Hearing Lu Li call her queen, the smile on Sonosaki Saeko's face became even bigger.

She thoroughly enjoys her current role as museum queen.

The two walked to the center of the hall and started dancing to the music.

This made Sonosaki Wakana beside her extremely envious, as she stared straight at Lu Li with her beautiful eyes.

She also wanted to dance with Lu Li, but after all, her sister was still there, so she couldn't possibly rush in and grab her at this time.

After waiting for a while, after the music ended, Lu Li and Sono Sakiko stopped.

Before Lu Li could sit down, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't wait to come to Lu Li's side.

Then, Sonosaki Wakana whispered in Lu Li's ear

"Brother-in-law, can you...can you...also invite me to dance."

The voice he spoke was so low that if you didn't listen carefully, you could hardly hear it clearly.

Lu Li glanced at Sonosaki Saeko next to him. Unexpectedly, Sonosaki Saeko was not only not angry, but also smiling.

The two sisters seemed to have a normal relationship. It's not very good. Why did Sono Saki Saeko suddenly change her gender?

He couldn't understand this, but Lu Li still took Sono Saki Wakana's delicate hand

, and looked at the big hand. I don't know why I feel a little sweet in my heart.

The banquet lasted until very late.


The next day.

As usual, Sonosaki Eko went to the company immediately after breakfast.

Similarly, after having breakfast, Sonosaki Wakana immediately went to the radio station, ready to start her work.

As usual, Lu Li took a nap before getting up.

When he came to have breakfast, there was no one there except the maid.

Even Sonosaki Ryubei had already gone out early in the morning, not knowing what to do.

Even if he didn't see Sonosaki Ryubei, Lu Li could probably guess that the old fox was probably looking for Robert Shijima.

Two days have passed, and the guy hasn't done anything to him yet, and the old fox is already a little impatient.

It just so happened that Lu Li still needed to collect further battle data, and he could even try using King.form to see if he could achieve it.

Even if it cannot be fully achieved now, it is not far off.

There is indeed a big gap between the man-made buckle and the awakening device that Joker possesses.

Just this adjustment would take Lu Li a lot of time.

After a simple breakfast, Lu Li left Sonosaki's residence.

As for where to go, he has already thought about it. Instead of waiting for the other party to come to him, he might as well take the initiative to find it.

Moreover, this time, you might be lucky enough to meet the guy who jumped repeatedly in various knight worlds.

Lu Li couldn't miss this rare battle data.

Maybe after completing this battle, King.form can be completely completed.

Just when Lu Li left Sonosaki's house, Sonosaki Ryubei was standing at the highest place, quietly watching Lu Li leave.

That's right, he didn't leave Sonosaki's house, he just simply didn't want to see Lu Li.

Anyway, after today, whether Lu Li can still be alive is another question.

"hehe! Lu Li, tomorrow... will be a morning without you."

Sonosaki Ryuhei clearly understands the abilities that Robert Shishima possesses.

There is something extremely guilty in his heart. No matter what he is feeling guilty about, Robert Shishima can manifest it.

This ability , can be said to release the deepest darkness in the target's heart, and with a little use, the target can easily be defeated due to guilt. In

Sonosaki Ryubei's view, Lu Li has never said that he has any past.

With such a strong strength, and being in such a mess when he first came here, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

There are probably things that make him feel guilty, but he has never said it out loud.

As long as he seizes this opportunity, Lu Li will definitely do it. He would not be able to live to see the sun tomorrow.

However, what Sonosaki Ryubei didn't know was that Lu Li felt no guilt for anyone, and there was no dark side that tortured him deep in his heart.

Even when he was standing in front of the virtual adulteration body.

It’s a pity that Ryubei Sonosaki takes all of this for granted.


The other side.

After experiencing what happened yesterday, Shotaro Zuo bought a bouquet of flowers early in the morning and went to the place where that night happened.

On an island, in front of a ruins.

Shotaro Zuo came here holding the bouquet of flowers, and gently placed the flowers on the pile of rocks.

A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and his thoughts seemed to return to the starting night.

It was here that the uncle died in battle.

He only regretted that he didn't have enough strength at that time to help the uncle, let alone save him.

The uncle died because of himself, which became a knot in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he lost so completely in yesterday's battle.

Because the person he was facing was the person who made him extremely guilty, so how could he do it?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side

"Are you here to visit the grave? Sweeping the grave of Narumi Shokichi."

After coming back to his senses, Zuo Xiangtaro turned his head and saw Philip standing not far behind him, playing with his hat in his hand.

"Philip? How did you come?"

Without answering his question, Philip continued to talk to himself.

"Even the body has not been found. You can only comfort yourself by doing this.

It fits your half-hearted style."

The reason why he said this is because yesterday, faced with the opponent's tricks, Zuo Shotaro hesitated in the battle. What annoyed Zuo Shotaro the most was that others called him a dilettante. He grabbed Phillip by the collar with a look on his face. sulky

"What did you say?!"

Seeing that Zuo Xiangtaro was irritated by his simple words, Philip did not rush to push him away.

"do you remember? When I first met you here, you grabbed me by the collar like this."

What happened a year ago is still fresh in Zuo Xiangtaro's memory, as if it happened yesterday, how could he forget it?"

"Think about it, Shotaro, what happened on that night, the night of initiation, when we first became Kamen Riders..."

These words were tantamount to uncovering the scars deep in Zuo Shotaro's heart and putting the bloody wounds in front of him again.

Looking at the research institute that had been reduced to ruins, Zuo Shotaro recalled

"Yes, if I could have followed uncle's instructions well, that day... uncle might not have died."

This matter has become a knot in his heart, and until now, he has never been able to untie it.

When he often has a commission, he will try his best to forget what happened that night, but sometimes he will always think of it.

I always think like this, if I had been obedient and completed the tasks assigned by my uncle honestly, maybe everything would not be like this.

"Just to pay for the sins committed that day, I keep fighting to this day."

Zuo Shotaro's face was heavy.

A large part of the reason why he chose to continue fighting was to inherit Narumi Shokichi's will.

At the same time, he also wanted to destroy the organization and prevent Fengdu from continuing to be ravaged by the power of the memory.

"Shotaro, your sin is making decisions without permission, and my sin is never making decisions on your own. We have the obligation to become one and repay our respective sins.

That's what makes us W, isn't it?

Now... I ask you the same question as that day, Shotaro, from now on, will you still have the courage to coexist with the devil?"

Before he finished speaking, Philip handed the hat in his hand to Shotaro Zuo.......

As if waiting for Shotaro Zuo to make this decision.

Looking at the hat in front of him, Shotaro Zuo took it over and carefully put it on his head.

He didn't say much, but this action already told Phillip the answer.

Subsequently, based on relevant clues and previously searched information, they successfully found the culprit in this incident.


Clues related to the Meeting of Darkness and Silence were also found.

The two people who successfully found the clues naturally rushed back immediately. They must seize the time to prevent the priest from harming others again.


Here, Lu Li has successfully found the location of the Society of Darkness and Silence.

It was not difficult for him to find this place.

Compared to Philip and Zuo Shotaro, they couldn't find the keywords and couldn't search for the target.

Lu Li could easily find the book he wanted, and he knew more keywords.

This is just a church, but after entering, you will find that this church is completely different from ordinary churches.

It looks very dark inside and gives people a very bad feeling.

When Lu Li was wandering around this dark church, he didn't see Robert Shidao.

���This guy probably hasn't come back yet, just wait a moment.

Lu Li, who was waiting here, went to a room upstairs and saw many open boxes.

Inside these boxes, there are sleeping people lying down, and the identities of these people are not simple. They are almost all celebrities in Fengdu.

All are immersed in the memories of the person they loved most who died and cannot wake up.

Suddenly, Lu Li, who was wandering around, heard a sound coming from outside.

Not long after, Robert Shijima, wearing a divine robe, threw the two people to the ground.

Robert Shijima, who originally looked happy, was suddenly filled with shock when he saw Lu Li in the room.

"You...you are...Lu Li?!"

He never expected that Lu Li would find his lair.

How did Lu Li find him before he even started to implement the plan?

When he heard Robert Shidao calling out his name, Lu Li was sure of what he wanted in his heart. Thoughts.

Sure enough, the old fox wanted to defeat himself through the power of virtual memory.

But... could the virtual dopant really find the guilt in his heart?

Lu Li was actually quite curious.

"Robert Shijima, do you think it's strange why I appear here?"

He just took two steps forward, and Robert Shijima immediately stepped back.

He looked as if he was very afraid of Lu Li.

Seeing that the other party was afraid of him, Lu Li shrugged slightly and smiled helplessly.

"how? Didn’t the old man want you to deal with me? I'm already here, but you're scared?"

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