those people who have been honest with me!"

"Big brother, who are you?"

Obviously it was an innocent and cute child's voice, but it was full of strong murderous intent.

"Remember, I... am a passing... Kamen Rider!"

"boom! boom!……"

At this moment, bursts of roaring sounds suddenly came from the side.

When W reacted, he suddenly found a huge fortress in the sky

"I go! What is this?!"

Even W couldn't help but be shocked when he saw such a huge fortress.

This huge fortress looks like a huge insect, usually with many mechanical tentacles, and it looks extremely destructive.

This one The fortress is the Super Clesis Fortress, which belongs to the Overhaul Card.

But now the Super Clesis Fortress is controlled by a new type of life form.

At this time, a voice like a child came from above.

"Do you want to play with me too? OK, let’s play with you then!"

Super Clesis Fortress released bursts of terrifying energy, frantically attacking the W below.



Every energy hit the ground will cause a violent explosion

���It was hit from the front, and you can almost imagine what the outcome would be.

As for the virtual dopant, I don’t know where it flew in the explosion just now.

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